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Unit Three
December 12th, 2021
Lesson : ELEVEN
Memory Scripture
Nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of charge, but worked with labour and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you
(2 Thessalonians 3:8).
God works in the creation and sustenance of the universe. He has also given man work to do, secularly and spiritually. How well are you fairing in your God-given works?
Paul, in one of his letters to the Thessalonian church warned against idleness of brethren and even advised then not to associate with whoever is found begging to survive, yet not completely ignoring him by giving loving admonitions (2 Thess. 3:6). Everyone is expected to work like God Himself worked and still works till today. Jesus also is a Worker not because His needs couldn’t be met while here on earth, but that He must show us the will of His Father — God. Throughout the Bible, idleness has been condemned as it leads to as many vices in the society, and the Church of God is not excluded. Paul, the Apostle, was bold to tell the Church that he wouldn’t wait until they donate for him before he could have his daily bread. As gospel preachers and Church in general, we must work to settle all our bills while not constituting nuisance and placing high burden on the Church as some do today. Even though minister’s labour in preaching, praying, counselling and visitation must be rewarded, for God commanded that the sweat of the labourer must not dry before his wages are paid (Deut. 24:15; 1 Tim. 5:18), he must not unnecessary place a demand on the church or individuals. Paul as tent, maker sometimes joined other artisans to work in order to survive outside of shame and reproach (Acts 18:3; 20:34). The dignity in labour must propel everyone of us to tighten our belts and do something worthwhile with our hands to earn a living and respond to others’ needs. We cannot be tired working here until we come to our rest in heaven. Jesus was a carpenter’s son. Moses, David, Abraham were shepherds. Therefore, work is an integral part of our lives. Don’t detach it.
Devotional Bible Reading For Week One
Mon. 6: God Works From The Beginning (Jn. 1:1-3)
Tue. 7: God Maps Out Man’s Work Days (Exod. 20:9-10)
Wed. 8: God Is Interested In Our Works (Prov. 16:3)
Thur. 9: God Abhors Laziness At Work (Prov. 22:29)
Fri. 10: God Would Bless His People’s Handiwork (Deut. 28:8)
Sat. 11: God Commands Rest After Work (Gen. 2:1-3)
1. God’s plan is that man should have work through which he can cater for himself, his family and others around him.
2. No one has excuses not to work, if the small ants work and build great houses, even in summer. Sometimes the big rabbit goes to live there. This is food for thought!
AIM: To show the importance and relevance of work to living godly lives.
OBJECTIVES: At the end of this study, learners should be:
i. able to show that God Himself works and desires that all must work to earn a living;
ii. able to discuss the dangers inherent in idleness, and this should make them to better embrace hard work;
iii. able to discuss what to do in times of economic crisis at any level; and
iv. showing signs of readiness to embrace work, not because of worldly attainment, but for dignity and not being a burden to others.
TEXTUAL SOURCE: Genesis 1:1; 2:2, 15-18, 21-28; 3:23; 6:1; SAMUEL 30:7-10; PROVERBS 6:6; 22:29; 10:4-5; 14:23; ECCLESIASTES 9:10; 11:4-8; JOHN 14:10
We give thanks to God for the exposition considered and the leading of the Holy Spirit received in lesson 10, ORIGIN AND CHALLENGES OF SINGLE-PARENTING. There, we saw God’s attitude to, and provisions for the victims of single-parenting, either by choice or by circumstances beyond their controls. We delved into the causes and challenges of single-parenting, after which we discussed how God sees single parents, and how He helps them through the thick and thin of their situations. May God help us to continue to appreciate His love for everybody, including single parents, wherever, all over the world. Amen.
This week, we will be examined the topic, WORK-RELATED ISSUES, which has been divided into I, GOD WORKS, AND GIVES MAN WORK, and II, GOD DETESTS LAZINESS. We are looking at how God initiated work and still have interest in man working, so he can take care of himself and his loved ones. He personally gave man work to do in the Garden of Eden to be an example to his offspring. So, “you are not the son of your Father”, if you are the lazy type.
Furthermore, man, like God, must work to sustain himself, and laziness must not be allowed for any reason, even as we face unemployment and lack of white collar job in our nations. We shall consider some ways-out of this economic downturn, which has continued to point us to the need for entrepreneurship and the need to acquire and develop new skills.
