May 16, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- BUYERS ONLY

May 16, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- BUYERS ONLY

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MEMORY VERSE: “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding” (PROVERBS 23:23).

A Christian writer vividly declared that, “Truth will cost you friends, for most prefer lies, superstition and tradition. Wisdom will cost you ease, for only fools believe and do anything they wish. Instruction will cost you pride, for you must accept correction from others. And understanding will cost you peace, for you will know the world’s insanity.” The Word of God encompasses all the four virtues mentioned in our text. You must cherish it, live according to its dictates, and spread the gospel message to others in order to expand the kingdom of God here on earth.

The Word of God is truth, buy it and sell it not. Let it dwell with you permanently so that you will be able to excel in life. Before you take any major decision, check up from the scriptures what the will of God is concerning it. It was D. L. Moody who said, “The scriptures were given not to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives.” Let the Word make a positive change in your life.

QUOTE: The word of God is truth, buy it.

CHALLENGE: Let the Word make a positive change in your life.

PRAYER: Help me Lord to cherish the truth always.

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