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Sunday, September 29, 2024

C.A.C Sunday School Manual For September 29, 2024 Lesson 36, Topic - The Gift of Artistry

C.A.C Sunday School Manual For September 29, 2024 Lesson 36, Topic - The Gift of Artistry

Read previous Sunday School Manuals here





29th September, 2024




And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship (Exodus 31:3). 

The Holy Spirit purposely endows some believers with the needed skills for artistry and craftsmanship. Bezalel and Aholiab are very relevant examples, as they exercised their creative calling in the tabernacle.


God blesses His people with unique gifts and takes pleasure in their skills. While Church leaders may hold positions of authority, it is important to recognise and value the gifts that God has given each believer to fulfil His plan for the Church. Just as Bezalel and Oholiab were gifted with artistic craftsmanship, God has poured various gifts into the Church through different persons. It is the responsibility of Church leaders to discover and deploy these gifts for the benefit of all. Remember, your gift is unique and should not be compared to others. The artisans were individually and corporately recognised in the service of the Lord. 


 Mon. 23: God-The Source Of All Things (1 Chro. 29:14) 

 Tue. 24: God Requires Your Cheerful Giving (Exo. 25:2) (Lk. 6:38) 

 Wed. 25: Give And Be Abundantly Replenished 

 Thur. 26: Gifted People Stand Before Nobles (1 Kgs. 7:14) 

 Fri. 27: God Gives The Spirit Of Wisdom ((Eph. 1:17) 

 Sat. 28: God's Service Needs Gifted People (2 Chro. 2:7) 


 1. God has given you everything, including your knowledge, creativity and wisdom. Don't keep it from God's use.

 2. The Church has various tasks that rely on your unique skills. Acknowledge your God-given gifts and grace and use them for His purpose and service. Recognise Him as the Source and dedicate your knowledge, creativity and wisdom to His design, so that you can find purpose and satisfaction in using your gifts for His glory. 

 BACKGROUND SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 26:1-15 


 AIM: To show that our skills are all needed in God's service. 

 OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to: 

i. show that God will always have projects for His people; and 

ii. prove that God does not only fund the projects He initiates but also gives gifts to His people to champion the projects. 


 TEXTUAL SOURCE: EXODUS 28:8FF; 31:2-5; 35:4-29,34; 36:1FF 

Thanks be to God, the Giver of life, in His infinite wisdom, He helped us through the previous week's lesson: Gifts Of Organising And Serving. Our God is an organised One. He doesn't dwell in the midst of confusion and disunity. Thus, the gifts He accords us should enhance the unity, smooth-running, and growth of His Church. 

 The Gift Of Artistry, this week's focus, is one of the gifts given by God, the only wise One (Jude 1:25). God's wisdom is incomprehensible. He graciously gives this to us so that we can communicate His creative works to men through various artistic works and designs. We shall look at how God initiates and provides for projects as well as the gift of craftsmanship from Him. Regarding the work of God, artisans are not excluded. God has many tasks that can be completed on earth according to His plans by minds connected with Him. As a result, He provides gifts to complete the projects as He finances them. 





 I. GOD INITIATES AND FUNDS PROJECTS (Exodus 28:8ff; 35:4- 29) 

Then everyone came whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and they brought the LORD'S offering for the work of the tabernacle of meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments (35:21). 

a) 25:8ff: God creates; man discovers. The building of the Tabernacle was initiated by God, and so, is His project. Do you see projects in your church as God's or pastors'? 

b) God gave Moses detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle (chaps. 25-31). 

c) vv. 1-9: The LORD's project never lacks divine provision. He told Moses to solicit funds. From where?...the children of Israel (v. 2) with whom God has deposited the funds. Not from outsiders. Fundraisers and launchers, take note! 

d) 35:4-9: Moses called the people to bring what God had provided. If God owns you, He also owns your assets (Jn. 3:27; 1 Cor. 4:7). In terms of giving, are you listening to Him? 

e) vv. 20-29: God has His funds with His people. The people positively responded such that they brought much more than enough for the service ... indeed too much (36:5-7). 

f)The Spirit-filled never give grudgingly, sadly or under coercion, but cheerfully, joyously and willingly towards God's programmes and projects (1 Cor. 9:6-10). Covet and pray for the grace. 

g) The absence of your support in financing God's projects, even when He has provided, suggests a lack of love for Him and exclusion from the community He expects you to contribute to His work. Such persons may not receive His rewards. 