As we progress in this lesson, we entreat the Holy Spirit to teach us how to assimilate and make use of the lessons therein, to come out of lack and hardship in time like this. Amen.
This is a one-week lesson with its only division splits into parts A and B.
This is a one-week lesson that centres on how God works and commands man to also work to earn a living, and even reach out to others. As such, He abhors laziness in all its form. No wonder, God advises in His Word that the sluggard learns a lesson from the ants who though are small, do great things for themselves and even other animals — the rabbit for instance. The scriptures have been exposed to reveal God’s mind and will for mankind concerning work. May we no longer give flimsy excuses for being idle, both for ourselves and the Church!
I. WORK-RELATED ISSUES(Genesis 1:1; 2:2, 15-18, 21-28; 3:23; John 14:10)
Work is a job or activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn a living. There, you exert strength or faculties to do or perform something. The issue of works is important to our existence as it affects all aspects of our lives: moral, physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. The advantages of working cannot be overemphasised. No wonder, God Himself commissioned man to trim the grass of the field and till the ground for all-round survival.
A. GOD WORKS, AND GIVES MAN WORK (Genesis 1:1; 2:2, 15-18, 21-28; 3:23; John 14:10)
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done (Gen. 2:2).
i. In the beginning, it took God 6 days to create the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1, 2), to give man what we are enjoying till today. He responsibly worked for our comfort — the waters, vegetation, lightnings and all that man has, and, and has not discovered. The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness (Psa. 24:1).
ii. Gen. 2:2: and He rested… does not mean a total hands off, for He still works till today (Jn. 5:17). While He came as the Son, He continued working in Jesus who went about doing good (Acts 10:38). We are the work of His hand (Isa. 64:8).
iii. Everything must be done to time (Eccl. 3:1). Why? (Jn. 9:4). There is no time to waste, if we must fulfil God’s purpose in life. Jesus shows that a time would come in one’s life, when there would no longer be time to work. Do what you have to do for God and even yourself, now!
iv. Jn. 14:10: God still works in His own. He did work in Jesus, the Disciples, our fathers of faith, and in anyone who surrenders to Him, even today. Don’t boast of any accomplishment; He has only helped you!
v. Gen. 2:15: As soon as God created man, He handed him responsibilities — tending and keeping the Garden. Man is designed to be active; never left jobless; had 6 days or work (20:9-10); today, with different works in different fields (Eccl. 2:24; 8:15).
vi. vv. 16,18, 21-28: What a benevolent God! Man will always have his living in the garden he kepts; an indictment for those who still wait for manna to fall from heaven
To make the work easy and enjoyable, God gave man a compatible helpmeet (Eccl. 4:8ff). God doesn’t want His children jobless (Rom. 12:11); He gave man 6 days to work with a day of rest (Exod. 20:9).
vii. 3:23: Even at Fall, God’s penchant for work did not allow Him leave man idle; commanded him to till the ground for sustenance. You are on your own if you are slothful (1 Thess. 4:11, 12; 2 Thess. 3:6-10).
viii. Note that God didn’t send Adam to a place of torment but to place of toil (Gen. 3:23) so that out of his toiling, he might still enjoy life and be happy. It is poverty that kills, not work. Sometimes what believers term suffering is just a necessity suitable for our lives and living. May we gladly toil for both ourselves and our Master, Jesus Christ (C.A.C.G.H.B. 733).
B. GOD DETESTS LAZINESS (Genesis 6:1; 1 Samuel 30:7-10; Proverbs 6:6; 22:29; 10:4-5; 14:23; Ecclesiastes 9:10; 11:4-8)
Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise (Prov. 6:6).
i. Gen. 6:1: The world growth rate is alarming, but with few industries, and graduates are being turned out yearly with no plan to absorb them to the labour market. The introduction of computer into all human activities improves the quality but reduces the work fore. Entrepreneurship is now being vigorously pursued.
ii. Prov. 6:6: Proverbs repeatedly condemns laziness (6:6-11; 10:26; 13:4; 20:4). Ants have lessons for the lazy. Laziness breeds poverty and penury (cf. 14:23). Work; don’t sleep lazily (20:13).
