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CAC Nigeria And Overseas Sunday School Manual For February 11, 2024 Lesson 4: Topic – HOLY SPIRIT AND POWER AT PENTECOST

CAC Nigeria And Overseas Sunday School Manual For February 11, 2024 Lesson 4: Topic – HOLY SPIRIT AND POWER AT PENTECOST
Read previous CAC Sunday School Mnuals here
11th February, 2024
Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:3-4).
2:3, 4 This was a fulfillment of John the Baptist’s words about the Holy Spirit’s baptizing with fire (Luke 3:16) and of the prophet Joel’s words about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28, 29). Why tongues of fire? Tongues symbolize speech and the communication of the Good News. Fire symbolizes God’s purifying presence, which burns away the undesirable elements of our lives and sets our hearts aflame to ignite the lives of others. On Mount Sinai, God confirmed the validity of the Old Testament law with fire from heaven (Exodus 19:16-18). At Pentecost, God confirmed the validity of the Holy Spirit’s ministry by sending fire. At Mount Sinai, fire came down on one place; at Pentecost, fire came down on many believers, symbolizing that God’s presence is available to all who believe in him.
2:3, 4 God made his presence known to this group of believers in a spectacular way-roaring wind (2:2), fire, and his Holy Spirit. Would you like God to reveal himself to you in such recognizable ways? He may do so, but be wary of forcing your expectations on God. In 1 Kings 19:10-13, Elijah also needed a message from God. First came a great wind, then an earthquake, and finally a fire. But God’s message came in a “gentle whisper.” God may use dramatic methods to work in your life-or he may speak in gentle whispers. Wait patiently and always listen.
The promise of the advent of the Holy Spirit eventually came to fruition. Jesus’ disciples were baptised by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. *When did you experience your own Pentecost?*
The coming of the Holy Spirit and Power as promised by Christ turned around the disciples’ lives and nations. The Holy Spirit made a remarkable entrance, ringing the bell for the gospel service and choosing the day of Pentecost to draw people from all nations to Himself. He publicly spread His message, emphasising the significance of the feast of Pentecost, just as people had gathered in Jerusalem from all nations. The divided tongues symbolise great expectations, signifying the powerful influence and operation of the Spirit of God on man man’s mind. This resulted in speaking in diverse tongues-a manifestation of spiritual gifts.
1. The coming of the Holy Spirit and its accompanying power completes and furthers God’s work on earth through Christ.
2. The Holy Spirit’s movement is shown in believers’ working obediently, waiting and praying together, and sharing the good news of Christ with nations. The Holy Spirit directs us to Christ and empowers us to finish the work He entrusted to us.
BACKGROUND SCRIPTURES: Ezekiel 36:26-30; Joel 2:28
The AIM of this lesson is to acknowledge the ‘official’ coming of the Holy Spirit and His move among God’s people.
I. THE SPIRIT COMES (Acts. 2:1-4)
Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them (v.3).
a) v. 1a: Pentecost (Harvest Feast, or Feast of Weeks) is the Jewish feast that comes the 50th (Grk. pentekoste) day from the Passover (Exo. 23:16; 34:22; Lev. 23:15,22; Deut. 16:9).
a. 2:1 Held 50 days after Passover, Pentecost was also called the Festival of First Harvest. It was one of three major annual festivals (Deuteronomy 16:16), a festival of thanksgiving for the harvested crops. Jesus was crucified at Passover time, and he ascended 40 days after his resurrection. The Holy Spirit came 50 days after the Resurrection, 10 days after the Ascension. Jews of many nations had gathered in Jerusalem for this festival. Thus, Peter’s speech (2:14ff) was given to an international audience, and it resulted in a worldwide harvest of new believers-the first converts to Christianity.
c. In John 17:21-23 Jesus’ great desire for his disciples was that they would become one. He wanted them unified as a powerful witness to the reality of God’s love. Are you helping to unify the body of Christ, the church? You can pray for other Christians, avoid gossip, build others up, work together in humility, give your time and money, exalt Christ, and refuse to get sidetracked arguing over divisive matters.
