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March 26, 2020 Baptist Church Seek Daily Devotional :- BE FAITHFUL TO ONE ANOTHER

March 26, 2020 Baptist Church Seek Daily Devotional :- BE FAITHFUL TO ONE ANOTHER

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Thursday, March, 26


Bible Text: Malachi 2:10-16

RBT Passage: l Samuel 15-16

‘Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our fathers by breaking faith with one another?’ – Malachi 2:10

A very beautiful woman lost her beauty to a strange skin disease and thought her husband would stop loving her. One day, the husband returned home and pretended to have been blinded by an accident. The wife felt so sorry for him but was comforted that her husband would no longer see her condition. They lived together happily until the wife died at an old age. The man actually pretended to be blind so as to help his wife.

Relationships require love, sacrifice, dedication and commitment. Believers have God as their Father (v.10) and should live faithfully with one another. Relationships among believers must be taken serious. A particular relationship that God expects us to remain faithful and committed to, is marriage (v. 13,14). Married Christians should know the following truth about their marriage: God is a witness between them; God expects faithfulness; God has made them one; God hates divorce and violence (v. 14-16).

As God’s Children we need to be faithful to one another not only in marriage but in all relationships with people and God.

Insight: A life of faithfulness in all things attracts undeserved blessings.

Prayer: God, remove every seed of unfaithfulness in me.

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