Myreligion Devotionals

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

NBC Sunday School Manual For September 22, 2024 : Topic – JOSIAH CELEBRATES PASSOVER.

NBC Sunday School Manual For September 22, 2024 : Topic – JOSIAH CELEBRATES PASSOVER.


Read previous NBC Sunday School Mnauals here






Devotional Reading: 2 Chronicles 34:8, 14-27.

Background Scripture: 2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34:1-35:19.

Lesson Scripture: 2 Chronicles 35:1-6, 16-19.


"Josiah celebrated the Passover to the LORD in Jerusalem, and the Passover lamb was slaughtered on the fourteenth day of the first month." 2 Chronicles 35:1.


By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:

● Explain in detail what the Feast of Passover entails; 

● Discuss the importance of personal and cooperate renewal; 

● Make concrete decision to restore some neglected spiritual practices in our churches.


Christians all over the world celebrate some special events in commemoration of particular occasions. For example, Christians celebrate Christmas in remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. We also celebrate Easter to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Churches and institutions celebrate founder's day while individuals remember their birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc. The Baptist denomination usually celebrates the faithfulness of God in the month of November. The celebration is known as 'Annual Thanksgiving' in appreciation to God for His manifold blessings. Nigeria, as a nation, usually celebrates her Independence every October 1st to remember the year she gained her independence from the British Colonial Masters. In like manner, the Feast of Passover I was special to the Jewish people - it was celebrated to commemorate their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, under Pharaoh and it was celebrated for a week, during which the Jews would refrain from eating leavened bread. The celebration is special to the Jews because it helps them to preserve their story of liberation from the bondage of Pharaoh through all generations. In Hebrew, the festival is known as Pesach, which means "to pass over", because God passed over the houses of the Jews and spared them from death. The Passover Feast depicts Christ who has been chosen as the Passover Lamb for all humanity (1 Corinthians 5:7). He has delivered us from the bondage of sin, which we must celebrate everyday of our lives.

Today's lesson reminds us of how King Josiah led the Jews to celebrate the Passover, which had not been observed for some time. During the celebration, everything was done according to the law of Moses. The priests and Levites played their roles, strictly following the instructions of Kings David and Solomon. 



[2 Chronicles 35:1-6]

The celebration of the Feast of Passover (when the Jewish nation remembers their deliverance from slavery in Egypt) was neglected for a long time. However, during the reign of King Josiah, he cleansed the temple with a view to restore true worship of Yahweh that had long been abandoned. In the process, Hilkiah, the priest found the book of the law (2 Chronicles 34:14ff). When it was read, King Josiah tore his robes because the laws of the Lord had been abandoned (v. 19). He took away all the idols from the territory of the Israelites, and restored true worship of Yahweh. According to verse 1, Josiah celebrated the Passover Feast in Jerusalem with a Passover lamb slaughtered unto the Lord on the fourteenth day of the first month. The priests and the Levites were encouraged to perform their rightful duties as prescribed by the law. The celebration was climaxed by bringing the ark of the covenant to the temple. Then, he admonished the people in verse 6 saying, "Slaughter the Passover lambs, consecrate yourselves and prepare the lambs for your fellow Israelites, doing what the LORD commanded through Moses."

Without doubt, the renewal of the celebration of the Feast of Passover, as initiated by King Josiah helped the Jewish people to remember God's covenant with them and the significance of the celebration. Everything was done according to the law of Moses. Also noteworthy in the passage is the fact that the priests and Levites performed their duties, according to the instructions of Kings David and Solomon. Josiah's admonition to the priests and Levites to serve God and His people wholeheartedly is also relevant to contemporary Christians. We must live holy and sanctified lives, and show forth the glory and honour of God. Christians must prepare themselves for the worship of Yahweh and be devoted to the service of God and the welfare of His people. Josiah and the officials made provision for all the items needed for the celebration of the Passover.


1. Identify some abandoned religious practices in our churches and discuss how they can be reinstituted. 

2. Describe the action of Josiah to restore true worship and some lessons Christian leaders can learn from it.


[2 Chronicles 35:16-19]

The renewal and celebration of the Feast of Passover, under the leadership of King Josiah was significant to the Jews. Everything was arranged and provided for the feast as prescribed by the Law, the musicians from the Levite clan of Asaph and guards at the temple gates were ready to perform their duties (vv. 10-15). According to verse 16, everything was done for the worship of the Lord: the keeping of the Passover Festival, and the offering of burnt offerings on the altar, as King Josiah had commanded. Those who were present celebrated the Passover and also observed the Festival of Unleavened Bread for seven days, like it has never been done since the days of Prophet Samuel. The celebration was distinct because:

● Everyone had the opportunity to celebrate the festival including the remnants from the northern tribes of Israel (2 Chronicles 30:25). 

● Everything needed was provided. 

● The Law of Moses concerning the celebration was strictly adhered to. 

● The preparation was thorough with enough provision.

The joy of the celebration of the Passover was great; everyone participated - the priests, Levites and all the Israelites. The king and all the officials made contributions toward the success of the ceremony (2 Chronicles 35:7-9). The Passover lambs were burnt on the altar of the Lord, according to the order of King Josiah, in accordance to the law of Moses, the servant of God (Numbers 9:1-5). The kind of celebration had not been observed in Israel since the time of Prophet Samuel, so it was a unique and remarkable one. However, it should be noted that the success of the celebration was made possible because the people worked and cooperated with King Josiah. When there is team spirit among Christians at all levels, whether in the church, Association, Conference and the Convention, under responsible leaders, Christians will experience joy, progress and the work of God will experience accelerated growth.


1. Identify some godly celebrations that have been neglected today? What steps can we take to reinstitute them? 

2. Mention some of the ways Christians should celebrate God's goodness in their lives. 

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:

Prayerfully think of a godly celebration that has been neglected in your church over time, and humbly approach the pastor on how to reinstitute it.

Take Home: 

Write down three lessons you are taking home from today's lesson?


● Based on today's lesson, make a personal commitment to observe every godly practice that has been neglected in your church. 

Happy Sunday in Advance.

 Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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