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C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For August 13, 2024 : Topic – YOUTHS NEED SOUND AND GODLY EDUCATION (II)

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For August 13, 2024 : Topic – YOUTHS NEED SOUND AND GODLY EDUCATION (II)

Read previous CAC Living Water Daily Devotionals here


THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024)


DATE : Tuesday, August 13, 2024


MEMORISE : For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.” (Genesis 18:19).

READ : Genesis 18:16-20

[16]. Then the men rose from there and looked toward Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on the way.

[17]. And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing,

[18]. since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

[19]. For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

[20]. And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave,


For us to further assist our youths in becoming their best in God, here are some of the steps that we must take speedily. It is imperative that we prioritise their real and felt needs. We must therefore invest in good funding to provide them with updated learning facilities. They deserve the best possible education, and it is our responsibilities to ensure that they have access to the needed resources to succeed. Don’t hesitate to invest in their future by providing them with the tools they need to thrive. Strive to make a difference in their lives and empower them to achieve their full potential. Also, we need to individually contribute to sponsor their teachers for right seminars, which will pay off as they deliver to the children in return.

In addition, enough is enough of putting the children in shanties, whereas the adult church enjoys superfluity of all modern conveniences. Make them comparably comfortable to get the best out of them. Finally, take a cue from Father Abraham, who God had singled out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just (v. 19 NLT). For God’s sake, instil the Word of the Living God in the hearts and mind of your beloved children and youths. It is through this divine guidance that we can ensure their growth into responsible and godly adults by shaping a brighter future for all


1. Pray for our churches to be more proactive in equipping our children and youth for relevance in their generations.

2. Pray for youths wasting away through drugs and crime to see the futility of their lives and return to Christ.

3. Pray for CAC marketing Department, the Marketing Officer and the staff as led by the Holy Spirit.

CAC GHB: 545

1. Gentle Jesus, meek and mild
Look upon a little child
Pity my simplicity
Suffer me to come to Thee.

2. Fain I would to Thee be brought
Blessed Lord, forbid it not
In the Kingdom of Thy grace
Give a little child a place.

3. Fain I would be as Thou art
Give me Thy obedient heart
Thou art pitiful and kind
Let me have Thy loving mind.

4. Above all O Jesus Christ
Let me do my Father’s will
Not to frustrate the spirit
And Thy glory to be shown.

5. Lamb of God, I look to Thee
Thou shalt my example be
Thou art gentle, meek, and mild
Thou wast once a little child.

6. Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb
In Thy gracious hand I am
Make me Saviour what Thou art
Live Thyself within my heart.

7. Thy praise, O Lord will I show
I will serve Thee all my days
The world shall see Jesus Christ
Father’s holy Son in Me.


Isaiah 43, 44, 45

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