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NBC Sunday School Manual For July 28, 2024 : Topic – GOD REDEEMS US

NBC Sunday School Manual For July 28, 2024 : Topic – GOD REDEEMS US

Read previous NBC Sunday School Mnauals here



Theme for the Month:: “EXPRESSING HOPE.”



Devotional Reading: Matthew 25:1-13.

Background Scripture: Psalm 130.

Lesson Scripture: Psalm 130.

“Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.” Psalm 130:7

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Discuss what it means to wait on God;
● Mention the benefits associated with forgiveness;
● Make a personal commitment to forgive all who have offended them from the depth of their hearts.

A couple once had a misunderstanding and the woman decided to go to their pastor for counselling. The pastor invited the duo to his office to settle the disagreement. Having listened to both parties as they accused each other, he appealed and emphasised the need for them to forgive each other, according to God’s command. He was, however, perplexed when the man brought out an old diary that contains a list of the woman’s offences, with specific dates and occasions since the day they got married. All attempts by the pastor to pacify the man to forgive his wife, so they can begin to live normal lives, failed. Many Christians are like this man; despite their friendly disposition, commitment to the service of God and giftedness, they find it difficult to forgive those who have offended them.

Sometime ago, I listened to a message preached by Pastor Sam Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Centre on ‘Forgiveness.’ He said, “I do not forgive people for their sins because of their personality but because the Scripture repeatedly encourages believers to forgive their offenders, as Christ has forgiven them their sins.” One of the attributes of God is forgiveness and He does not keep record of our sins. Our God forgives, and His desire is that humankind will be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). He is always ready to receive any sinner who repents and restore His relationship with him or her. From the passage, it is obvious that the psalmist realised that God is loving as well as forgiving and that is why he asked for mercy. When a sinner cries out to God for help, He responds with His abundant love and redemptive power. Today’s lesson reveals a loving and forgiving God who is attentive to the cries and supplications of the needy or destitute. The lesson also enumerates the need to trust, wait and hope in God who alone can save and redeem lost souls.


[Psalm 130:1-4]

Psalm 130 is a psalm of remorse-it pictures the state of someone who is in despair. The psalmist was conscious of his own sins as he expressed sorrow. He cried out for help and said in verses 1 and 2, “Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.” The word ‘Depths’ as used in the passage may mean a state of helplessness, persecution, affliction, weariness of the soul or total confusion. His declaration in verse 4 suggests that the psalmist realised the power of God to forgive sins. He affirmed that God forgives so that we may serve Him with reverence.

The fact remains that no one can stand God’s judgment, if He decides to deal with sinners according to what they deserve. Thus, the psalmist pleaded for mercy. As it is used in the passage, to ‘keep a record of’ means to hold one accountable for his sins or document one’s sins probably for posterity. However, believers have received forgiveness through the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross of Calvary. God forgives sinners when they cry out for mercy. He will hear them. In contrast, anyone who regards iniquity in his or her heart will not be heard by God (Isaiah 59:1-3). Therefore, when we sin, we should acknowledge our sins, confess genuinely and repent so that we will receive forgiveness and begin to experience a time of refreshing with songs of praise to God (Psalm 40:1-5; Acts 3:19). Besides, when our sins are forgiven, our prayers will be answered (Psalm 66:18), and our relationship with God will be strengthened.

1. No one can endure the judgment of God. Discuss.
2. Identify the different ways people take the mercy of God for granted today.

[Psalm 130:5-8]

After an appeal for mercy, in recognition of the fact that God forgives sins, the psalmist expressed his eagerness to wait for the Lord’s help with hope and trust in his Word. The encouragement to trust God’s Word is in accordance with God’s promise to save those who call on Him for help. He compared his eagerness to wait on God’s help with the watchman who waits for the dawn of a new day (v. 6). Thereafter, he admonished Israel to put their hope in the Lord by saying, “Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.” (v. 7) Two things are important in this verse:
● God’s constant love for Israel as a reason for them to put their hope in Him.
● God’s willingness to save them (forgive them) from all their sins. Without doubt, this is an assurance that God will both forgive people their sins and restore them to right living with Him (Matthew 1:21; Titus 2:14).

To continually hope in the Lord is the antidote for peace and restoration for those who are living in hopelessness as a result of their sins. The admonition is timely because of God’s love and willingness to save those who call on Him for help. We must understand that waiting on God begins with believing in His Word, being patient, enduring, and persistent in hope until His promises are made manifest (Isaiah 40:29-31). Despite our challenges and troubles, we should be encouraged because those who hope in God will have their prayers answered. After all, hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5). Although it may tarry, we will surely sing songs of praise and thanksgiving to God who has the power to forgive our sins and save us from eternal condemnation.

1. Why do some Christians find it difficult to forgive and love those who have offended them?
2. What is the relationship between waiting on God and the final redemption when God comes to take away the saints?

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity
Write a poem to God, asking for the forgiveness of your sins.

Take Home:
Write down three lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson?
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today’s lesson, make a commitment to forgive those who have offended you, no matter the enormity of their offences.

God has graciously seen us through the first seven months of the year. May His name be praised! We want to know some facts about your understanding of the lessons so far:
● How do you intend to respond to God for His ceaseless love?
● What new lessons did you learn about the importance of remembering God’s wonderful acts in the past?
● Which aspect of the lesson did you struggle to understand and what did you do to help yourself?
● How did the Holy Spirit help you to forgive those who have offended you, and how do you feel now?

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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