iii. 22:29: Diligence should be duly prioritised, not because of worldly attainment (cf. 1 Jn. 2:15-16), but that one may not be a burden to others and sandal to the Church. No one is created to be a potential perpetual consumer. Everyone is a contributor. Do leaders still value work when it comes to appointments and promotions?
iv. 10:4-5: Even if you are yet unemployed, look inward and be creative to avoid a life of mockery (1 Tim. 5:8). A bird in hand is worth more than a thousand far away (14:23). David skill (gifts) made ways for him (1 Sam. 16:18).
v. Eccl. 9:10: Do something with your talents, and commit all to Him, to see Him bless you (Psa. 37:5; Prov. 10:5; Matt. 25:24-28). God will bring to pass all you commit to Him. Trust God for increase in what our hands find doing (Col. 3:23).
vi. In time like this, just like David (1 Sam. 30:8-10), seek the face of God in prayer for directives (1 Sam. 16:18; cf. Jer. 33:3; Isa. 55:6), plan well, and courageously pursue your God-given vision. Don’t wait until you get all the help you need. Persist and perspire; prosperity will follow (Eccl. 9:10).
vii. 11:4-8: It is high time we arose and delivered ourselves from joblessness. Sow in all seasons, diversifying seminars, trainings, etc. To start your own business or job/work (cf. Hos. 4:6), plant your small business, and wait for the dew of heaven (cf. Gen. 26:12ff).
viii. A man reaps whatever he sows. So cast your bread upon the waters for after many days you’ll have them back, and this time, in multiples, like Issac (Eccl. 11:1; Gen. 26:12). When you pray for God to bless you and you have no work, it is like putting Him to a test (Deut. 6:16; Mt. 4:7).
1. God demonstrates to us the imperativeness of continued diligence, by His own perfect example of unrelenting hard work.
2. It is God’s will for man to never give up working. Lazy people perpetually lack food and other basic amenities in all aspects of life.
1. If God works and commissions man to work, why do we still find jobless, hungry, lazy people in our churches and society today?
2. What can we do as Christians to survive this global economic crisis without offending God and being a menace to the society?
* There will always be poor people in our Lands (Deut. 15:11). What some are made poor, others will make themselves so.
* Many deisres to work but the situation of their country debars them. Still, no one has tenable excuses to be jobless.
* Over dependence on the nation for white collar jobs which doesn’t exist for many.
* We should look forward for godly alternatives, if government fails.
* Laziness still plagues some members of the Church. Ask them to join any department in the Church, they complain and give excuses. If you can’t serve God, He may not serve you.
* Excuses and blame game. Oh! My parents didn’t look after me. Oh! Our leaders have failed us.
* All must take the bull by the horn and find something worthwhile doing, etc.
* Enumerate and analyse the causes of economic crises and appraise yourself, if you are culpable.
* Adjust any lifestyle of ostentation. Go for your needs, not what you want.
* Cry to God who is able to change any situation. When Israel needed change in their situations, they cried to their God (Ex. 2:23; 14:10; 15:23).
* Let leaders of churches organise training workshops to help members learn some trades and establish their own businesses.
* Wealthy members of the Church must help by giving out loans to the less privileged without interest. This must be through their Pastors.
* Be creative, learn a vocation, do something for yourself, etc.
The COVID-19 which world in economic crisis has also made some few individuals and organisations, men and women of repute, in that, while others were busy counting casualty figures, how many COVID has killed and unable to kill, how government officials failed to share palliatives appropriately, they were busy thinking how they might be a solution to the problem. Indeed, many came out with the production of sanitizers, hand gloves, face masks, food items and so on. Today, some of them are millionaires and have their businesses fully established
Creativity is what you need to put food on your table and even others. Christians must stop crying about this government or that leader or the church’s inability to do something for them. Everyone must rise Paul, Peter and others, to be the solution their world needs. Let’s look for the advantage that are hidden in any ugly situation to turn our lives and world around. Secret things belong to God and they are meant for us and our children (Deut. 29:29). And are thresh!
Thank God for how He has enriched our understanding by this teaching. We all now must know better that an idle hand lies the Devil’s workshop. As we keep trusting God for our daily provisions (Mt. 6:11), let us be diligent within and outside the Church as we prioritise work in our walk with God. May we no longer beg for bread in Jesus’ name.
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