Category Archives: Christian Devotions

Ucb Word For Today Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Protect your marriage

Ucb Word For Today Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Protect your marriage Read previous Devotionals here Protect your marriage 26 July 2024 ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.’ John 10:10 NASB Why do 50 per cent of marriages, including Christian marriages, end in divorce? Jesus answers that question:… Read More »

Inspirational Message By Pastor Rick Warren Topic – Anger Yields Anger, Wisdom Yields Patience

Inspirational Message By Pastor Rick Warren Topic – Anger Yields Anger, Wisdom Yields Patience Read previous Messages here “A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11 (NIV) Hurt people hurt people. When someone hurts you, it’s because they’ve been hurt. Unkind people don’t feel kindness themselves. Unloving… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – In Small Ways

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – In Small Ways Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 43-45 Acts 27:27-44 We love because he first loved us: 1 John 4:19 Today’s Scripture: 1 John 4:7-12,19-21 Insight John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20), wrote the… Read More »

The Secret: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation

The Secret: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation Read previous Messages here We turn on the news it seems like daily and find reports of death, tragedies, division, and people left behind with their lives torn apart. So many of us have grown numb in efforts to not completely fall apart… Read More »

Billy Graham Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Give and Take

Billy Graham Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Give and Take Click HERE for the Previous Devotional Topic: Give and Take Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. — Ephesians 6:24 Certain relationships in life require from the parties involved only moderate degrees of devotion. A certain degree of reserve and… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Looking Beyond Your Limitation

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Looking Beyond Your Limitation Read previous CAC Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE: Saturday, July 27,2024 TOPIC: LOOKING BEYOND YOUR LIMITATION MEMORISE : So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to… Read More »

Open Heaven Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Good Followership (3)

Open Heaven Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Good Followership (3) Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 27 July 2024 TOPIC: Good Followership (3) MEMORISE: “But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed.” – Galatians 2:11 (KJV) READ: Galatians 2:11-14 (KJV) 11… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 25, 2024 : Topic – Really Live

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 25, 2024 : Topic – Really Live Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 37-39 Acts 26 Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you: Hebrews 13:5 Today’s Scripture : Hebrews 13:5-8 Insight From beginning to end, the book of Hebrews is… Read More »

 Christ Apostolic Church Living Water Devotional For July 24, 2024 : Topic – The Power Of Presence

Christ Apostolic Church Living Water Devotional For July 24, 2024 : Topic – The Power Of Presence     Read previous CAC Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE : Wednesday, July 24, 2024 TOPIC: :THE POWER OF HIS PRESENCE MEMORISE : He has not observed iniquity in… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 24, 2024: Topic – Growing In Faith

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 24, 2024: Topic – Growing In Faith Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 24 July 2024 TOPIC: Growing In Faith MEMORISE: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 24, 2024 : Topic – Our True Refuge Is God

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 24, 2024 : Topic – Our True Refuge Is God Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 35-36 Acts 25 He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Psalm 91:2 Today’s Scripture : Psalm 91:1-2,14-16 Insight No author is… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 23, 2024 : Topic – Instruments for Good

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 23, 2024 : Topic – Instruments for Good Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 31-32 Acts 23:16-35 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. James 4:17 Today’s Scripture : Ephesians 2:4-10… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 22, 2024 : Topic – CONTENT VS CONTAINER

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 22, 2024 : Topic – CONTENT VS CONTAINER Read previous Open Heaven Devotionals here OPEN HEAVENS DEVOTIONAL DATE: MONDAY JULY 22ND JULY THEME: CONTENT VS CONTAINER MEMORISE: Having form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5 READ: Titus 1:15-16 15 Unto the… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 22, 2024 : Topic – BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (III)

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 22, 2024 : Topic – BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (III) Read previous CAC Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE : Monday, July 22, 2024 TOPIC: BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (III) MEMORISE : And walk in love, as Christ… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 22, 2024 : Topic – Instruments for Good

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 22, 2024 : Topic – Instruments for Good Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 31-32 Acts 23:16-35 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. James 4:17 Today’s Scripture : Ephesians 2:4-10… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 21, 2024 : Topic – The Winning Goal

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 21, 2024 : Topic – The Winning Goal Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 29-30 Acts 23:1-15 A great number of people were brought to the Lord : Acts 11:24 Today’s Scripture : Acts 11:19-30 Insight One advantage of the persecution the early… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 21, 2024 : Topic  – Elders Are Wise

