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Anglican Church Of Nigeria Weekly Sunday School/ Bible Studies Manual For July 14, 2019 : TOPIC – Samuel.

Anglican Church Of Nigeria Weekly Sunday School/ Bible Studies Manual For July 14, 2019 : TOPIC – Samuel.

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STUDY 2/16 July 14 Trinity 4


TOPIC: Samuel.

TEXT : 1 Samuel 7: 3-17 .

i. project a godly leadership;
ii. identify some more characteristics of godly leadership ;
iii. note what godly leaders must avoid.


Samuel was by no means a perfect man, but he obviously exhibited certain
qualities that made him stand out as a godly leader. He came into national
reckoning following God’s rejection of Eli’s household as priests. In this study,
we will be looking closely at the man Samuel, his leadership strides and traits
and the possible lessons for us today.


1. Who was Samuel ( I Sam.1:20 ), and what were the qualities and factors that
led to his rise to leadership in Israel? I Sam.1:11, 24-28; 2:11, 12-18, 26,
30, 35 .
2. a. Identify from the following passages, and discuss, the evidences that
Samuel was a godly leader: 1 Sam. 3: 10; 7: 3- 5, 8-10, 12, 16-17; 12: 3,
23 .
b. How do many of our religious and secular leaders compare today?
3. What were the benefits of Samuel’s godly leadership to the people? 1
Sam.12:1, 7, 14, 16-18, 22-25; 7:3-6, 10-11. Cf. Prov. 29: 2 (with
Church of Nigeria 2019 Bible Study
4. What was Samuel’s major weakness as a leader and how did it affect Israel?
1 Sam. 8: 4-5 . What could have caused this? Cf. Pro. 22:6 & 1 Kings
20:39-40 .

CONCLUSION: Our land is in dire need of godly leaders. Much of the groaning
around us today is a result of the many ungodly leaders in office. Let us call on
God to remember our nation, our state, our various communities, and the
church to give us truly godly leaders like Samuel. O that you will be on e!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT : Godly leaders need to watch their backs/tracks.

MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 29: 2.

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