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NBC Sunday School Manual For December 19, 2021 :Topic – JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS REIGN

NBC Sunday School Manual For December 19, 2021 :Topic – JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS REIGN

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SUNDAY, December 19, 2021


Background Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:1-7

Lesson Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:2-7

Golden Text: Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from
that time on and forever. Isaiah 9:7

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:

I. Relate the characteristics of an ideal ruler as described in the passage to everyday life.

II. Discuss how believers can impact the society positively with the light of God’s Word.

III. Resolve to promote justice and righteousness in their families, churches and communities.


Deacon John Apele is the Sunday School Superintendent of Wonderful Baptist Church. He is respected and known for his creativity, especially in ‘ opening sections. He cannot be predicted. One Sunday, he walked into the church with four colourful cardboards. He lifted and opened the cardboards and allowed members to read the inscriptions on each of them.

▪︎ A Wonderful Counsellor who gives reliable guidance.

▪︎ A Mighty God who provides strength and protection.

▪︎ An Everlasting Father who soothes and comforts.

▪︎ A Prince of Peace who brings calmness, even in times of trouble.

Again, the people were excited and waited eagerly to hear from Deacon John Apele. He asked the members to write the name of the one who is qualified to be described with the titles.

The focus of today’s lesson is Prophet Isaiah’s prophecy about the transition from a time of trouble, darkness and dismay to a time when God’s promised Messiah (Jesus) will reign with justice and righteousness. He will serve as a counsellor, provide strength and protection, comfort and bring calmness in time of trouble.


A. The Promise of a New Dawn Isaiah 9:2-3

The last few verses of chapter 8 seem to convey the bitterness and despair of those who will suffer as a result of Assyria’s attack (Isaiah 5:30). According to history, the northern tribes of Zebulun, lssachar and Naphtali were less important than the southern tribes (Joshua 9). When Israel entered the land of Canaan, both Zebulun and Naphtali were given their portion of land in the far north (Joshua 19:10-23, 32-39). However, Isaiah had predicted the fall of Israel due to their stubbornness and unwillingness to obey God as they had been commanded. They deliberately chose darkness instead of light. So, when Assyria finally invaded Israel under Tiglath-Pileser, Naphtali and Zebulun principally suffered severe devastation because the people were taken as prisoners (2 Kings 15:29). Consequently, they continued to live in darkness of unbelief, which eventually led them to physical and spiritual death. Amazingly, Prophet Isaiah prophesied a new dawn when the people would see the light of salvation and the hope of a better future. The implication is that they would enjoy honour again as the shadow of death gives way to the light of God. Two analogies are used in verse 3 to describe the effect of the light that will shine on the people: (i) great joy that will be like the joy of farmers over great harvest and, (2) the joy of soldiers when they get treasures as a result of victory in a battle.

The promise of a new dawn as prophesied by Isaiah makes the transition from the period of darkness and depression to a time of hopeful state of joy and peace. This is perhaps the reason Matthew draws our attention to the fact that it was in this northern part, with mixed population, that Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel and performed His miraculous works. Thus this prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus came and started His ministry in Galilee of the Gentiles (Matthew 4:14-16). The people who once lived in darkness have received the light of God, through the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Therefore, those who have received Jesus as their Saviour and Lord will become light to the nations, according to Jesus’ words. He said, “…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). We must be reminded that as light dispels darkness, Christians must strive to dispel darkness by living their lives to glorify God, impart lives and preach the message of salvation to the unsaved.

Discussion Time 1

Like Israel, what are some likely troubles Nigeria is suffering for as a result of disobedience to God?

