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C.A.C Sunday School Manual For July 28, 2024 Lesson 27: Topic – HEALING AND DELIVERANCE GIFTS

C.A.C Sunday School Manual For July 28, 2024 Lesson 27: Topic – HEALING AND DELIVERANCE GIFTS
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LESSON Twenty-Seven
28th July, 2024
To another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same spirit (1 Corinthians 12:9)
Jesus perfectly demonstrated the gifts of healing and deliverance. He still gives the gifts to His people today.
In the passage, Paul stresses that the Holy Spirit bestows various gifts upon people, some receiving the gift of healing and others the gift of faith. He stresses the divine origin of these gifts-all come from the same Source, God Himself. While every believer possesses faith in Christ and trust in God’s Word, the spiritual gift of faith pertains to a unique ability to trust God with a level of confidence and assurance that goes beyond what most other Christians experience. Some scholars proposed that this gift is closely related to other gifts mentioned in the list, particularly the gift of healing. The possession of the gift of healing enables the believer to supernaturally restore health, or even prevent death. This is different from the practice of medical arts or sciences, as the Holy Spirit grants those with the gifts of healing and deliverance the ability to instantaneously and miraculously heal specific conditions that might have defy medical interpretation and solution.
*Mon. 22:* Jesus’ Stripes Heal And Deliver (Isa. 53:4-5)
*Tue, 23:* Jesus, The Word, Heals And Delivers (Psa. 107:20)
*Wed. 24:* Jacob’s Spiritual Health Shall Be Restored (Jer. 30:10-16)
*Thur. 25:* Jesus’ Name Heals and Delivers (Acts 3:1-8).
*Fri. 26:* Jesus’ Power In Peter Wrought Deliverance (Acts 5:14-16)
*Sat. 27:* Joy Unprecedented Follows True Deliverance (Acts 8:4-8)
1. Gifts of healing and deliverance are extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit that showcase God’s power in His Church.
2. God is always the subject, and His people are always the object of healing and deliverance.
*BACKGROUND SCRIPTURE: Obadiah 17; Jeremiah 33:6
*AIM:* To show that the gifts of healing and deliverance are real and are still operative in the body of Christ.
*OBJECTIVES:* At the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:
*i.* explain how God has kindly given His Church the ability to heal and deliver people in order to continue displaying His ability to do so;
*ii*. show that the gift of healing and deliverance cannot be found elsewhere, expect in Jesus; and
*iii.* differentiate between fake and original healing and deliverance.
*TEXTUAL SOURCE: MARK 16:17-18; ACTS 10:38; 16:16-18; 19:11- 17; ROMANS 12:3-8; 1 CORINTHIANS 12:9; JAMES 5:14-16*
We thank God for the previous week’s lesson. God really imparted us more than ever before, in His undying Word. May His name be forever praised. Amen.
This week, we are on to another wonderful session of unstoppable blessings from the Lord, as we further examine some more gifts of the Holy Spirit. This time around, we are examining the Gifts of Healing and Deliverance. The healing gift is a wonderful spiritual gift through which wholeness and health, spiritually, physically, mentally and otherwise are divinely given to the sick or diseased, especially in the body of Christ. Likewise, the Gift of Deliverance is a supernatural ability to cast out devils from anyone who is possessed. It is called exorcism in some quarters. Exorcism is “the use of prayers or religious rituals to drive out evil spirits believed to be possessing a person or place.” It can be a religious ceremony or special ritual aimed at achieving this. It is in the same vein “the act of ridding the mind of oppressive feelings or memories” (Microsoft Encarta 2009).
As we study this lesson, may we be made whole by Jesus’ stripes. Amen.
