C.A.C SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Eternal Plan of God for Man For May 19, 2019.

C.A.C SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Eternal Plan of God for Man For May 19, 2019.

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Eternal Plan of God for Man.
May 19, 2019.

II.    THE GLORY OF THE CITY (Revelation 21:10-22; 22:3-6)
When John wrote about a street paved with gold, there is no need doubting his words. He simply reported what he saw in his vision with what we could grasp. They are also meant to tell us that the things we value so highly (gold, diamond, etc) in this life will be used to pave the roads in heaven, imagine! But this is the fact, Heaven won’t be anything like we envisage; it will be much greater.

A.    THE DESCRIPTION OF IT (21:10-22)
And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God (v. 10).
i.    v. 11: … and her light was like a stone most precious. The sun, moon, and stars will no longer function in that glorious city. The glory of God (Shekinah) will shine with its lustre upon the bride of Jesus. Oh! One glorious morning is coming soon for there will be no night, darkness and wickedness that pervade this earth there.
ii.   vv. 12-14: The New Jerusalem will be a defence city with its walls greater and higher than that of Jericho. Wall symbolises security and safety. You will no longer fret for the enemy, because they are no more.
iii.   vv. 16-18: The City is well saturated, built with most precious stones. No more collapsed structures. The city lying foursquare signifies that all shall be equal — no rich, no poor, no white, no black. Oppression is far from it, because the ungodly shall not be there (Isa. 29:5; Rev. 21:27). Would you be there? The dimension is no large to accommodate all who would accept the Lordship of Jesus.
iv.   v. 21: The eternal city is laden also with transplant glass. The nations and people that are saved will walk in the light of Christ; walking with Christ in their white apparel, having communion with God and with one another. There will be no more secret. Hope you will start living a transparent life here in all things.
v.   v. 22: The great city has no physical temple for the gathering of people for worship because, the  Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its Temple where individual has access to serve and worship God forever.
vi.   The city is a place of indescribable glory where the chosen of God will live with one another, in the immediate presence of God, and of the Lamb, and where they would see Him, in all His glory, face to face. It is a place where the curse of sin and all of its effects have been removed forever, from all who dwell there. Strive not to be left behind.

“There shall be no night there: They need no lamb nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever” (Rev. 22:5).
i.    vv. 1-3: There shall be no more  curse in the Holy city because, sin which cause curse will be no more. Satan, the originator of rebellion, has no place there (19:20; 20:10,14,15; 21:8).
ii.   v. 3c: … His servants…  Yhere shall be no divided loyalty (cf. Rom. 6:16). All allegiance shall be to God. Believers who make it to that glorious city will serve God forever. By that time, nothing wilk hinder anybody any more — job, friends, commitments, ego, pride, rebellion, anxiety, etc
iii.   v. 4: This is the best thing that can happen to man: seeing God as He is (cf. Exo. 33:18-23; 1 Jn. 3:2). Why do ‘Prophets’ deceive us here? They claim to know God better than others do. You will no longer be deceived because you are face to face with your Creator. Don’t miss that Place.
iv.   God’s mark of ownership will be boldly written on believers’ foreheads as against the 666 mark of the beast (cf. 13:17,18).
v.   Life in the New Jerusalem would be full of unspeakable joy (cf. 1 Pet. 1:8) that none can afford to miss — life of fellowship with the Lord Jesus (Jn. 14:3; 1 Cor. 13:12; Rev. 22:4), glory (2 Cor. 4:17; Col. 3:4), rest (14:13), holiness (21:27), service without problem (22:3), abundance of God’s blessings (21:6), and worship (7:9-12; 1-6).
vi.   There is one other thing you won’t find in heaven. There are no cemeteries in the city God builds. Why? There are no funeral … for in that glad city, no one ever dies spiritually or physically. Do you desire to be there?

1.    The life of trouble here on earth is just for a while; it would soon be over, Jesus is coming soon to usher in the glorious life of eternal bliss in His presence for true believers in Him.
2.    The glory of the eternal city is what one shouldn’t forfeit. So, purify yourself, being without spot or blemish, so that you shall not be put to shame at His Coming.