1. Discuss how Jesus, the Messiah has become our Deliverer.

2. Identify ways the world at large can experience deliverance.

B. Deliverance Promised Isaiah 9:4-5

Historically, the oppressors were the Assyrians, but in a deeper sense, the Assyrians only meted out the judgment of God on Israel for their acts of disobedience against His will. However, God promised total deliverance. He said the yoke that burdened the people and the whip that scourged them would be completely destroyed just like they defeated the Midian army, under the leadership of Gideon (Judges 7-8). Supposedly, the Lord would establish His peace and would no longer permit war. According to the passage, weapons of war would be made into useful tools and clothing of the soldiers would be burnt in fire (v. 5). It was believed then that the burning of heaps of armour gathered from battlefield was an offering to God, the Giver of victory. It was a custom that prevailed among some heathen nations, but the Romans used it as an emblem of peace, which is similar to the way Prophet Isaiah used it in this passage. Thus when the blood stained clothing and the boots of the invading army are burnt, it signifies that the enemy has been conquered and peace has returned. Ultimately, this prophecy found its fulfilment at the coming of Christ, our Redeemer and Deliverer. His coming has brought peace in p|ace of war, victory and redemption.

Discussion Time 2

1. Discuss how Jesus, the
Messiah has become our Deliverer.

2. Identify ways the world at large can experience deliverance.

C. An Ideal Ruler Isaiah 9:6

The most outstanding of God’s promise to His people was the coming of an ideal ruler who would bring a turnaround in the lives of the Israelites. Without doubt, the promise was about the birth of a child (Jesus) who is called to reign. He is the Immanuel whose birth is announced in chapter 7 verse I4. Specifically, verse 6 has the record of who He would be, what He would do and His character. Therefore, the declaration: “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” speaks of a very special Son, the Son of God whom the Father will give to the whole world. Isaiah recorded four names that would characterise His functions as the Messiah:

~▪︎Wonderful Counsellor: This name is only used for God and never for humans. It shows that the Messiah is supernaturally wonderful and will do things that will transcend human imagination things that will cause people to marvel. Jesus is the only One who possesses perfect wisdom and has the words of eternal life. As Counsellor, He will guide people through the help of the Holy Spirit to reconcile with His Father.

-▪︎ The Mighty God: The word ‘Mighty’ refers to a hero, a Champion, or warrior. It is used to describe a variety of powerful men in the Scripture such as Boaz (Ruth 2:1), David (1 Samuel 16:18), and even Goliath (1 Samuel 17:51). The understanding is that the Son will come as a man and at the same time as God. Although He would be born as a child, He will have the same nature as His Father.

~▪︎ The Everlasting Father: This means that there will be no end to His reign. This is only true of the Messiah because He has no beginning or end. He reigns forever.

.▪︎ The Prince of Peace: He will rule the world with power, the wisdom of God and His reign will usher in peace. When His kingdom is fully established, human beings will no longer know war. In verse 7, the Son is described as King David’s successor who has righteousness and justice as the base of His power. In fact, these characteristics suit Jesus. He is an ideal leader who will not breach peace but rule and reign in peace. In like manner, an ideal leader is expected to promote peace in their families, churches and communities and the nation at large.

These verses are memorable prophecies of the incarnation of Christ, the Saviour. Thus only the Messiah can be spoken of in all these terms and He reigns and fulfils these attributes as One who continually guides because of His nature as God and Man, the source of our peace who reigns is from everlasting to everlasting.

Discussion Time 3

1. How can believers celebrate Jesus as Immanuel and as the ultimate author of peace and justice, especially in our nation?

2. Discuss Jesus’ role as a warrior.

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity

.▪︎ Identify some attributes to look for in a true hero and compare with the qualities of Jesus in our text today.

.▪︎ Let each class member write at least five lessons they have learned from today’s lesson.

Take Home

.▪︎ Believers are expected to shine like light in this dark world.

.▪︎ With God, there is always hope for a new beginning.

-▪︎Christians should endeavour to be apostles of peace.

.▪︎ We should continue to have faith in God and trust that justice, peace and righteousness will ultimately prevail in Nigeria.

-▪︎Jesus reigns forever and He is the ideal Ruler, our source of peace.

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