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February 24, 2020 Ecwa Food For Today Devotional :- MIGHT IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT

February 24, 2020 Ecwa Food For Today Devotional :- MIGHT IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT


TEXT: 1 KINGS 21:1-29


Abusing might or power is a common phenomenon in our fallen world. It is said that you do not know a man until he is in a position of power. Power and might belong to the same family with riches and fame. They intoxicate a man more than alcohol. Today’s reading shows us one of such times when might is celebrated as being right, even when it is glaringly wrong! King Ahab had no right or reason to confiscate Naboth’s vineyard. But, you see, Naboth’s right to his vineyard was trampled upon by Ahab’s might. In the end, not only did Naboth lose his vineyard, he lost his life as well. God was watching, and He judged Ahab severely, accordingly.
There are people today who force their way through life by their might and power. Here is bad news for them: God says, it is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit. If it is not God who makes a way for you, disaster awaits you if you force your way. How do you use your might? Remember, God will judge and punish every wrong use of might or power. Don’t say, I don’t’ have any power, because every one of us, up to the weakest, has and exercises some measure of power. Use yours right!

QUESTION: What might/power do you have? How are you using it?

PRAYER: You, O LORD, are the source of all power and might. You have given it to us in different measures. Please help us to use it to Your glory, Amen

ECWA Food For The Day, 2020.

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