June 26, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – MODERATION

June 26, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – MODERATION

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Saturday, June 26, 2021. International Day against Drugs Abuse & Illicit Trafficking & United Nations International Day in support of  Victims of Torture.


Read: Romans 14:12-23

MEMORISE: Let Your gentleness be know to all men, The Lord is at hand. (Philippians 4:5)


When the use of something is not known, it’s abuse is unavoidable. Nations of the world dissipate a lot of resources towards waging war against drug abuse. However, the social menace and ill is still very rampant! God created all creatures purposively and the end results is to bring pleasure to Him (Rev.4v11).

There is nothing taken in excess that does not have adverse effect. Even the normal regular foods and drinks are advisedly to be taken moderately. More so, in such a manner that glorifies God. (1 Cor.6v20). Remember, it was out of the fermented grapes that Noah made wine with which he drank himself to stupor! (Gen.9v21). Allowing your regular banana or orange to get fermented for days will leave it prone to secretion of alcohol, which consequently intimidates! God expressly gave specification of food and drinks to Israel as a peculiar nation in the Old Testament (Lev.10:9-10).

This indicates that God is interested in His people’s spiritual well-being as in their physical aspect too (3 Jn.2). Although, no security agent arrest you for taking four tablets of Paracetamol as against two or three, something else can do! What if the effect damages your system? We must be very careful to do things moderately. You may say non-alcoholic drinks have no negative effects, however, too much of these are detrimental to your own health, in one way or the other.

No one can actually tell the number of lives lost prematurely to drug abuse! How many have got insane, depressed and irresponsible due to narcotics? What has given rise to unabated killings, banditries, terrorism and violence, is not far away from this menace. The Bible, according to king James version, says that our moderation must be known to all men. (Phil.4v5)You can always be an agent of positive change in the society by sharing this message.


1. Lord, deliver our youths from the rampaging scourge of drug abuse.

2. Father Lord, help each believer to understand the need for rest. God rested having working for some days.

3. God, shine Your light into the lives of Your children to know what they are overdoing.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: 2 Chronicles 3:9 – 6:18, Acts 3:21 – 4:16

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