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Methodist Daily Reflection October 3, 2022 : Examine Yourself

Methodist Daily Reflection October 3, 2022 : Examine Yourself

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Methodist Daily Reflection

Mon, Oct 3rd



Read – Day: Col 1; Night: Isaiah 43-44

MEMORY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 11:28 “But let a man examine himself, eat of the bread and drink of the cup. ”

HYMN: MHB 404: How blest is life if lived for Thee

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to daily examine myself in the light of Your word, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Scripture warns us that God’s instructions are not to be taken lightly (Galatians 6:7; Hebrews 2:2–3; Deuteronomy 30:15). Even when the consequences of disobedience aren’t immediate, they can be devastating (Romans 2:5).

Here, Paul revealed the high stakes for those participating in the Lord’s Supper in an “unworthy manner.” Some Corinthian Christians had been using the Lord’s Supper gathering as a freewheeling, with the wealthy oppressing the poor. Paul warned that blatant ungodliness while eating the bread and drinking the cup of the Lord’s Supper would cause them to be guilty of sinning against Christ, (1 Corinthians 11:17–22).

The Holy Communion is meant to commemorate the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. Those who treat such an event as a party, or take it in a careless way, are like those who stood by and laughed while Jesus died (Matthew 27:38–44) or the indifferent soldiers who pursued pleasure as He bled to death (John 19:23–24).

Right now, all we talk about is how not to transmit corona virus as we serve the elements, but Paul here talked about people getting sick and weak and some of them dying for eating with unclean minds. He talked about the judgment and the condemnation that we incur for taking the elements with the wrong attitude. This is a dangerous thing we must avoid.

Before approaching the means of grace, we should first examine ourselves whether we have really repented of our sins, or is there something we are holding back and have no intention of turning over to Christ? Are we really looking up to Christ by faith or our minds are hundred miles from Him? As we approach the table, we’ve got to examine ourselves. If we have any sin, it is better we stay off and make peace with God to avoid incurring His wrath.

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