Tag Archives: Daily Blessings

The Secret: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation

The Secret: The 6 Prayers for Harmony and Unity in Our Nation Read previous Messages here We turn on the news it seems like daily and find reports of death, tragedies, division, and people left behind with their lives torn apart. So many of us have grown numb in efforts to not completely fall apart… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For June 19, 2024 : Topic – God of Freedom

Our Daily Bread Devotional For June 19, 2024 : Topic – God of Freedom Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Nehemiah 12-13 Acts 4:23-37 I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt. Exodus 3:10 Today’s Scripture : Exodus 3:1-10 Insight Moses was one… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For June 3, 2024 : Topic – Cleansed by Christ

Our Daily Bread Devotional For June 3, 2024 : Topic – Cleansed by Christ Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionaols here Bible in a Year : 2 Chronicles 19-20 John 13:21-38 He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us. 1 John 1:9 Today’s Scripture : 1 John 1:5-10 Insight Verses… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 15, 2024 : Topic – Lies and Truth

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 15, 2024 : Topic – Lies and Truth Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Kings 22-23 John 4:31-54 [Satan] is a liar and the father of lies : John 8:44 Today’s Scripture : John 8:31-32,36,42-47 Insight In today’s passage, Jesus unequivocally declares that… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 25, 2024 : Topic – Be a disciple of Jesus

By | April 25, 2024

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 25, 2024 : Topic – Be a disciple of Jesus Read previous UCB Devotionals here Be a disciple of Jesus 25 APRIL 2024 ‘The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.’ Acts 11:26 NKJV Did you know that the word ‘disciple’ occurs 269 times in the New Testament,… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 22, 2024 : Topic – Community in Christ

By | April 21, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 22, 2024 : Topic – Community in Christ Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Samuel 14-15 Luke 17:1-19 A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 Today’s Scripture Ecclesiastes 4:7-12 Insight Along with Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Solomon,… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 21, 2024 : Topic – Bitterness of Stolen Sweets

By | April 20, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 21, 2024 : Topic – Bitterness of Stolen Sweets Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Samuel 12-13 Luke 16 Food gained by fraud tastes sweet, but one ends up with a mouth full of gravel. Proverbs 20:17 Today’s Scripture : Proverbs 20:11-17 Insight… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – Finding self-worth

By | April 19, 2024

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – Finding self-worth Read previous UCB Devotionals here Finding self-worth 19 APRIL 2024 ‘He will give you everything you need.’ Matthew 6:33 NLT When you read God’s Word, you discover how He feels about you. As a result, your memories begin to heal, your… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – ABRAHAM’S FEAR OF THE LORD

By | April 19, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – ABRAHAM’S FEAR OF THE LORD Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Now I know that you fear God.GENESIS 22:12 Bible Text: Genesis 22:1–14 In the Marines, new recruits learn to obey their commanding officer quickly and without hesitation. When responding… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – The Valley of Praise

By | April 19, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 19, 2024 : Topic – The Valley of Praise Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Samuel 6-8 Luke 15:1-10 On the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Berakah. 2 Chronicles 20:26 Today’s Scripture : 2 Chronicles 20:21-26 Insight Militarily threatened by… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – You need God’s help

By | April 17, 2024

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – You need God’s help Read previous UCB Devotionals here You need God’s help 17 APRIL 2024 ‘Without Me you can do nothing.’ John 15:5 NKJV Self-help books and motivational speakers are like cheerleaders standing on the sidelines shouting, ‘You can do it!’ They… Read More »

Today In The Word Daiily Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – THE KEY TO WISDOM

By | April 17, 2024

Today In The Word Daiily Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – THE KEY TO WISDOM Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text:  Isaiah 33:2–6 Memory Verse : The fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure.ISAIAH 33:6 Losing keys is a common experience at our house. Did we leave them in… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – Choices Matter

By | April 17, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 17, 2024 : Topic – Choices Matter Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Samuel 1-2 Luke 14:1-24 There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12 Today’s Scripture : Proverbs 14:8-12 Insight The… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 16, 2024 : Topic – Ready to Go for God

By | April 16, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 16, 2024 : Topic – Ready to Go for God Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Samuel 30-31 Luke 13:23-35 I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Ephesians 4:1 Today’s Scripture : Ephesians 4:1-7,11-16 Insight There… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – The Blessed Man

