NBC Sunday School Manual For September 1, 2024 : Topic – PREVIEW FOR SEPTEMBER
Read previous NBC Sunday School Manauls here
Beloved, you are welcome to the last quarter of the year. I believe you have enjoyed God’s goodness, these past 8 months. We thank God for His faithfulness and the opportunity to serve in His vineyard. The theme for this month is “Leaders Set Worship Example”. The life-transforming lessons will be taken from the books of Genesis, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles and Exodus. Our focus will be on the following:
● The example of Abram (Abraham) who built altars as landmarks for God’s faithfulness.
● Solomon’s worship, and his awareness of people’s tendency to sin.
● Hezekiah’s realisation of the most important thing.
● The importance of spiritual leadership, as evidenced by Josiah’s call to the people to right worship.
Great events in life usually make people to anticipate a better future. Sometimes, the possibility of keeping a proper perspective during and after such events is difficult. As we study these lessons throughout the month, teachers are expected to make adequate preparations so that class members will be blessed and encouraged to be more faithful and sincere in their worship of God.
Suggested Teaching Methods: These suggested teaching methods can be used during the general opening or in the classes.
September 1 – Recitation: Let a class member recite the statement of Abram in verses 8 and 9 as a model for conflict resolution.
September 8 – Demonstration: Ask the class members to demonstrate different postures of prayer and petition, such as standing with outstretched arms, kneeling and so on.
September 15 – Music: Sing Baptist Hymnal 40: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”.
September 22 – Soliloquy: Let a class member soliloquise the Golden Text, 2 Chronicles 35:1, twice while standing in front of the class.
September 29 – Music: Set aside a few minutes for members to sing songs of praise to God and dance, accompanied with some musical instruments in appreciation of God’s victory.
Devotional Reading: Philippians: 4:10-19.
Background Scripture: Genesis 12-13.
Lesson Scripture: Genesis 13:8-18.
“So Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he pitched his tents. There he built an altar to the LORD.” Genesis 13:18.
By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Mention the steps to reconciliation with those whom they have had conflict;
● Mention the promises of God to Abram, after his separation from Lot;
● Express their resolve to appreciate God’s faithfulness always with any form of landmark.
From time immemorial, people have been reciprocating the faithfulness of God in diverse ways. Even in our contemporary time, some people have embarked on projects in the church by giving cash donations, meeting particular needs by donating items like musical instruments, evangelism buses, chairs, Bibles, or building churches in memorial of the faithfulness of God in their lives. God’s command to Abram to leave his father’s house was not without a sacrifice. However, he obeyed the command and moved towards Canaan with his wife Sarai, Lot (his nephew) and a great flock of animals. Of course, he left behind relatives, friends and perhaps other properties or businesses without weighing the cost of his decision. However, throughout his sojourn, he built four altars at Mamre, Shechem, Bethel and Hebron in appreciation of God’s faithfulness to him. In Shechem particularly, the altar he built was his response to God for His kindness to him.
Today’s lesson focuses on how Abram built an altar at Mamre, after his separation from Lot. Lot was Abram’s nephew and they had been living together since they left Ur, which was in obedience to God’s command to leave his native land to a place He would show him. The Scripture says that Abram became wealthy in livestock, gold and silver, and even his nephew, Lot (Genesis 13:2, 5). While they journeyed together, their flocks and herds increased greatly that their herdsmen began to quarrel over the choice of the pasture land, so Abram and Lot decided to go their separate ways. Abram was an exemplary leader, endowed with great wisdom. He allowed Lot to choose the portion of the land he desired, even though he was like a father to him. Unfortunately, Lot greedily chose the plain of Jordan; the most fertile area of the land while Abram was left with Hebron where he eventually settled. Interestingly, God blessed his own portion of the land and it became fertile. The lesson is a reminder to us, as Christians, to always be thoughtful and prayerful whenever we are given the opportunity to make choices. We should seek the face of God, obey His commands and not allow our choices to be based on our present circumstances.
[Genesis 13:8-13]
Abram is one of the heroes of faith who pleased God by obeying His command. When God called him to leave his kindred for an unknown destination, he obeyed without questioning Him. He left Haran with everything he owned his wife Sarai, Lot his nephew, his servants and livestock to a strange land. Abram and Lot were both rich in flocks, herds and tents that the land could not contain their possessions. Consequently, quarrel broke out between their herdsmen (Genesis 13:1, 7). Abram played a fatherly role to avert an impending conflict. He reminded Lot of their relationship, so there was no reason for them to allow the quarrel between their herdsmen to continue. Abram said, ‘Let’s not have any quarrelling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are close relatives.” (v. 8) Thereafter, he suggested a peaceful separation (v. 9). While Lot chose the fertile plain of the Jordan towards Zoar, Abram moved towards the Land of Canaan. ”
Abram’s magnanimity, understanding, selflessness, humility, and simplicity in allowing Lot to first choose where he wanted to live is commendable. Although the decision seemed unwise but it is one of the best ways to resolve conflicts among members of a family, church and colleagues at workplace. Unfortunately, Lot greedily chose the supposed fertile land for himself without regard for Abram who had laboured to raise him to the point of being rich in possessions. By this singular act, he removed himself and his descendants from the covenant of God for His people and became the ancestor of the Moabites and Ammonites (Genesis 19:30-38). Unfortunately, Lot’s choice of land (Sodom) was characterised by wicked activities and so, the people there constantly sinned against God (v. 13). The lesson is a warning to us, as believers in Christ, not to allow materialism and greed to dictate our choices. Instead, we should allow the Holy Spirit to guide us whenever we are faced with the option of making choices. The consequences of Lot’s choice (Genesis 19:30-38) should serve as deterrent to us, as Christians, whenever we have the opportunity to make choices.
1. Discuss what Lot did not do right, according to the passage and how Christians can guard against it.
2. What are some consequences of making wrong choices in our contemporary time?
[Genesis 13:14-18]
God has a way of rewarding the faithful with His abundant blessings. This is evident in the conversation that ensued between God and Abram. After Lot parted company with Abram and set out towards the east with his livestock, God assured Abram of His blessing. He asked Abram to lift up his eyes and look around, with a promise to give him and his descendants all the land before him. In verse 16, God said to him, “I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.” The implication of the promise is that Abram’s descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore (Genesis 22:17), even though he was yet to have a child. God told him to explore the land He was going to give him. In response to God’s faithful promise, Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre, at Hebron where he pitched his tent and built an altar unto the Lord (v. 18). This was the third altar Abram built unto the Lord.
God’s promise to bless Abram with many descendants was an everlasting promise (v. 15); it was fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. An altar literally is a place built to offer sacrifices unto God. The altar Abram built unto the Lord at Mamre (v. 18) symbolises his relationship with God, and a place he would offer sacrifices unto the Lord when he finally settles in the land of Canaan. God’s promise to bless Abram and make his descendants great in the passage is similar to the promises He had earlier made to him in the first few verses of Genesis chapter 12 while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran. Therefore, the reaffirmation of the promise to make his offspring like the dust of the earth is an indication that God is ever faithful in keeping His promises, unlike men who are slack in keeping theirs.
1. Discuss the implication of the reaffirmation of God’s promises to Abram, after his separation from Lot.
2. Discuss the significance of the altar Abram built unto the Lord at Mamre.
Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:
List the promises of God to Abram in the passage. Pray and claim them, in Jesus’ Name.
Take Home:
Write down three lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson?
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● Based on today’s lesson, class members should make a commitment to rededicate their lives to the service of God.
Happy Sunday in Advance.
Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!