Spirit Meat Daily Devotional For September 24, 2019 : Topic – DEALING WITH THE ROOT CAUSE OF FINANCIAL PROBLEMS – PROVERBS 23:7

By | September 23, 2019

Spirit Meat Daily Devotional For September 24, 2019 : Topic – DEALING WITH THE ROOT CAUSE OF FINANCIAL PROBLEMS – PROVERBS 23:7

The Holy Ghost alerted my mind to the fact that wrong financial attitudes are the major causes of financial problems. When we try to correct undesirable manifestations, many times we do not succeed because we try to correct manifestations without dealing with their root causes. When you are dealing with financial issues, it is important to know that there are things that cause the financial problems and struggles in the lives of people and part of it is the attitude that people sustain.

For example, attitude affects behaviour in marriage, at work places, in life and in your health; attitude also affects behaviours that create health conditions. People do things without even knowing why they do them, because they do not understand that attitudes are slippery.  Someone can find out some very powerful information that can turn his life around for good but because his attitude is wrong, he despises it.  You may have read things or heard fantastic statements about attitude, but how have you applied them to yourself?

Your attitude will govern your responses, your behaviour and your manifestations. Your attitude towards wealth will determine whether you can attract it or not, even though you are working for it. What you attract to yourself is not necessarily what you work for, but what you respect. What you attack, you cannot attract.

Here are some of the attitudes that set Christians back financially: The drive to succeed is evil; All I need to succeed in life is a divine encounter; Once I’m satisfied, I don’t bother about the rest; I don’t need financial knowledge; Executive mindset; If you are rich you cannot be like Jesus and so many others. Run away from these attitudes and soar into financial excellence.

PRAYERLord, detach me from every wrong and strange attitude that can pull me down financially in Jesus’ name.

BIBLE IN A YEARIsaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 24:1-2


Beloved Servant of God,

Greetings of love in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour…. Jesus Christ-The soon coming King!

You are specially invited to the upcoming annual ANNUAL FINANCE CONVENTION scheduled for 28-30 September 2018…Friday-Sunday



Saturday-8am & 5pm


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