Monthly Archives: May 2024

C.A.C Sunday School Manual For June 2, 2024 Lesson 20 : Topic – The Gift of Apostleship

C.A.C Sunday School Manual For June 2, 2024 Lesson 20 : Topic – The Gift of Apostleship Read previous CAC Sunday School Manuals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH Nigeria And Overseas 2024 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON UNIT 3: GOD GIVES VOCAL GIFTS AND MORE THEME: SPIRITUAL POWER AND GIFTS FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST LESSON Twenty 2nd… Read More »

Open Heaven Devotional For May 31, 2024 – Wisdom Is Principal

Open Heaven Devotional For May 31, 2024 – Wisdom Is Principal Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 31 May 2024 TOPIC: Wisdom Is Principal MEMORISE: “And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” – Job 28:28 (KJV) READ: Proverbs 4:5-9 (KJV) 5… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 31, 2024 : Topic – To grow we must keep asking questions

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 31, 2024 : Topic – To grow we must keep asking questions Read previous UCB Devotionals here To grow we must keep asking questions 31 MAY 2024 ‘Jesus answered…”I also will ask you one thing.”’ Matthew 21:24 NKJV Jesus often answered a question with a question. When asked… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 31, 2024 : Topic – Mercy through Pizza

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 31, 2024 : Topic – Mercy through Pizza Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Chronicles 13-14 John 12:1-26 Be merciful to those who doubt : Jude 1:22 Today’s Scripture : Jude 1:17-23 Insight Jude’s original intent in writing his letter was to teach… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotiona For May 29, 2024 : Topic – Advice from One Older

Our Daily Bread Devotiona For May 29, 2024 : Topic – Advice from One Older   Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Chronicles 7-9 John 11:1-29 Be kind and compassionate to one anothe : Ephesians 4:32 Today’s Scripture : Ephesians 4:29-32 Insight Paul admonishes the Ephesian believers in Jesus… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – Impromptu Praise

Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – Impromptu Praise Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Chronicles 4-6 John 10:24-42 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God. Acts 16:25 Today’s Scripture : Acts 16:16-26 Insight This incident with the… Read More »

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – THE REDEEMED!

C.A.C Living Water Daily Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – THE REDEEMED! Read previous CAC Daily Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE MEMORISE DATE Tuesday, May 28, 2024 TOPIC: THE REDEEMED! In him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14). READ:… Read More »

Rhapsody Of Realities Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – Our Advocate

Rhapsody Of Realities Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – Our Advocate Read previous ROR Devotionals here TOPIC: Our Advocate (Rhapsody of Realities 28 May 2024) …And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:1). Rhapsody Of Realities For Today’s MESSAGE: Some have said that since Jesus… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For May 28 : Topic  – He Is In The Boat

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For May 28 : Topic  – He Is In The Boat Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 28 May 2024 TOPIC: He Is In The Boat MEMORISE: “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – The right balance

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – The right balance Read previous UCB Devotionals here The right balance 28 MAY 2024 ‘Full of grace and truth.’ John 1:14 NKJV Some of us major in grace but neglect confronting people with the truth lest we offend them. Others of us major… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 27, 2024 : Topic – Are you a true friend?

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 27, 2024 : Topic – Are you a true friend? Read previous UCB Devotionals here Are you a true friend? 27 MAY 2024 ‘A friend loveth at all times.’ Proverbs 17:17 KJV Two men were travelling down the road together when a bear appeared out of nowhere. Before… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 27, 2024 : Topic – When It’s Time

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 27, 2024 : Topic – When It’s Time Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 2 Chronicles 1-3 John 10:1-23 Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roar Today’s Scripture : 1 Peter 5:6-11 Insight What does the New Testament tell us about our… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Don’t strike back

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Don’t strike back’ Read previous UCB Devotionals here  Don’t strike back 26 MAY 2024 ‘Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do.’ Romans 12:18 MSG The Bible says, ‘Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God… Read More »

Rccg Sunday School Manual For May 26, 2024 Lesson 27 : Topic – Summary of Lesson 27 – 38 (Kingdom Influence)

Rccg Sunday School Manual For May 26, 2024 Lesson 27 : Topic – Summary of Lesson 27 – 38 (Kingdom Influence) Read previous Rccg Sunday School Manuals here RCCG SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER’S MANUAL SUNDAY 26TH OF MAY, 2024 LESSON: THIRTY NINE(39) TOPIC: QUARTERLY REVIEW & SUMMARY SUMMARY OF LESSONS 27-38 LESSON TWENTY SEVEN (27) TOPIC:… Read More »