17:21-23 Jesus prayed for unity among believers based on the believers’ unity with him and the Father. Christians can known unity among themselves if they are living in union with God. For example, each branch living in union with the vine is united with all other branches doing the same.
e. 2:14 Peter had been an unstable leader during Jesus’ ministry, letting his bravado be his downfall, even denying that he knewe Jesus (John 18:15-18, 25-27). But Christ had forgiven and restored him (John 21). This was a new Peter, humble but bold.s His confidence came from the Holy Spirit, who made him powerful and dynamic speaker. Have you ever felt as if you’ve wor made such bad mistakes that God could never forgive and use you? No matter what sins you have committed, God promises to forgive you and make you useful for his Kingdom. Allow himon to forgive you and use you effectively to serve him.
2:14ff Peter tells the people that they should listen to the testi-con mony of the believers because the Old Testament prophecies concerning Jesus had been entirely fulfilled in him (2:14-21), ond because Jesus is the Messiah (2:25-36), and because the risen Christ could change their lives (2:37-40).
1. My question is: The mountain we are going today is it the same recommended mountain Jesus want us to wait for this power? Many people have spend many months on the mountain today. Are we actually receiving the real Holy Spirit Jesus told us?
Some ladies are also going to the same mountain with attachment on their fingers and legs, hairs and even lips. All their body are not completely covered at the same mountain!
2. Why is it that some leaders visit the mountain in order to destroy fellow ministers with their pictures, names and mothers names for their devilish act that is personal to them?
The end time is near.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (v. 4).
2:4ff These people literally spoke in other languages as the Spirit gave them ability-a miraculous attention-getter for the international crowd gathered in town for the festival. All the nationalities represented recognized their own languages being spoken. More than miraculous speaking drew people’s attention, however; they saw the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The apostles con- tinued to minister in the Holy Spirit’s power wherever they went.COMMENTS
2:7, 8 Christianity is not limited to any race or group of people. Christ offers salvation to all people without regard to nationality. Visitors in Jerusalem were surprised to hear the apostles and other believers speaking in languages other than their own, but they need not have been. God works all kinds of miracles to spread the Good News, using many languages as he calls all kinds of people to become his followers. No matter what your race, color, national- ity, or language, God speaks to you. Are you listening? ).
2:9-11 Why are all these places mentioned? This is a list of many lands from which Jews had come to the festivals in Jerusalem. These Jews were not originally from Palestine because their ancestors had been dispersed to other parts of the world through captivities and persecutions. Very likely, some of the Jews who responded to Peter’s message returned to their homelands with God’s Good News of salvation. Thus, God prepared the way for the spread of the Good News. As you read Acts, you will see how the way was often prepared for Paul and other messengers by people who had become believers at Pentecost. The church at Rome, for example, was probably begun by such Jewish believers.
2:12 When the gathered crowd recognized that something super- natural was taking place, they naturally wanted an explanation. At this point, Peter stepped forward and explained the truth about God. This should be the pattern in our lives as well. Hopefully we are living in such a way that people will see Christ in us. If we do shine and sparkle (Matthew 5:14; Philippians 2:15) and if we are “salty” (Matthew 5:13), we will get the attention of others. They will surely want to know what is so attractive and different about us. Then we can explain our “Christian hope” (1 Peter 3:15). What is different about your life? What supernatural evidence would cause someone to stop you and say, “What can this mean?”
2:14 Peter had been an unstable leader during Jesus’ ministry, letting his bravado be his downfall, even denying that he knew Jesus (John 18:15-18, 25-27). But Christ had forgiven and restored him (John 21). This was a new Peter, humble but bold. His confidence came from the Holy Spirit, who made him aan fun powerful and dynamic speaker. Have you ever felt as if you’ve made such bad mistakes that God could never forgive and use o you? No matter what sins you have committed, God promiseson to forgive you and make you useful for his Kingdom. Allow him to forgive you and use you effectively to serve him.