 II. GOD GIVES GIFTS OF CRAFTSMANSHIP (Exodus 31:2-5; 35:34; 36:1ff) 

And Bezalel and Aholiab, and every gifted artisan in whom the LORD has put wisdom and understanding, to know how to do all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, shall do according to all that the LORD has commanded (36:1). 

a) 36:1ff: We need God's people to handle God's project and funds. God's project cannot lack the needed people. Are you available? He assisted Moses to discover them (31:1ff). 

b) 31:2: God was direct about Bezalel of Judah (35:30) to be the chief artisan. He called him by name. Bezalel, obviously, was cordially relating with YAHWEH with a willing heart. Does that describe you? 

c) vv. 3-5: Despite being an artisan, he allowed God to fill him with His Spirit (v. 3; 35:31), and the Spirit equipped him with the needed skills for the work (35:31-35). When God calls, He equips. The Holy Spirit's influence extends beyond just spiritual energy and mental guidance. He also equips people in arts and crafts. 

d) Our churches and society need Spirit-filled professionals/artisans and church workers (Acts 6:3; Col. 3:22- 25; cf. Gal. 5:16-17). Are you one? Are we really discovering professionals in our churches to help them become their best for 

e) God? 35:34: No one can do God's work alone, hence the diversity of gifts. Bezalel needed co-workers (36:8ff); God gave him the ability/ inspiration to teach others to do as the LORD has commanded (36:1). The harvest is full; we need more labourers. Envy and strife are unnecessary.

f) No one is useless in God's vineyard. Putting your expertise to work in service to the Lord is what God requires of you, from a willing heart. 


 1. God's work is a must for every believer, which must be done with a willing heart, out of love for Him.

 2. The Holy Spirit is still releasing wisdom needed in any field to be skilled. Make your skills profitable to Him. 


 1. God's work doesn't lack divine resources in the hands of His people. Explain.

 2. Explain why some church workers demand heavy pay before they use their skills for God's work. Any way out? 



 * God always provides for His work before it begins. 

 * God's people who love God will do His bidding. 

 * God's people will see God's work as their personal project. 

 * God's people will see God's work as an opportunity to further their heavenly home project as they fund God's earthly project. 

 * If anyone withdraws his or her hands, God's project would still be completed, but such person will have no part in the rewards that follow. 


 * Some Church workers who do that opine that they acquired the skills by paying for them. 

 * They believe that was their source of livelihood. 

 * They lack love for God and His service. 

 * They don't want honorarium and God's blessings, but quick and heavy pay. 

 Any way out? 

 * Let the Church workers return to their first love for God. 

 * Let the Church train others who are willing, ready and Spirit-filled to replace them so as not to hold the Church to ransom. 

 * The Church should help those who are unemployed secure jobs. 

 * The Church should pray for more willing and Spirit-filled workers.


A Christian brother was a gifted woodwork artisan with the divine craftsmanship talents that allow him to turn ordinary wood into intricate art piece. When a local church sought a superb wooden altar for their sanctuary, they turned to the brother. He selected the finest wood and, with his God-given skill, carved intricate patterns that beautifully narrate the church's story. The grand unveiling of the altar moved the congregation to tears, as it became a spiritual masterpiece enhancing their faith and connection to God. This story exemplifies how the divine gift of craftsmanship can glorify God and inspire those who witness such artistry.  


Honour and glory to the sovereign God for the completion of lesson thirty-six. Do not withdraw your hands from funding God's work, which He has given you as the occasion demands. Do not forget that all you have, which include your funds, gifts, skills, etc., belong to God. Therefore, use it for His glory and the edification of His Church. 


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