Anglican Church Of Nigeria Weekly Sunday School/ Bible Studies Manual For November 3, 2019 : TOPIC –  Programmes of Christian Discipleship (curriculum .)

By | November 3, 2019

Anglican Church Of Nigeria Weekly Sunday School/ Bible Studies Manual For November 3, 2019 : TOPIC –  Programmes of Christian Discipleship (curriculum .)

Read previous Anglican Bible Studies Here

Study 3/32 November 3 Trinity 20


TOPIC : Programmes of Christian Discipleship (curriculum .)

TEXT : Matt.28:19-20 .


i. identify and understand the different stages of Christian discipleship


ii. recognize the appropriate instruments for Christian discipleship ;

iii. understand the programmes for Christian discipleship and help the Church

improve on her discipleship efforts.


The need for an effective discipleship programme in the Church has been felt

by many. What is however, lacking or absent is understanding what is

Christian discipleship, and how to do (prosecute) it. The Great Commission in

Matt. 28:19-20 maps the methods to adopt. This study will therefore attempt

to clarify these methods.


1. Explain your understanding of ‘programmes for Christian Discipleship ’.

Church of Nigeria 2019 Bible Study

2. Discuss the different stages in a discipleship development programme as

identified below:

a. Invitation/Fishing stage – John 1:38-40; Matt.4:19; Luke 5:9-11 .

b. Basic Level (for establishing a disciple) – H eb. 5:12-6:1; 1 Peter 2:2 .

c. Intermediate level (for strategic empowerment for service) Mark 3:14; 8:

27-30 .

d. Advanced level (for envisioning and maturity: raising servant leaders) –

John 4:34-35; 6:38; 21:15-18 .

3. Identify and explain the essential means for an effective discipleship

programme from: 2 Tim.4:2; Mark 3:14; 1 Cor.4:16; Matt.28:20;

Prov.22:6; Acts 15:36; 2 Tim.3:14; 2 Peter 3:18 a.

4. From the above, what do you see as the weak link in the Church’s

discipleship efforts/system today, and how can we improve?

CONCLUSION : The Great Commission is actually a command to do

discipleship. Our lack of will and zeal turns the ‘Great Commission’ to a ‘great

omission’; and in some instances, a chance occurrence. But often, ignorance of

the ‘how’ and negative lifestyles of expected disciple makers have made the

church largely ineffective. However, something really great can start right now,

if we are willing!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT : A lack of curriculum reduces discipleship to chance

occurrence in the Church.

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