May 17, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- ACHIEVERS’ COMMON ATTITUDE

May 17, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- ACHIEVERS’ COMMON ATTITUDE

Read previous Devotionals here


SUNDAY MAY 17, 2020



MEMORY VERSE: “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men” (PROVERBS 22:29).

Hard work must accompany faith, visions and dreams. If you want to make any headway in what you are doing, hard work must be your watchword. Watchman Nee, harping on diligence, says, “Everyone who is ever used by God labours and works diligently in His service. He is always on the alert lest he squander his time or strength.

“Those who are always looking for an opportunity for rest and recreation are not worthy of being called God’s servants. God’s servants cannot adopt a lazy living. They seek to buy up every opportunity that is available to them.” Give your best in whatever you do. Be studious and never accept failure as an option. If you fail, rise, do not remain down.
Utilize every opportunity you have to accomplish what you want. “I never won anything without hard labour and the exercise of my best judgment and careful planning and working long in advance,” says Theodore Roosevelt. You will surely be at the top if you work hard. Be a friend of Jesus, you will achieve.

QUOTE: Be studious and never accept failure.

CHALLENGE: You will surely be at the top if you work hard.

PRAYER: Give me grace to achieve my goals, O Lord Jesus.

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