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March 24, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – GIVE UP OR PERSIST?

March 24, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – GIVE UP OR PERSIST?

Read previous CAC Living Water Devotionals here


Wednesday, March 24, 2021.

(World Tuberculosis Day & International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations & for the Dignity of Victims”)


Read Mark 2:2-5

MEMORISE: When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sin are forgiven you” (Mark 2:5).


Courage is one of the most important virtues, because without it, nothing of value or worth can be successfully done. No wonder God told Joshua to be courageous as he took on the mantle of leadership from his predecessor, Moses (Jos. 1:6-8). Both the sick man and his bearers in our text today must be commended for their faith, which they duly exercised to their favour and God’s glory. Their persistence is seen in how they took the pain to uncover the roof of the room to drop the paralytic down for Jesus to heal him.

In this life, a lot of things could keep one from where he should be. One of such is being incapacitated by sickness. While others were struggling to enter to hear and be healed by the Saviour, the paralytic would have missed that opportunity if not for the resilience of those who had brought him. So, they found their way to the roof, for the entrance had been blocked. Every way that leads to honourable places always seems blocked. Only those with faith, determination, courage and focus would find their ways to the actualization of their God-given destinies. Since those who bore the man were tired of his problems, they gave him to his Owner who is compassionate and powerful to deal with his situation. Jesus needs only one leader to come to you, and that is your faith.

Rather than submitting to fate, believers in Christ must keep pressing on, moving on, and forging ahead. Let us learn from Elisha (2 Kgs. 2:4ff) and the importunate widow (Lk. 18:1-8). You cannot achieve much, if you are afraid to keep moving on, even in the face of daring opposition. If you stop moving on, God may stop acting. The road to eternity is not so smooth; determination and persistence are the bridges to take you there. Persist; don’t give up, for you are almost there!.


1. Lord, give me the spirit of resilience and perseverance as I move on in the journey of life.

2. Lord Jesus, please arouse the faith of those waiting on You for the fruit of the womb to keep pressing on as You come to comfort them today!

3. Lord, encourage Your Church to keep hope alive in the face of life-threatening challenges, as You keep delivering her.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: Deut. 12:8 – 14:21; Luke 1:56 – 1:77.

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