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January 7, 2021 Higher Everyday Devotional : Topic –  WONDERS OF GOD’S CREATION – 7

January 7, 2021 Higher Everyday Devotional : Topic –  WONDERS OF GOD’S CREATION – 7


Read previous Devotionals here




BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 2: 1-3

MEMORY VERSE: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made” (Genesis 2:2).

God set goals for accomplishing what He wanted in the universe for six days. Whatever He created each day, He reviewed and saw that it was good. At the end of day six, God reviewed everything He Had made and said, “…it was very good.” Beloved, reviewing your work is very important. It helps to ensure that the product of your work is really what you set out for. It provides opportunity for discovering errors and correcting them. It gives confidence in you that your product is good and reliable. It gives joy of achievement.

God rested on the seventh day after six days of busy creation activities. He has also built rest into all He has made – human beings and animals (Exodus 20:8-11) and the land to have sabbatical rest (Leviticus 25:2-4). Why rest? Bob Gass said, “Timely rest restores your energies and maintains your abilities, so that you can function at full capacities.” What more? (1) It is in obedience to God, and (2) It provides dedicated time for concentrated worship of God and interaction with the family.

CHALLENGE: Work and rest like your Creator.

QUOTE: God reviewed everything He had made

PRAYER: Oh God, my Father! Help me to also work and rest, in Jesus’ name.

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