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CAC Living Water Daily Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – WHEN GOD WEEPS…

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – WHEN GOD WEEPS…
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THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024)
DATE: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Is Israel a servant? Is he a homeborn slave?
Why is he plundered? (Jeremiah 2:14).
READ : Matthew 5:4-6
[4]. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
[5]. Blessed are the meek, for they shall ghinherit the earth.
[6]. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
It is unexpected that God can weep since we usually associate weeping with humans. Nevertheless, the Holy Bible discloses that God undergoes emotions similar to ours. For instance, during the Israelites’ expedition in the wilderness, God exhibited profound sadness over their conduct, despite the signs and wonders He demonstrated for them. They did not entirely commit themselves to Him, but His affection for them persisted. In the same vein, this mirrors our conduct today, emphasising our resemblance to the Israelites. Take time to reflect on how, and from where God has guided, saved, and still protects you, and how He loves you unconditionally. Consider how you behave in different areas of your life, – home, work, school, in private etc.
Can you separate yourself from negative influences? Remember how Jesus and His Apostles sacrificed for their faith. Do you value and uphold your faith, striving to remain pure for the Lord? Evaluate your attitude towards your family, academics, career, finances, relationships, and Christian responsibilities. Have you compromised your values for material gain? Don’t let God be disappointed in your choices. In today’s reading, God wept over the Israelites and called them to repentance. He is also calling you today. Embrace Jesus Christ and find salvation.
1. Father Lord, I promise today that You will not weep over me again. Please help me, Oh Lord Jesus.
2. God, help me to separate myself from every form of defilement.
3. Pray for CAC marketing Department, the Marketing Officer and the staff as led by the Holy Spirit.
CAC GHB: 190
1. Day of wrath! O day of mourning!
See fulfilled the prophet’s warning,
Heav’n and earth to ashes burning.
2. Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth,
Through earth’s sepulchres it ringeth,
All before the throne it bringeth.
3. Lo! The Book, exactly worded,
Wherein all hath been recorded;
Thence shall judgment be awarded.
4. Death is struck, and nature quaking,
All creation is awaking,
To its Judge an answer making.
5. When the Judge His seat attaineth
And each hidden deed araigneth,
Nothing unaveng’d remaineth.
Nehemiah 10, 11, 12
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