June 3, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- THEY CAME, SAW AND BELIEVED

June 3, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- THEY CAME, SAW AND BELIEVED

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TEXT:JOHN 2:13-25

MEMORY VERSE: “Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did” (JOHN 2:23).

At the time of the Passover, a yearly commemoration of the deliverance of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt by God’s intervention, many people usually went to Jerusalem to observe the feast. People who went for the feast saw the miracles performed by Jesus as our text above says, and many believed in Him.

This shows clearly that miracles activate faith to believe the gospel. It should be made clear however that it is not everything that seems miraculous that is from God. Remember Pharaoh’s magicians!

We, as believers, must not miss any opportunity to show forth the glory of God. When people attended the Passover feast, Jesus ensured that they heard the truth and saw God’s power at work. Miracles are proof providers. Many people’s doubts concerning Christ were cleared and they had no option but to believe on Him.

Pray and use every opportunity to preach Christ, be it at school, camp meeting or social gatherings. Just as T. L. Osborn’s miracles drew multitudes to Christ, so did Billy Graham’s powerful preaching. Go and do likewise.

QUOTE: Miracles are proof providers.

CHALLENGE: Use every opportunity to preach Christ.

PRAYER: Lord, I believe. You are the Christ.

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