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NBC Sunday School Manual For October 31, 2021 : Topic – Praise God With Music

NBC Sunday School Manual For October 31, 2021 : Topic – Praise God With Music

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October 31, 2021


Devotional Reading:

Background Scripture reading: Psalms 147; 148; 149; 150

Lesson Scripture reading: Psalms 14911-5;

Golden Text: Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Psalm 150:6a

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to: . Identify reasons and ways to praise God with music; Discuss how and where God should be praised;

Renew their commitment in praising God with musical instruments.


Some time ago, crisis almost erupted in The Mountain of the Lord Baptist Church over the demand of more modern musical instruments by the youths and teenagers. The elderly members vehemently refused to approve the request with the explanation that the so-called modern instruments are more of noise-making instruments than of melody. Despite the efforts of the youths to explain the importance of music in worship, they were misunderstood and denied the opportunity to have them. As a result, some of the youths left the church for other churches within their neighbourhood where they could really enjoy worship, inspirational songs and good music. Some people still hold on to the old tradition of solemn worship without the use of musical instruments, clapping, praying, dancing and singing cloud. The importance of the use of musical instruments in worship cannot be overemphasised. They are as old as creation and they inspire true worship. Musical celebration with dancing was done to commemorate great victories throughout the Old Testament time. For instance, the Israelites’ crossing of the Rea Sea (Exodus 15:20-21), David’s victory over Goliath (1 Samuel 18:6-7), and the bringing of the ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:5). Psalms 149 and 150 are similar in some ways __ they are both called “Halleluyah” Psalms, each beginning and ending with “Halleluyah” which means “Praise the Lord”. They are used in daily morning prayer and are sometimes referred to as the Daily Hallel.


A A Call to Praise God Psalm 149:1-5

In the preceding chapter, the psalmist had encouraged all the created things, the heavenly hosts, animal life and all people everywhere to praise God (Psalm 148). The admonition continued in chapter 149 when the people were called to praise God for victory over their enemies.

Admirably, they were instructed on what to do, where to do it and how to do it. From verses l to 3, they were exhorted to:

-▪︎. Praise God with a new song.
.▪︎ Praise God in the gathering of His people Israel.

Rejoice in their Maker and the people of Zion (the city of Jerusalem) be glad in their King.

Praise God with dancing and with the instrumentality of drums (tambourine) and harps. According to verse 4, God takes pleasure in His people and honours the humble with victory. Therefore, God’s people should rejoice in their triumph and sing joyfully all night Iong The encouragement to sing a new song to God with string instruments for what He has done is also recorded in Psalm 33:1-3. It signifies the importance of musical instruments in worship. In our contemporary time, there are more modern musical instruments used during worship. Examples are guitar, keyboard, drum sets of various sizes and colours, konga drums and many more. These instruments play vital roles in our worship services because they produce symphony of melodies that inspire worshippers to sing and dance to the praise of God. Furthermore, they help in creating an atmosphere where Christians celebrate God’s victory over their enemies, sicknesses, diseases and death. God’s praise can be done privately or corporately.

Discussion Time 1

l. Differentiate between songs that glorify God and those that only generate noise.

2. Discuss how the use of musical instruments in worship influence our response to God.

B. Reasons and Ways to Praise God Psalm 150:1-6

Praising the Lord is not a kind of casual meaningless activity. There is power in praise. Psalm 150 is the concluding song of praise perhaps composed specifically to close the psalter. It begins with a call to praise God, where He should be praised, how and those to be involved in the praise. The word ‘Praise’ is repeated thirteen times in six verses. According to verse lb, God’s people were encouraged to praise God in His temple and His mighty heavens. The temple is or place of worship and holiness. Of course, heaven is God’s dwelling place from where He displays His mighty power over the universe. Verse 2 explains two major reasons for which God must be praised. It says, “Praise him for the mighty things which He has done; praise him for his surpassing greatness.” Verses 3 to 5 clearly states how God should be praised and with what type of musical instruments He should be praised with. We are to praise God with trumpet, harp and lyre, tambourine and dancing, strings and flute, clashing cymbals, and resounding cymbals.

Finally, in verse 6, every living creature is called to praise YAHWEH, the God of Israel in His sanctuary. Ultimately, Christians are bound to praise God for His wonderful works, which He has done, He is doing and He will yet do. We should praise Him with every available instrument and make a joyful noise to glorify Him. This can be done in the church, our homes, or wherever we find ourselves for His countless blessings toward humankind. Experience has shown that whenever God is praised from a sincere heart and with good musical instruments, He takes delight in His people and crowns the humble with salvation (Psalm 149:4). As the psalmist enjoins, let us worship God with our whole lives. Let us pour out our love to Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Discussion Time 2

1. Why is it that some people do not see the need to dance in church but they do in parties?

2. Verse 5 says, “Praise God with cymbals, praise Him with loud cymbals.” To what extent can Christians play their musical instruments without disturbing others?

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity

Class members are to write at least ten (10) reasons they will continue to praise God and exchange their list with one another.

Let them sing some songs of praise with available instruments in appreciation of God’s wonderful works in their lives.

Take Home

-▪︎ We should learn to praise God in the assembly of His people.

-▪︎It is a good thing to praise God as God delights in the praises of His people.

.▪︎ Christians should endeavour to praise God with different musical instruments.

~▪︎Everything that has breath should praise God.

-▪︎God honours the humble
with victory.

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