September 16, 2020 Living Water CAC Daily Devotional Guide :- TOPIC : A CULTURE OF HONOUR

By | September 16, 2020

September 16, 2020 Living Water CAC Daily Devotional Guide :- TOPIC : A CULTURE OF HONOUR



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Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer


Read: Philippians 2:20

For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. (Philippians 2:20).

A “culture of honour” is about building a strong culture in which where people sincerely honour one another. And it works in all directions—pastors, church leaders, departmental/unit leaders, church members and everyone honouring each other without partiality. It is not just about the members honouring the pastors; it is also about the pastor honouring the members.

To honour someone is to have great respect for someone and to highly esteem that person. It is also about giving that person room to be all that God wants the person to be and do all that the Lord intends for him or her to do. It is not about controlling each other, but giving generously to one another. It certainly is not about speaking ill of each other, but speaking highly of one another. The wonderful thing about having a culture of honour is that you will have less bickering and less bed feelings; instead, our churches will have more love, more unity, and more power.

When the culture of honour is present, people are happier, they succeed in life, and they spread their joy wherever they go. The Apostle Paul says in Philippines 2:20, “ESV:For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.” He was referring to Timothy and he spoke very well of him. How would you feel if someone spoke this way about you? You would be encouraged. Right? And you would want to do even better the next time, and do it happily and eagerly!

As you walk with the Lord, today begin to practice this culture of honour and watch what the Lord will do when you build each other up! Even as the whole world emphasises the preservation of the ozone layer, we should priorities the preservation of our relationship in the Lord through the culture of honouring one another in the Lord. It is going to be amazing! Go ahead and honour people around you.

1. Help me, Lord, to begin to esteem brethren around me as important and better.
2. O Lord, deliever believers from egoistic spirit that stirs up arrogance in us.
3. Lord, help the world to become a better place through leaders honouring their followers while leading them.


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