April 25, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – PRAY FOR THE LAND.

By | April 24, 2021

April 25, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – PRAY FOR THE LAND.

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Sunday, April 25, 2021.

(World Malaria Day)


Read Hosea 4:1-10

Memorise: If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I  will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7: 14).


A keen look into our society today reveals the picture of the Bible says of Hosea chapter four. We are in a time and generation where the fear of God our Creator has no place in the heart of man. Almost every one is acting in an ungodly manner. Just like in those days, lying, corruption, killing, ritual killing, stealing, looting of public funds, lawlessness, terrorism  etc. (Hos.4:2) are also the motions and activities now in our days.

Owing to the above, our hand is already in a mourning state (His. 4:3), wasting away its human and natural resources. We live in the midst of plenty but wallow in hunger and scarcity. Strange things are happening around us daily, including strange sicknesses *(ebola, Lassa-Fever, Corona virus, etc). Today is World Malaria Day, and you would agree that the kind of Malaria ravaging some places in the world today is alarming. Only God can save us from this and many other consequences of deliberately disobeying God in this generation.

The ministers and church the truth and going into palliatives without digging deep into the real causes of these global maladies. The Church is no longer seriously raising “disciples” who would go into all spheres of life (education, banking, politics, sports, medical, etc) to reflect the love and standards expected by God. The worse is that the Church no longer has time for praying, fasting, and standing in the gap for the countries of the world.

The only way out is total repentance, using the standard recommendation of 2 Chronicles 7:14. The Church must repent, the nation must repent, and it must start from you today. Do it now!


1. O Lord, have mercy on me and my household.

2. O Lord, have mercy on the Church and her leaders.

3. O Lord, have mercy on our nation and save us from the terrible effects of disobeying Your Law.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: I Samuel 3:29-7:7; Luke 17:2-17:23.

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