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June 8, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – REPHIDIM.

June 8, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic – REPHIDIM.

Read previous CAC Living Water Devotionals here


Tuesday, June 8, 2021.

(World Oceans Day)


Read Exodus 17:1-7.

MEMORISE: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience (James 1:2-3).


The way you respond to situations or circumstances says much about you. It reveals  who and what you are. No matter how you try to hide, your character will always reveal you. The people of Israel showed their true colour to God and Moses, their leader, by their reaction to the situation that was meant to test them.

It was not quite long that they left the Red Sea and Wilderness of Sin, that they encountered a situation that was meant to reveal who they were. Circumstances are supposed to bring out the best in us, not the other way round. Because they could not find water to drink in their present location, they resorted to murmuring and raining abuses, to the extent that they tried to stone their leader to death. This was not the first time they reacted like this. What a faithless and ungodly set of people they were! God doesn’t tempt with evil, but He tests to approve us as His true children. It is not sure that we are even different today as we quickly forget the goodness and mercy of God. We easily talk back at God as if He is our mate.

The truth of the matter is, whether we like it or not, everyone of us will at one point or the other each our Rephidim in life. At Rephidim, they were thirsty without water to quench their thirst. What a bitter experience! However, is that enough to murmur or complain after enjoying several victories and deliverance from God? Having seen how badly these people reacted in their trying situation, let us consider how we should react today: 1. Understand that your Rephidim (trying situation) is not for life; it has expiration.

2. It is not meant to mar, but make you.

3. Don’t approach it with negative attitude.

4. Depend on God and ask for help to sail through, because He knows about it and controls it.

5. Understand that the situation is like a hurdle in a relay race, it is part of the game. And

6. Success is not achieved until the obstacles have been overcome, and no student is promoted without test.


1. Lord, help me to understand Your good thoughts for me, and don’t let me misconstrue Your love.

2. Deliver me, O Lord, from carnality that makes me feel life is not good to me, when You have better plans ahead for me.

3. Lord, make Your Church more obedient and compliant to Your loving instructions and purpose, in Jesus’ name.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: 2 Kings 20:6 – 23:1; John 12:41 – 13:22.

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