1.    Describe the restoration of the Edenic glory in the eternal Kingdom of Christ.
2.   How glorious would the New Jerusalem be?

i.    Firstly, let us give thanks to the Lord, who, in His mercy and love, never repents of His plan for man, despite the disobedience that caused the fall of man, from the first Eden.
ii.   The union with God and the Son (Lamb) shall be restored, and there shall be marriage of the Lamb to those who are ready (Rev. 19:7-9).
iii.   Restoration of the edenic glory in the eternal Kingdom of Christ would re-establish all what we have lost in the Garden of Eden.
iv.   The Kingdom that would be restored (established) then shall remain forever.
v.    The occupants of heaven (The restored edenic) then shall be freed from sin itself, from the causes of sin, and from the consequences of sin.

i.    To speak of the glory of heaven using words that cannot describe it. It is unspeakable and it’s beyond our imagination.
ii.   The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the formal, ‘says the Lord of hosts’ And in this place I will give peace… (Hag. 2:9). For the Lord God Almighty and Lamb are the temple of it (Rev. 21:22).
iii.  We don’t need the visitation of the trinity again (Gen. 3:8). Because we shall be in God’s dwelling place (Psalm 33:13). Where Christ was/is today (Acts 1:11). The Father’s house (John 14:2). A city designed and built by God (Hebrews 11:10). A better country (Hebrews 11:16). Paradise (Luke 23:43).
iv.   They shall behold the infinite glory of the Almighty One, in as great a capacity as they are capable of. They shall not behold Him only at a distance, but “face to face” (I Corinthians 13:12).
v.   Men have seen golden thrones, palaces, exquisite diamonds, rubies, and pearls. Len can conceive of handfuls of diamonds, field of jewels, and building of gold, glittering in the noonday sun, but men cannot imagine the glory of heaven, never.
vi.   Heaven is a God-like place.
vii.  Who can imagine the things we wanted to describe? We shall never understand the glory fully, till we are in heaven. Make sure you are there.

Here is the old story of the rich man who, on his deathbed, negotiated with God to allow him to bring his earthly treasures with him, when he came to heaven. God’s reaction was that this was a most unusual request, but since this man had been exceptionally faithful, permission was granted to bring along just one suitcase. The time arrived; the man presented himself at the pearly gates, suitcase in both hands, actually, since he had stuffed it with as many bars of gold bullion and diamonds as would fit. The angel said, “Sorry, you know the rules — you can’t take it with you.” But the man protested, “God said I could… one suitcase.” The angel checked, found out that this one would be an exception, prepared to let the man enter, then said, “OK, but I will have to examine the contents before you pass.” He took the suitcase, opened it, saw the gold bars and asked quizzically, “You brought PAVEMENT?” What we seriously craved for in this earth would be a mere thing in heaven. Stop pursuing what will be destroyed in this earth but what would be everlasting — Eternal Kingdom of God.

Finally, the glory of heaven should make you extremely zealous to give your life to Christ, walk in holiness and for the conversion of souls, while you are here. Do you wish to be with your, yet unconverted friends, relatives, and acquaintance in glory? Then labour with all your might, to get your soul safe and for their conversion. Do not be selfish with your time, seeking after your own happiness; you are called to arms, to battle against the devil and all his forces, taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Seek diligently the eternal welfare of others! How shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And vow shall they believe in whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? (Rom. 10:14). Remember the words spoken to Daniel: Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever (Dan. 12:3).

Mon.    13:    Sincerely Treasure Our Heavenly Conversations (Phil. 3:20)
Tue.     14:    Seek the Eternal City (Heb. 13:14)
Wed.    15:    Savour the City of God’s Abundance (Rev. 21:6)
Thur.   16:     Sanctification is Key to Getting There (Rev. 22:14)
Fri.       17:    Sun, Moons, None in God’s City (Rev. 21:23)
Sat.      18:    Sin Shall in No Wise Enter (Rev. 21:27)

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