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Anglican Bible study Study 45, November 6, 2022 : Topic – Peace

Anglican Bible study Study 45, November 6, 2022 : Topic – Peace
Read previous Anglican Bible Studies here
SUB-THEME: Evidence of godly rule- 5
TOPIC: Peace
TEXTS: 1Kings 4:20-24
i. to highlight what constitutes peaceful coexistence from a contemporary perspective and
ii. to teach the basis for global peace as Christ’s livelihood.
Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there is no fighting or war in a nation or social set-up. In such a situation, everything co-exists in perfect harmony and freedom. The reign of Solomon is a biblical example that reveals the possibility of a peaceful rule in any particular government. However, there are factors that contribute to a peaceful rule and also the ones that contribute to the reign of terror in the contemporary society. What are these factors especially in terms of global peace?
Isa 2:1-4; 1Pe 3:10-11
1. Analyze equal distribution of power, position, wealth and security in the context of Solomon’s reign in the text today (1Kings 4:1-20) and discuss how these can be major factors for peaceful reign.
2. Go swiftly through 1Kings 3:11-13 and analyze the bases for Solomon’s peaceful reign. From your analysis, what are the bases for peaceful coexistence in any government and compare with the factors destroying the peace in our contemporary society?
3. How can you explain peace in the global perspective and mention some of the war-torn areas in the world and the possible causes. Discuss this in the context of Isa 2:4
4. How can the knowledge of God be an important factor for a global and peaceful co-existence? Prov 16:7; Isa 2:3; John 14:27; Rom 8:31; 1Pet 3:10-11.
As long as Satan continues to be the prince of this world (Rev 12:9), he will always disturb global peace and continuously instigate wars. Only those in Christ Jesus and who have the fear of the Almighty God will continue to factorize peace and live by it in the world. As Christians, we have a challenge to always abide by what will promote peace around us.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: “For Satan for war; For Christ for peace!”.
MEMORY VERSE: Isa 2:4 “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more”.
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