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 21, 2024 : Topic  – Elders Are Wise Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 21 July 2024 TOPIC: Elders Are Wise MEMORISE: “With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.” – Job 12:12 (KJV) READ: Exodus 18:13-24 (KJV) 13 And it came to pass on… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 21, 2024 : Topic – BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (II)

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 21, 2024 : Topic – BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (II) Read previous CAC Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE: Sunday, July 21, 2024 TOPIC: BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (II) MEMORISE : Take My yoke upon you and learn… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 20, 2024 : Topic – Taking Responsibility for Words

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 20, 2024 : Topic – Taking Responsibility for Words Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 26-28 Acts 22 The tongue has the power of life and death. Proverbs 18:21 Today’s Scripture : Proverbs 15:1-9 Insight Proverbs 15:1-9 has a lot to say about the… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 20, 2024: Topic – Honour Elders

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 20, 2024: Topic – Honour Elders Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 20 July 2024 TOPIC: Honour Elders MEMORISE: “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the Lord.” – Leviticus 19:32 (KJV) READ: 1 Timothy… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 20, 2024 : Topic – BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (1)

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 20, 2024 : Topic – BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (1) Read previous CAC Living Water Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE : Saturday July 20, 2024 TOPIC: BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST JESUS (1) MEMORISE : Though He was a… Read More »

The Secret: The 5 Bible Verses to Fill Your Soul with Hope

The Secret: The 5 Bible Verses to Fill Your Soul with Hope Also Read: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation As we are approaching different seasons of life, we often are short on hope. Our life can wear us out to the point that we feel hopeless, unseen, and hurt. The… Read More »

Open Heaven Devotional For Teens 20 July 2024 : Topic – Positioned In His Will

Open Heaven Devotional For Teens 20 July 2024 : Topic – Positioned In His Will Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional for Teens TOPIC: Positioned In His Will (Open Heaven for Teens 20 July 2024) MEMORISE: I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 19, 2024 : Topic – Brokenness that Blesses

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 19, 2024 : Topic – Brokenness that Blesses Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionaos here Bible in a Year : Psalms 23-25 Acts 21:18-40 We have this treasure in jars of clay. 2 Corinthians 4:7 Today’s Scripture : James 2:3-6 Insight The oppression of the poor by the rich is… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 19, 2024 : Topic – OUR COMMISSION

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For July 19, 2024 : Topic – OUR COMMISSION Read previous CAC Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE Friday, July 19, 2024 TOPIC: OUR COMMISSION MEMORISE : I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what… Read More »

Open Heaven Devotional For Teens 19 July 2024 : Topic – Avoid Worldly Pressure

Open Heaven Devotional For Teens 19 July 2024 : Topic – Avoid Worldly Pressure Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional for Teens TOPIC: Avoid Worldly Pressure (Open Heaven for Teens 19 July 2024) MEMORISE: For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted., Hebrews 2:18 READ:… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 19, 2024 : Topic – Your Arrows

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For July 19, 2024 : Topic – Your Arrows Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 19 July 2024 TOPIC: Your Arrows MEMORISE: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.” – Psalm 127:4 (KJV) READ: Psalm 127:3-5 (KJV) 3 Lo, children are an heritage… Read More »

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – Why church is good for you

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – Why church is good for you Read previous Inspirational Messages here Why church is good for you 1‘A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else!’ Psalm 84:10 NLT Jesus attended church regularly. ‘He went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath’ (Luke… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 18, 2024 : Topic – Renewing Our Strength

Our Daily Bread Devotional For July 18, 2024 : Topic – Renewing Our Strength Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Psalms 20-22 Acts 21:1-17 They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary : Isaiah 40:31 Today’s Scripture : Isaiah 40:27-31 Insight Isaiah 40:30-31 includes three… Read More »

Billy Graham Daily Devotional For July 18, 2024 : Topic – Satisfaction of Soul

Billy Graham Daily Devotional For July 18, 2024 : Topic – Satisfaction of Soul Read previous Daily Devotionals here Thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee . . . —Deuteronomy 26:11 Often the Church has banged away negatively at evils without reminding us that God is… Read More »