Myreligion Devotionals

For Daily Devotionals And Inspirational Messages

Sunday, October 6, 2024

NBC Sunday School Manual For October 6, 2024 : Topic – "SONGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT."

NBC Sunday School Manual For October 6, 2024 : Topic – "SONGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT."

Read previous NBC Sunday School Manuals here



Theme for the Month:



The theme for this month is "Songs of the Old Testament." The main texts shall be taken from books of Psalms and Isaiah. The lessons will examine songs that portray confession, repentancedeliverance and trust in God. Our focus shall be on the following: 

● The reason for a prayer of confession and repentance after committing sin. 

● The admonition to plead God's deliverance in challenging times.

● The example of Isaiah's song of praise to God for deliverance from oppression. 

● A reminder to Christians to trust God alone.

Some people find it difficult sometimes to acknowledge their wrongs and make amends when necessary. King David was not like that. He sinned against God, which caused harm to others but he later acknowledged his sinful actions. However, he repented of his sins and God forgave him. Thereafter, he asked God to deliver him from the hands of his enemies and the Lord answered him. This made him render songs of praise to God. In the same manner, Prophet Isaiah praised God for His message of hope, deliverance and brighter future for His people. Calling on God for help gives hope for divine rescue.

We implore teachers to pray and prepare to teach these lessons for the transformation of lives of class members.

Suggested Teaching Methods: These suggested teaching methods can be used during the general opening or in the classes.

October 6 - Drama: Let two class members preferably males role-play the conversation between King David and Prophet Nathan.

October 13 - Sing: Hymn 12 together - "Come, Thou Almighty King".

October 20 - Sing the hymn of praise,: BH 491 - "Now Thank We All Our God".

October 27 - Soliloquy: Let a class member soliloquise the Golden Text - Psalm 62:5.





Devotional Reading:

 2 Corinthians 7:5-11.

Background Scripture: 

Psalm 51; 2 Samuel 11.

Lesson Scripture:

Psalm 51:1-4, 10-12, 15-17a.


"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10.


By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:

● Define sin and mention its consequences;

● Explain the sins of King David that led to the writing of Psalm 51 after his confession;

● Resolve to confess their sins and repent genuinely.


The people of Israel had many kings, prophets and judges who ruled over them at different times. Among them was King David. He was a king loved by the Israelites because of his many accomplishments though there were also challenging periods during his time. Particularly, his faith, the courage and boldness with which he confronted and killed the Philistine giant, Goliath remains memorable. However, when he became king, he committed adultery with Bathsheba and plotted the killing of Uriah, her husband who was in the battle front on behalf of Israel. King David would have assumed he had succeeded to conceal his sin but when Prophet Nathan confronted him, he was sorry for his actions. Undoubtedly, God is Omniscience and Omnipresent therefore; no sin can be hidden from Him. What he thought was hidden from everyone was open before God.

Nevertheless, David realised his wrongs and asked God for forgiveness.

The story of King David in today's lesson is similar to the experience of a renowned professor in a well-known university in Nigeria whose duty is to mentor the students in his care and bring them up to be responsible citizens in the society. Unfortunately, he was involved in sexual scandal with one of his female students. The scandal spread and he eventually lost his job. Despite the shame and disgrace, he soon realised his mistakes and asked God for forgiveness. 

Today's lesson focuses on Psalm 51. It is a popular psalm that narrates the response of King David after he realised his sins (2 Samuel 11). He confessed his sins and pleaded for God's forgiveness. The psalm clearly portrays the importance of sincere confession and the desire for a renewed relationship with God.



[Psalm 51:1-4]

King David is one of the kings in Israel who maintained a steady relationship with God. Unfortunately, he committed the sin of adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, and orchestrated his murder. It is most likely that King David thought no one was aware of his atrocity until God sent Prophet Nathan to convict him of his sin and declare God's judgment on him and his generation (2 Samuel 12). However, David was remorseful for doing what is evil in the sight of God and therefore pleaded for forgiveness. He cried to God soberly and pleaded for mercy. He said, "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions" (v. 1). He prayed that God should wash away his iniquity and cleanse him from his sin (v.2). He also admitted God's rightful judgement and verdict against him (vv. 3-4). David appealed to God to cleanse him from his sin because sin is a stain or impurity which only God can cleanse.

