Myreligion Devotionals

For Daily Devotionals And Inspirational Messages

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Secret: The 10 Things Christians Shouldn't Say When Someone Dies

  The Secret: The  10 Things Christians Shouldn't Say When Someone Dies

1. Heaven Is a Better Place Now That They're in It

What we mean is that our loved one was extremely special and that any place would be made better by their presence.

While that statement might have been true here on earth, it simply won’t be true in Heaven. When we say this, we’re implying that Heaven isn’t perfect and that even though we’ll be in the presence of our Lord and Savior, it will be even better because of the presence of our loved one.

The implications of this statement not only increase the significance of your loved one, but also decrease the significance of God by implying that being in His presence isn’t enough.

God, in His infinite wisdom, has refrained from sharing specifics about Heaven with us. But what we can be certain of is that Heaven will be perfect. Heaven will be perfect because God is flawless, as is His dwelling place. God has allowed His children to abide in Him and to reside with Him in Heaven. Nothing, not even the presence of our loved ones, could make that better.

2. If My Tears Could Build a Stairway, I Would Climb to Heaven and Bring You Home

This statement also implies that you would do anything to see your loved one again. This sounds like the most loving proclamation we could possibly make about someone. But in this statement we’re also proclaiming how extremely selfish and self-serving we are.

If our loved one is in Heaven, in the presence of God, the most unloving thing we could possibly do is remove them from Paradise and bring them back to our broken earth. I guarantee that if using your tears to build a stairway to Heaven was possible, your loved one wouldn’t want to come back with you. That wouldn’t be a reflection of how they feel about you, but rather a reflection of how they feel about God.

3. They've Earned Their Wings

Even if we were given wings in Heaven, they would not be something we earned -- they would be a gift. One might argue that saying someone has earned their wings is simply a figure of speech. Even so, we should strive to represent God accurately and think about the conclusions that might be drawn by an unbeliever. Instead of saying our loved one has earned their wings, perhaps we should say our loved one is now laying their treasures at Jesus’ feet.

4. We've Gained a Guardian Angel

The good news is that the Bible does mention angels helping humans, like when an angel of the Lord helped Peter escape prison in Acts 12Psalm 34 says the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him. Psalm 91 declares, “God will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways”. 

So while there are arguments to be made for guardian angels, the truth is that nowhere in scripture does it claim we become guardian angels after we die. Calling the deceased a guardian angel is a statement we need to put to rest.

5. This Gives Us Something to Look Forward to

This is another statement that can be quite damaging to non-believers or those young in their faith. On one hand, they hear us speaking of our awe for God the Father and of the glory that awaits us in Heaven. But then, upon the death of a loved one, we take the focus of Heaven away from our Lord and instead turn it to our loved one. We should be so anxious to bow at the foot of the throne that the death and damnation of everyone we love would not diminish our anticipation for Heaven. 

6. I've Lost the Best Part of Me

Most of us have someone in our life that challenges us and pushes us to be better. We love this person for who they are and for who they’ve shaped us to be. When we lose that person, it’s easy to think that we’ve lost the best part of ourselves. This statement is intended to communicate the deep bond we had with this person and that we, as individuals, simply won’t be as good at this life without them. What a testament to the character of your loved one!

While this statement is harmless in and of itself, it wouldn’t hurt us to remember a very important truth found in Psalm 16:2“I say to the LORD ‘You are my Lord. Apart from you I have no good thing.’” If you are a child of God, it is Christ in you that makes you good. In other words, Christ and Christ alone is the best part of you. Praise God that we can never lose Him!

7. Gone Too Soon

This is a common sentiment when a child, teen, or young adult dies. Whether the death is caused by an illness or an accident, it’s terribly difficult to say goodbye to someone who hasn’t lived a long life. These situations are hard to understand, and they remind us how broken and frail our earthly bodies are.

The most common statement made during these times is that the person has gone too soon, but we must stop and think about what we’re really implying with such a statement.

What we must remember is that God has numbered our days. Job 14:5 says, “A person's days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.” Psalm 139:16  reads, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” 

When we declare that someone has died too soon, we are either ignoring the fact that God numbers our days or we are suggesting that God has made a mistake. Thankfully we know that God, His timing, and His will are perfect and that there is no such thing as an “untimely” death.

8. If Love Alone Could Have Spared You, You Would Have Lived Forever

When someone we love dies, we desperately want those around us to understand the depth of our love. We want everyone to know, without a doubt, that our love was as strong as humanly possible. What better way to express that love than to say that, if possible, your love would not only have spared their life, but would have kept them alive forever?

The problem with this statement is that we love with a human love, which is no match for the love of our Heavenly Father. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  

This is the quintessence of love, and yet God has still limited our days here on earth. He doesn’t spare us from death. 1 John 3:1 declares, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” Children of God will live forever in Heaven, and it is because of God’s perfect love, not ours.

9. Those We Love Don't Go Away; They Walk Beside Us Every Day

This is a statement that could really be confusing for an unbeliever, or for a new believer who is still working to understand the Bible. Speaking from experience, I know that when we lose a loved one we want to feel close to them; letting go is painful. We long for one more conversation, one more walk.

We find comfort in statements like, “those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day.” The problem is, there is no Biblical reference to back this up.

I think what we mean by this is that our loved one changed us. They helped mold and shape us into who we are. They, in a sense, are a part of us. There are pieces of them embedded in our life, so they walk with us every day; we take those pieces with us everywhere we go.

The danger with this statement is that it implies that the spirits of the dead walk among us. This could bring either fear or false comfort to the unbeliever or new believer, which is why we should choose our words carefully and think about what we’re implying.

10. God's Garden Needs Flowers

I trust in God’s sovereignty, and because I know His plans are perfect, I would not be put off by the idea of being a flower in God’s garden if that’s what the Bible taught; but it is not. This is a pleasant idea, though. Who wouldn't want to picture God on this throne looking out on a beautiful field of flowers with our loved ones? To an unbeliever, however, this could easily make God out to be a master game designer with us as pawns, waiting to be plucked up and replanted in His garden. This is not how we want to portray our Lord.

Perhaps this statement is meant as a metaphor; that we, as God’s children standing before His throne, are like an endless field of fragrant flowers. This creates a lovely image, but we don’t need a metaphor for an already perfect image. We should picture our loved ones bowing before the throne of God with every tongue, tribe, and nation.

We should picture them in Paradise doing what they were created to do: glorifying God and enjoying Him forever!

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