Myreligion Devotionals

For Daily Devotionals And Inspirational Messages

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Higher Everyday Devotional For September 25, 2024: Topic - Call To Special Service

Higher Everyday Devotional For September 25, 2024: Topic - Call To Special Service

Read previous Devotionals here




MEMORY VERSE: “See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah” 

TEXT: EXODUS 31:1-11

God gives everyone talents and gifts to function in the church and community for the common good of His church and humanity. However, some people are called of God and endowed specially for specific assignments. Such is Bezaleel and Hur. God gave them wisdom, understanding and knowledge to be able to translate the vision of the tabernacle shown to Moses on the mountain to reality. 

They were to build according to pattern. The Holy Spirit apportions gifts to each member of the church as He wills. In the talents and gifts, are embedded all abilities and ministries needed by every believer to fulfill their divinely ordained functions.

God equips those He engages. Has God given you specific tasks to do? The wherewithal to get the work done will always be available. Does your task look irksome? The wisdom, grace and resources are available. Identify your specific assignment and work on it. However, everyone is called to the service of soul winning. Having received the gift of salvation, every believer must take the gospel message to all sinners. It is an all-believers’ duty without exception.

QUOTE: God equips those He he engages 

PRAYER: Lord, use me for your glory.

CHALLENGE: Invest your talents and gifts in the kingdom of God.

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