2:14ff Peter tells the people that they should listen to the testi-icon mony of the believers because the Old Testament prophecies vidloc concerning Jesus had been entirely fulfilled in him (2:14-21), pht enc because Jesus is the Messiah (2:25-36), and because the risen Christ could change their lives (2:37-40).
2:37 After Peter’s powerful, Spirit-filled message, the people were deeply moved and asked, “What should we do?” This is the basic question we must ask. It is not enough to be sorry for our sins. We must repent, ask God to forgive us, and then live like forgiven people. Has God spoken to you through his Word or through the words of another believer? Like Peter’s audience, ask God what you should do, and then obey.
2:38, 39 If you want to follow Christ, you must “repent of your sins, turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.” To repent means to turn from sin, to change the direction of your life from selfishness and rebellion against God’s laws. At the same time, you must turn to Christ, depending on him for forgiveness, mercy, guidance, and purpose. We cannot save ourselves-only God can save us. Baptism identifies us with Christ and with the community of believers. It is a condition of discipleship and a sign of faith.
2:40-43 About 3,000 people became new believers when Peter preached the Good News about Christ. These new Christians were united with the other believers, taught by the apostles, and included in the prayer meetings and fellowship. New believers in Christ need to be in groups, where they can learn God’s Word, pray, and mature in the faith. If you have just begun a relationship with Christ, seek out other believers for fellowship, prayer, and teaching. This is the way to grow.
2:44 Recognizing the other believers as brothers and sisters in the family of God, the Christians in Jerusalem shared all they had so that all could benefit from God’s gifts. It is tempting- especially if we have material wealth-to cut ourselves off from one another, concerning ourselves with only our interests and enjoying only our own little piece of the world. But as part of God’s spiritual family, it is our responsibility to help one another in every way possible. God’s family works best when its members work together.
2:46 A common misconception about the first Christians (who were Jews) was that they rejected the Jewish religion. But these believers saw Jesus’ message and resurrection as the fulfillment of everything they knew and believed from the Old Testament. The Jewish believers at first did not separate themselves from the rest of the Jewish community. They still went to the Temple and syna- gogues for worship and instruction in the Scriptures. But their belief in Jesus created great friction with Jews who didn’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Thus, believing Jews were forced to meet in private homes for Communion, prayer, and teaching about Christ. By the end of the first century, many of these Jewish believers were excommunicated from their synagogues.
2:47 A healthy Christian community attracts people to Christ. The Jerusalem church’s zeal for worship and brotherly love was contagious. A healthy, loving church will grow in numbers. What are you doing to make your church the kind of place that will attract others to Christ?
We have extensively learned how Jesus disciples obeyed the instructions given to them and Holy Spirit finally came upon them and we have also seen it clearly that they did not abused the presence of Holy Spirit in their lives. They did not divert people’s attention away from Jesus Christ unlike many leaders who have not even received much gifts from God do today by putting themselves in the position of God. They want people to fear them instead of God; they see it as means of gathering wealth and fame; they are selling anointing oil and water; the Holy Ghost anointing Service have become daddy’s Anointing Service! Glory be to God that the information I received was that the Authority of our Great Mission have canceled ANOINTING SERVICE simply because many leaders have abused it. Selfish leaders have flooded the field of God. Herbalist prophet have pretended to be a true prophet of God. Let’s go back and read Church History and learn from those characters.
Receiving Holy Spirit and Power is not a means of getting money, fame, not to acquire wealths, not to become the richest pastor/prophets, not ATM and not for personal gain, it’s to help unbelievers to come to realise the Need for God (Our Last Week Bible Study Topic in one of our group) and to build the body of Christ.
May we not continue to disappoint God with our selfishness in Jesus name. Amen
1. The presence of the Holy Spirit is unmistakable in any person, or place He inhabits.
2. For our churches to perform the signs and wonders that Christ promises, we need the presence, power, and move of the Holy Spirit.
1. What is the significance of Pentecost to your church?
2. How can Pentecost be a regular experience in your church?
This is where I will stop today in order to allow more contributions and questions.
God bless you all
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