By | April 15, 2024

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – The Blessed Man Read previous CAC Living Water Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE Living Water (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE : Monday, April 15, 2024 (World Art Day & Commemoration of Odubanjo Day) TOPIC: THE BLESSED MAN MEMORISE : The blessing… Read More »

My Utmost For His His Highest Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – The Relapse Of Concentration

By | April 15, 2024

My Utmost For His His Highest Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – The Relapse Of Concentration Read previous Oswald Chamber Devotionals here But the high places were not taken away out of Israel; nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect all his days. — 2 Chronicles 15:17 Asa was incomplete in his external obedience, he… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 2

By | April 15, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 2 Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse : Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them.PSALM 111:2 Bible Text: Psalm 111 Message : A Pickles cartoon by Brian Crane… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – At Home in Jesus

By | April 15, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 15, 2024 : Topic – At Home in Jesus Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Samuel 27-29 Luke 13:1-22 If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me. John 14:3 Today’s Scripture… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 14, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 1

By | April 13, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 14, 2024 : Topic – THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, PART 1 Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text : Proverbs 1:1–7 Memory Verse : The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. PROVERBS 1:7 “Two people may possess essentially… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Daily Devotional For April 14, 2024 : Topic – God Knows Our Needs

By | April 13, 2024

Our Daily Bread Daily Devotional For April 14, 2024 : Topic – God Knows Our Needs Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Samuel 25-26 Luke 12:32-59 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else. Matthew 6:33 nlt Today’s Scripture : Matthew 6:25-34 Insight The observance of the Sabbath was a contentious issue… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – Your personal guide

By | April 12, 2024

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – Your personal guide Read previous UCB Devotionals here Your personal guide 12 APRIL 2024 ‘The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.’ Psalm 23:1 NKJV It’s easy to say, ‘The Lord is my shepherd,’ but how can you tell if it’s real… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – SEPARATING THE PEOPLE FROM THE ALTAR

By | April 11, 2024

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – SEPARATING THE PEOPLE FROM THE ALTAR Read previous CAC Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE: Friday, April 12, 2024 (Day of Silence and International Day of Human Space Flight) TOPIC: SEPARATING THE PEOPLE FROM THE… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Righteousness

By | April 11, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 12, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Righteousness Read previous Devotionals here Memory Verse : Fear the LORD, you his holy people.PSALM 34:9 Bible Text :  Psalm 34:8–16 To be “righteous” means to be morally upright, to be without sin. Of course, holy perfection is an unreachable… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 11, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Purity

By | April 11, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 11, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Purity Read previous Devotionals here Memory Verse: He fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. PSALM 19:9 Bible Text: Psalm 19:7–14 According to the Journal of Food Research, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake multiplies the number of… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 11, 2024 : Topic – Singing Meadows

By | April 11, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 11, 2024 : Topic – Singing Meadows Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Samuel 17-18 Luke 11:1-28 The valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing. Psalm 65:13 Today’s Scripture : Psalm 65:8-13 Insight God’s handiwork is evident throughout all… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Justice

By | April 10, 2024

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Fear And Justice Read previous Daily Devotionals here Bible Text: You must serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the LORD.2 CHRONICLES 19:9 Have you ever heard a political candidate on the campaign trail? Or seen a video of one on… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Having job security (4)

By | April 10, 2024

UCB Word For Today Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Having job security (4) Read previous UCB Devotionals here Having job security (4) 10 APRIL 2024 ‘I can do everything through Christ.’ Philippians 4:13 NLT Losing your job can be devastating. This is when you must keep the right perspective. Having less doesn’t… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For April 10, 2024 Topic – The Challenges Of Being Anointed 1

By | April 10, 2024

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For April 10, 2024 Topic – The Challenges Of Being Anointed 1 Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 10 April 2024 TOPIC: The Challenges Of Being Anointed 1 MEMORISE: “And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Eyes to See

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 10, 2024 : Topic – Eyes to See Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Samuel 15-16 Luke 10:25-42 I . . . will make you to be a covenant for the people and . . . to open eyes that are blind. Isaiah 42:6-7… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 9, 2024 : Topic – Clothed in Christ

Our Daily Bread Devotional For April 9, 2024 : Topic – Clothed in Christ Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Samuel 13-14 Luke 10:1-24 Let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12 Today’s Scripture : Romans 13:11-14 Insight At the… Read More »