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 Sunday, June 27th


Devotional Reading: Isaiah 38:16-20

Background Scripture reading: Matthew 14:22-33

Lesson Scripture reading: Matthew 14:22-33

Golden Text: Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:

I.  Define what miracles are;

ii.  List at least four (4) things Peter did that can be likened to amazing feat;

iii. Renew their commitment to worship God meaningfully for who He is and what He is doing in their lives.


Mr Hushman Thunder is a Scientist and an Atheist. He does not believe in God or His power to work miracles. One day, having argued with some people about the existence of God, he took his students to the laboratory for an experiment. He successfully had a mixture of highly exclaimed, “I have performed a miracle by turning chemical to wine like they said Jesus did at a wedding in Canaan.” Of course, his motive was to discredit God and His power to work miracles. Interestingly, the leader of the group is a Christian. Knowing his intention, he stood up and challenged Mr Hushman’s so called miracle. He asked him to drink the supposed wine because produced people the was and wine drunk they Jesus by were blessed. The Scientist bowed down in shame and nodded his head in refusal to drink his self-made wine.

Miracles are wonders and extraordinary events that manifest divine intervention in human affairs. According to the Advanced English Dictionary, they are happenings that do not follow the laws of nature and it is believed to be caused by God. They are also God’s divine responses to impossible situations. It should be known that God will not come down from heaven to perform miracles but He uses people. Sometimes, the people that He uses are the very ones that the miracles will happen in their lives. Today’s narrative centres on two people (Jesus and Peter) and their adventure: walking on water. One may not be surprised that Jesus walked on water; after all, He is the Lord over everything. But for Peter, an ordinary man, walking on water was an amazing feat worthy of emulation.


A. Divinely Initiated Voyege. Matthew 14:22-27

Jesus Christ had just fed more than 5000 people with two loaves of bread and five fishes. According to John’s account, the people wanted to make Him king because of this miracle but He withdrew unto a mountain to pray and to be alone with God (John 6:1-15). Nevertheless, while He sent His disciples ahead by boat to the other side of the lake (Bethsaida), He also sent the people away. When evening came, Jesus was alone and the boat was far on the sea, being tossed about by the waves of the sea. Shortly before dawn, Jesus Christ came to His disciples that were already in a life threatening situation, walking on the water. When they saw Him, they became more terrified and began to do His true identify. They said to one another, “It’s a ghost,” and cried out in fear. Jesus quickly calmed their fear and said to them, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (v. 27).  Job spoke of God’s ability to walk on water as a means by which His omnipotence is demonstrated (Job 9:8). When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they assumed that they were seeing a ghost, and therefore cried out in fear. They were greatly terrified because they were in the boat alone at night when the turbulence began. In fact, this is the second time they would experience a life-threatening disaster on the same lake (Matthew Nonetheless, 8:23-27). Christ Jesus reassured them of His true identify. The fact that Jesus Christ initiated the voyage did not stop the storm from threatening the lives of the disciples. It implies that as Christians, we are not immune to experiencing difficulties and oppositions as we struggle to accomplish our God-given tasks. The consolation we have is that God has promised never to abandon us when it matt = most (John 16:33; Hebrews 13:5), just like He did not abandon the disciples.

Discussion Time 1

1. Let a class member narrate an experience of opposition or hardship in doing what he knows is divinely initiated.

2. Why did the disciples not recognise Jesus Christ when they saw Him walking on the water?

B. Peter’s Faith and Jesus’ Intervention Matthew 14:28-33

Jesus’ response disciples’ assumption that they were seeing a ghost in verse 16 doused their fear. Then Peter was encouraged and did four amazing things:

*    He recognised the lordship of Jesus (v. 28a).                        He addressed Him as “Lord.” Many people do not recognise Jesus as the Lord of their lives, especially when they are faced with challenges. some life’s

*   He took the initiative and asked Jesus to command him to come to Him. Jesus was pleased with his kind of faith and commanded him to come.

*   He demonstrated strong faith: He was ready to leave his comfort zone and take the risk of walking on the sea to meet Jesus (v. 29a), in spite of the wave that buffeted and tossed their boat.

*   He took a step of faith and began to move on water toward Jesus (v. 29b). Unfortunately, when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened and began to sink in the water. However, he cried and quickly beckoned on Jesus to save him. Jesus stretched out His hand and grabbed him, “You of little faith,” He said, “why did you doubt, immediately, they both entered the boat and the wind ceased. Having witnessed the miracle, the other disciples in the boat worshipped Jesus saying, “Truly, you are the Son of God.” Peter who started with faith later lost focus on Jesus and concentrated on the strength of the wind; thus he began to sink. The testimony is that he did the right thing by crying out to Jesus who rescued him from drowning. Anyone who will do amazing feat in this world is bound to face trials of all kinds (John 16:33; Acts 14:22). The assurance we have is Jesus’ promise to deliver and save us. The encouragement in the lesson is that Christians should learn to do the right thing, like Peter who cried out to Jesus to save him at the verge of sinking (v. 30b). He did not rely on his experience as a professional fisherman who could maneuver his way on the sea. He must have remembered many of God’s promises of safety from danger (Psalm 50:15; 91:15; Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 7:7). Ultimately, the other disciples worshipped Jesus Christ and reaffirmed their faith in Him.

Discussion Time

1. Let class members comment on Jesus’ words in verse 31. Allow them to give their opinions, whether the comment was a rebuke or commendation.

2. Discuss some things that easily cause fear in the heart of Christians and how to overcome them.

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity

• Let class members discuss the pros and cons of going to the mountain to pray, as it is common these days.

• Encourage class members to do amazing feats this week and be ready to share their testimonies next week.

Take Home

. Christians are not alone in their struggles and challenges.

• Whenever we call on Jesus, He hears us.

• Christians should endeavour to take some steps of faith, trusting that God will be with them, even when their faith falters.

. God is bigger than our problems.

• God hears our cries for help always.

• Believers should focus Jesus and not the size of their problems.

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