April 11, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- THE TIME IS NOW

By | April 11, 2020

April 11, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- THE TIME IS NOW

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MEMORY VERSE: “(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 CORINTHIANS 6:2).

Time is the greatest resource of man. Everyone has 24 hours per day. What each does with his determines the future gains or losses. The youth who habitually wastes his time will eventually waste his youthful age when he should have laid a solid foundation for future achievements.
Thomas Alva Edison said, “Time is not a commodity that can be stored for future use. It must be invested hour by hour, or it is lost forever”. Remember that yesterday is gone. Spend today judiciously in positive and result-oriented activities.

No one knows the time of the rapture. Time for repentance and identification with the Saviour is now. There may never be any other chance to hear the gospel. Accepting Christ is a necessity for everyone. The great conqueror, Napoleon Bonaparte, on his dying bed regretted missing the opportunity to embrace Christ and gain heaven. A rewarding future depends on your salvation decision today. The Bible admonishes, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). There is God’s judgment ahead! Warn sinning youngsters of this danger.

QUOTE: Accepting Christ is a necessity for everyone.

CHALLENGE: The Lord is at hand. Are you ready?

PRAYER: Father, guide me to walk with You in righteousness.

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