Category Archives: Holy Bible

The Completed Old Testament Bible Stories ( From Beginning to The End )

                                     The Completed Old Testament Bible Stories ( From Beginning to The End ) Creation – How the World Was Made Eden – The First Earth-Home Cain and Abel – The First Children Noah’s Ark – And Why… Read More »

Bible Story : The Teachings of Jesus in the Temple The Moneychangers

  Bible Story : The Teachings of Jesus in the Temple The Moneychangers The Teachings of Jesus in the Temple The Moneychangers EARLY IN THE morning Jesus and his disciples started away from Bethany to go again to the temple in Jerusalem. As they went, Jesus became hungry, and seeing a fig-tree by the roadside… Read More »

Bible Story : Judas Betrays Jesus, and Peter Denies Him

  Bible Story : Judas Betrays Jesus, and Peter Denies Him Judas Betrays Jesus, and Peter Denies Him THROUGH THE DEEP shadows which fell from the buildings along the streets a silent figure glided along, hurrying toward the assembly-room where the enemies of Jesus were sitting together waiting. That silent figure was the evil-minded disciple,… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus’ Trial, and Crucifixion

  Bible Story : Jesus’ Trial, and Crucifixion Jesus’ Trial, and Crucifixion AFTER THE SAD, long night when Jesus was captured in the garden, morning came at last, and the news began to spread through the city streets that Jesus, the prophet from Galilee, was now a prisoner. His friends were terrified, while his enemies… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus’ Resurrection, the Crucified Savior, Arose from the Dead

  Bible Story : Jesus’ Resurrection, the Crucified Savior, Arose from the Dead Jesus’ Resurrection, the Crucified Savior, Arose from the Dead THE HOURS OF watching dragged slowly by to the Roman soldiers who guarded the tomb where the body of Jesus lay. No one had come even to visit the grave and perhaps the… Read More »

Bible Story : Palm Sunday – Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem as a King

Bible Story : Palm Sunday – Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem as a King Palm Sunday – Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem as a King A TIME OF great excitement was on. People were flocking out of the city gate and hurrying along the road that led down the valley and up the slope of Mount Olivet,… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus’ Burial, and the Watchers at the Tomb

  Bible Story : Jesus’ Burial, and the Watchers at the Tomb Jesus’ Burial, and the Watchers at the Tomb THE JEWS WHO had been so gleeful when Jesus was taken prisoner and crucified still felt troubled about him. They could not put the thoughts of him out of their minds. The next day would… Read More »

Bible Story : The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Doubting Thomas

  Bible Story : The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Doubting Thomas The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Doubting Thomas THE PASSOVER FEAST had ended, and some of the visitors at Jerusalem were returning to their homes. Along the roadway leading from the city of Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus, seven miles… Read More »

Bible Story : The Last Supper Jesus Ate with His Twelve Disciples

  Bible Story : The Last Supper Jesus Ate with His Twelve Disciples The Last Supper Jesus Ate with His Twelve Disciples TWO DISCIPLES, PETER and John, were hurrying along the road from Bethany to Jerusalem. They were going on an errand for their master. The day had come when the lamb for the Passover… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus’ Last Days in the Temple The Widow’s Mite

  Bible Story : Jesus’ Last Days in the Temple The Widow’s Mite Jesus’ Last Days in the Temple The Widow’s Mite WHILE JESUS WAS teaching in the temple he told the people by a parable that the kingdom of heaven is like a king who made a feast at the marriage of his son.… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus’ Teaching on the Mount of Olives

  Bible Story : Jesus’ Teaching on the Mount of Olives Jesus’ Teaching on the Mount of Olives AS JESUS LEFT the temple for the last time, his disciples spoke to him about the beauty of the Lord’s house. Like all other Jews, they took much pride in the temple where God was worshiped. And… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus & His Disciples Last Meeting, the Great Commission, and Jesus’ Accension

  Bible Story : Jesus & His Disciples Last Meeting, the Great Commission, and Jesus’ Accension Jesus & His Disciples Last Meeting, the Great Commission, and Jesus’ Accension FAR UP IN Galilee, away from the reach of their enemies, a group of men and women met together on a mountain-side and waited for the appearance… Read More »

Bible Story : Mary Anoints Jesus and Shows Her Love for Him

By | February 23, 2019

Bible Story : Mary Anoints Jesus and Shows Her Love for Him Mary Anoints Jesus and Shows Her Love for Him SIMON THE LEPER was a friend of Jesus. He lived in the village of Bethany, not far from the home of Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus. But “Simon the leper” was no longer… Read More »

Bible Story : Zacchaeus – The Little Man who Climbed into a Tree to see Jesus

By | February 23, 2019

  Bible Story : Zacchaeus – The Little Man who Climbed into a Tree to see Jesus Zacchaeus – The Little Man who Climbed into a Tree to see Jesus THERE WAS LIVING in Jericho at the time a rich man named Zacchaeus, and he was chief among the publicans. He had never seen Jesus,… Read More »

Bible Story : Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight On the Way to Jerusalem

By | February 23, 2019

  Bible Story : Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight On the Way to Jerusalem Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight On the Way to Jerusalem THE TIME HAD come again for the Passover Feast at Jerusalem, and Jesus knew that his life on earth would soon be ended. He took his twelve disciples aside from the… Read More »