King David, in the passage, acknowledged that all sins are against God and that sin breaks one's relationship with God. He did not make excuses for his sins or shift blame but he simply accepted God's judgement as the right verdict for his sin. He then asked for God's mercy, forgiveness and an opportunity for a fresh start. Obviously, David's action is worth emulating and it is a step to renewing one's relationship with God when one falls into sin. As believers, whenever we sin against God, we should confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. Christians should not be law breakers or people who derive pleasure in sin because God is merciful. They should remember that even though their sins may be forgiven, they cannot escape its consequences like the case of King David (2 Samuel 12:10).


1. Does repentance, confession and forgiveness of sins make God erase the consequences? 

2. Why do people who have repented, confessed their sins and received forgiveness from God still fall into sin thereafter?


[Psalm 51:10-12]

King David's plea for God's mercy and forgiveness was genuine because of his further appeal for a renewed relationship with God. In his appeal, he asked for the following:

● Creation of a pure heart with a renewed and steadfast spirit (v. 10). David asked God for a heart that is free from sin and acceptable to Him. David knew the significance of purity and renewal of heart from sin; so he requested for a replacement of his filthy and polluted heart with a pure and new one.

● God's continuous presence with him. He told God not to cast him away from His presence or remove the Holy Spirit from him (v. 11). He realised that it is the Holy Spirit that could sustain and help him overcome every form of temptation.

● Restoration. He longed for the joy of His salvation and a willing spirit, which he lost as a result of his sin. By implication, he desired being in right standing with God (v. 12).

Genuine confession of sin and repentance prompts God to show mercy, forgive and bring about newness of the spirit of a sinner. The summary of the lesson is that when we fall into sin, we should immediately admit our fault, confess it and crave for God's mercy and renewal. He is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins (1 John 1:9). As Christians, the necessity of confession and repentance from sin is to have another opportunity to be in right standing with God and to serve Him faithfully. Nevertheless, one cannot repent of sin except he has the Spirit of God in him. Therefore, believers should take heed of the admonition of Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:16, which says, "So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. When believers have the Holy Spirit in them, sin will not have power over us.


1. Do you think repentance should be a prerequisite for forgiveness? Why and why not? 

2. Why do some Christians cover up their sins instead of genuine confession that leads to repentance and restoration?


[Psalm 51:15-17a]

Having pleaded for renewal and restoration, King David made a passionate appeal for God's touch. According to verse 15, he appealed to God to open his lips so that he can praise Him again. This appeal is necessitated by the fact that King David knew the Lord does not delight in sacrifice or burnt offering of sinners but a regenerate life (v.16). Therefore, he affirmed his willingness to offer the sacrifice of a broken spirit and a contrite heart, which he was confident the Lord would not despise (v. 17). In sacrificing to God, David asked Him for a humble spirit.

David was a king who delighted in praising God. He knew that God inhabits the praise of His people (Psalm 22:3) and he recognised that praising Him could only be acceptable when it is from a pure heart. Little wonder some of his psalms centered on invitation to all peoples and nations to praise God. His desire for God to open his lips so that he could praise Him once again; the statement suggests that if God should forgive his sins, acceptable praise will follow because this is what pleases God. The lesson is a reminder that sin in the life of a believer can hinder him from giving God acceptable praise and receiving His blessings. Therefore, believers should endeavour, like King David, to always pray for a renewed heart, which is inspired by the Holy Spirit to sing the praise of God (v. 15).


1. Discuss how we can identify acceptable praise to God.

2. Discuss what makes David's prayer significant.

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:

Let a class member share the testimony of a particular sin he/she committed and what he/she did to receive forgiveness.

Take Home: 

Write down three lessons you are taking home from today's lesson?

● __________

● __________

● __________ 


● Based on today's lesson, make a personal commitment to always confess your sins to God and ask Him for forgiveness and restoration.

Happy Sunday in Advance.

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