*I. THE GIFT OF HEALING (Acts 10:38; Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:9; Jas. 5:14-16)*
To another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same spirit (1 Cor. 12:9)
a) 1 Cor. 12:9: Healing is the spiritual ability to bring someone back to the initial sound healthy state after an illness (2 Chro. 7:14). From its Greek origin, therapeuo and the Hebrew rapha, it can be described as the restoration of someone to full health.
b) For I am the Lord who heals you … (Exo. 15:26). God declares Himself as the only Therapist by whom His people can achieve wellness and wholeness. He also graciously gives His people the gift to heal on His behalf.
c) Rom. 12:3-8: Healing gift is an extraordinary gift of the Holy Spirit that God releases to His Church for restoration of sound health in all aspects (cf. 1 Cor. 12:30).
d) Acts 10:38: The Holy Spirit’s anointing in Jesus manifests the healing grace in, and through Him in amazing dimensions. God’s Spirit equips the believer with this gift according to His discretion (1 Cor. 12:9). It can neither be bought nor sought through diabolical means.
e) Jas 5:14-16: It must be exercised through faith in Christ, by praying for the sick and speaking forth God’s Word (Psa. 107:20; Matt. 4:1-2; 17:14-21).
f) James 5:14-15 highlight the need for Church members to support and pray for one another, especially when facing illness, or pain. The ultimate hope for complete healing is found in Rev. 21, where there will be no more suffering, illness, or death in heaven.
*II. THE GIFT OF DELIVERANCE (Mk. 16:17-18; Acts 16:16-18; 19:11-17)*
And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues (Mk. 16:17).
a) Mk 16:17-18: The power Jesus promises here is embedded in the gift of deliverance. It is the ability to cast out devils from the possessed. Also known as exorcism in some circles. It is the process whereby an individual who is possessed of evil spirits is set free from the bondage, to the glory of God.
b) v. 17: Deliverance gift is a sign following all who believe in the name of Jesus Christ, graciously released for casting out demons in that name of Jesus (Acts 3:16).
c) Acts 16:16-18: We see Paul displaying the gift of deliverance here, having earlier been enabled by the Holy Spirit to discern that the certain slave girl was possessed with a spirit of divination (v. 16). Those with this gift are divinely enabled to command demons in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of the possessed, and there is instant deliverance (v. 18).
d) Acts 19:14-17: To forestall the experience of the sons of Sceva, he who exercises this gift must be aligned with Jesus Christ, the gift- Giver. Obviously, there are exorcists who are unbelievers, supposedly casting out devils by the devil (cf. Matt. 12:22-28). If the sons of Sceva did not go scot-free, they too would not escape. Better repent!
e) Christ’s deliverance frees from oppression (cf. Matt. In the OT, it symbolises God rescuing His people from peril and oppression, representing freedom from sin through Christ.
1. God graciously released healing gifts to restore His people to sound and perfect health.
2. In some cases, the gift of deliverance goes hand in hand with the gift of healing, with wholeness in the Lord as the goal.
1. Describe what the gift of healing is all about.
2. Discuss the significance of deliverance gift in the body of Christ.
* Refer to part 1 of the lesson exposition.
* The gift of healing is distinct from medical treatment, as it involves miraculous healing by the Holy Spirit.
* Healing encompasses renewal, transformation, sustenance and nurturing of the whole person-body, mind, and spirit-within various dimensions and relationships.
* The spiritual gift of healing, manifested supernaturally, delivers individuals from illness, or infirmity through the power of God, as seen in the Bible.
* “Gifts of healing” encompass a wide range of abilities, from performing miraculous healings to medical knowledge, or even emotional healing through empathy and love.
Refer to part II of the lesson exposition.
The gift of deliverance frees people from imprisonment, primarily by casting out demons and evil spirit.
It’s associated with individuals who perform rituals to expel these malevolent entities, addressing physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional issues.
Temporal deliverance offers relief from life’s tribulations, with God providing support during challenges to strengthen faith.
Deliverance in the Church is linked to holiness, allowing people to enjoy their spiritual inheritance by escaping the consequences of sin.
Various sicknesses, diseases, as well as satanic and demonic torments afflict the world. It requires a deliverer from these physical and spiritual epidemics. Believers must rise up to this challenge by seeking God’s presence for enablement to deliver our world (Mk. 16:16). Be willing, desire, and possess the gifts of healing and deliverance.
Thank God for the lesson on healing and deliverance. In Acts 19:13, Paul emphasisest the importance of using the name ‘Jesus’ to cast out demons. This name represents His power, sovereignty, character and authority. However, having a genuine relationship with Jesus is a prerequisite for using His name to avoid rejection, being ignored, or attacked by demons. Let’s seek God’s grace to use these gifts to glorify Him. Amen.
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