Bible Story : Parables: Unfaithful Steward, Rich Man & Lazarus, Unjust Judge, Pharisee & Publican

By | February 23, 2019

Bible Story : Parables: Unfaithful Steward, Rich Man & Lazarus, Unjust Judge, Pharisee & Publican Parables: Unfaithful Steward, Rich Man & Lazarus, Unjust Judge, Pharisee & Publican IN THE MULTITUDE which followed Jesus were people of many different villages. Some of his listeners were poor people, some were rich some were educated and some were… Read More »

Bible Story : A Crooked Woman Healed The Prodigal Son

By | February 23, 2019

  Bible Story : A Crooked Woman Healed The Prodigal Son A Crooked Woman Healed The Prodigal Son JESUS NOW TAUGHT in the cities and villages where the seventy had gone to preach and to heal the sick. In one city he found a crooked woman in the synagog on the Sabbath-day. This poor woman… Read More »

Bible Story : Parable of the Great Supper Jesus Teaches in a Pharisee’s House

By | February 17, 2019

  Bible Story : Parable of the Great Supper Jesus Teaches in a Pharisee’s House Parable of the Great Supper Jesus Teaches in a Pharisee’s House JESUS KNEW THE plans of his enemies in Jerusalem and he did not remain long in Bethany, but took his disciples and return again to the country near the… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead

By | February 17, 2019

  Bible Story : Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead LAZARUS WAS A Jew who lived with his two sisters, Martha and Mary. Their home was in the little village of Bethany, near Jerusalem, and Jesus often visited them while attending the feasts of the Jews. Always they made… Read More »

Bible Story : Seventy Other Disciples Sent Out The Good Samaritan

By | February 17, 2019

  Bible Story : Seventy Other Disciples Sent Out The Good Samaritan Seventy Other Disciples Sent Out The Good Samaritan JESUS KNEW THAT he had not much longer to preach, for the time was near when he must lay down his life for the sins of the people. He therefore chose seventy other men who… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus Blesses the Children The Rich Young Ruler

By | February 16, 2019

  Bible Story : Jesus Blesses the Children The Rich Young Ruler Jesus Blesses the Children The Rich Young Ruler WHILE JESUS WAS teaching the people in a country place not far from the Jordan River, some mothers brought their little children to him and asked him to bless them. Jesus loves little children, so… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus and the Adulterous Woman

By | January 31, 2019

  Bible Story : Jesus and the Adulterous Woman Jesus and the Adulterous Woman EARLY THE NEXT morning after the officers had failed to take Jesus, the scribes and Pharisees had planned another way to capture him. They would go themselves, and ask him a great question concerning the teaching of the law of Moses.… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus at the Great Feast in Jerusalem

By | January 31, 2019

  Bible Story : Jesus at the Great Feast in Jerusalem Jesus at the Great Feast in Jerusalem SUMMER HAD PASSED, and the cooler days of autumn had come again. On the green hillsides around Jerusalem many booths, or huts made of the branches of trees, stood in groups, sheltering the people who had come… Read More »

Bible Story : The Unfriendly Samaritans The Ten Lepers

By | January 31, 2019

  Bible Story : The Unfriendly Samaritans The Ten Lepers The Unfriendly Samaritans The Ten Lepers ONE DAY JESUS and his twelve disciples left Capernaum and took the south road leading through the country of Samaria. They were going to Jerusalem. On their way they came to a certain village in Samaria where Jesus wished… Read More »

Bible Story : The Blind Man of Bethsaida Peter Answers a Great Question

By | January 17, 2019

  Bible Story : The Blind Man of Bethsaida Peter Answers a Great Question The Blind Man of Bethsaida Peter Answers a Great Question NEAR BETHSAIDA, A town by the side of the Sea, lived a man who was blind. He had never been to Jesus, but he had heard how the eyes of blind… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus Heals the Sick, Then Feeds a Multitude

By | January 17, 2019

  Bible Story : Jesus Heals the Sick, Then Feeds a Multitude Jesus Heals the Sick, Then Feeds a Multitude LEAVING PHOENICIA, Jesus and his twelve disciples journeyed around the country on the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee. In this same country Jesus had healed the man in whom a legion of evil… Read More »

Bibke Story : Jesus Casts a Demon Out of a Gentile Woman’s Daughter

By | January 17, 2019

  Bibke Story : Jesus Casts a Demon Out of a Gentile Woman’s Daughter Jesus Casts a Demon Out of a Gentile Woman’s Daughter NEAR THE LAND of Galilee was a small country called Phoenecia. The people who lived in this country were Gentiles, and many of them were idol-worshipers. But because they lived so… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus Walks on Water

By | January 17, 2019

  Bible Story : Jesus Walks on Water Jesus Walks on Water WHILE JESUS WAS alone praying on the mountain-side, the disciples were in their ship rowing toward Capernaum. And the multitude were returning homeward as they had come, walking along the northern shore of the sea. After nightfall a strong wind began to blow… Read More »

Bible Story : Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand

By | January 14, 2019

  Bible Story : Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand A BOY’S LUNCH-BASKET is a very small thing compared with a great miracle. But in this story we shall see how a great miracle grew out of a boy’s lunch-basket. It all came about in this manner: The disciples whom Jesus… Read More »