Rccg House Fellowship Manual For May 26, 2024 Lesson 27: Topic – Summary of Lesson Twenty 27-38 (Offence Will Come)

Rccg House Fellowship Manual For May 26, 2024 Lesson 27: Topic – Summary of Lesson Twenty 27-38 (Offence Will Come) Read previous Rccg House Fellowship Manuals here HOUSE FELLOWSHIP LEADERS’ MANUAL SUNDAY 26TH OF MAY, 2024 LESSON THIRTY NINE (39) TOPIC: QUARTERLY REVIEW & SUMMARY SUMMARY OF LESSONS 27-38 LESSON TWENTY SEVEN(27) TOPIC: OFFENCES WILL… Read More »

Nigeria Baptist Conventional Sunday School Lesson For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Hearing Ansd Believing

Nigeria Baptist Conventional Sunday School Lesson For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Hearing Ansd Believing Read previous NBC Sunday School Manuals here SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR YOUR PREPARATION NBC SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTLINE Theme for the Month: “STANDING IN THE FAITH.” DATE: SUNDAY, 26TH MAY, 2024. TOPIC: HEARING AND BELIEVING. Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-20. Background… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Beauty in Place of Soil

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Beauty in Place of Soil Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Chronicles 28-29 John 9:24-41 Bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead… Read More »



UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – Train your brain

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – Train your brain Read previous UCB Devotionals here Train your brain 25 MAY 2024 ‘The joy of the LORD is your strength.’ Nehemiah 8:10 NKJV Anytime you substitute positive thinking for faith in God and obedience to His Word, you’re on dangerous ground!… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – The Benefits Of Knowing Jesus

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – The Benefits Of Knowing Jesus Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 25 May 2024 TOPIC: The Benefits Of Knowing Jesus MEMORISE: “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be… Read More »

Rhapsody Of Realities For May 25, 2024 : Topic – The Sanctifying Power Of His Word

Rhapsody Of Realities For May 25, 2024 : Topic – The Sanctifying Power Of His Word Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES TOPIC: The Sanctifying Power Of His Word (Rhapsody of Realities 25 May 2024) Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 24, 2024 : Topic – Correction with a Kiss

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 24, 2024 : Topic – Correction with a Kiss Read previous Our Daily Braeda Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Chronicles 22-24 John 8:28-59 God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. Hebrews 12:10 Today’s Scripture : Hebrews 12:4-11 Insight The… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 24,2024 : Topic – ‘My soul melts from heaviness.’

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 24,2024 : Topic – ‘My soul melts from heaviness.’ Read previous Daily Devotionals here STAND ON GOD’S WORD (5) 24 MAY 2024 ‘My soul melts from heaviness.’ Psalm 119:28 NKJV When you’re depressed. When depression is physiologically based, God can heal you through a miracle, the right medical… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For May 24, 2024 : Topic – Power To Prosper

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For May 24, 2024 : Topic – Power To Prosper Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 24 May 2024 TOPIC: Power To Prosper MEMORISE: “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which… Read More »

Rhapsody Of Realities Devotional For May 24, 2024 : Topic – The Sanctifying Power Of His Word

Rhapsody Of Realities Devotional For May 24, 2024 : Topic – The Sanctifying Power Of His Word Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES TOPIC: The Sanctifying Power Of His Word Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – Tell Them What God Did

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – Tell Them What God Did Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Chronicles 25-27 John 9:1-23 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors . . . . We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20 Today’s… Read More »

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – SPIRIT-FILLED SINGING

Today In The Word Daily Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – SPIRIT-FILLED SINGING Read previous Daily Devotionals here Memory Verse: Be very careful, then, how you live— not as unwise but as wise.EPHESIANS 5:15 Bible Text :  Ephesians 5:1–21 Some Christians get uncomfortable when the topic of the Holy Spirit comes up. But there… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (4)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (4) Read previous UCB Devotionals here Stand on God’s Word (4) 23 MAY 2024 ‘He has invited you into partnership with…Jesus.’ 1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT When you feel inadequate for the job. Have you been given a job you… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – Extending Christ’s Kindness

Our Daily Bread Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – Extending Christ’s Kindness Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : 1 Chronicles 13-15 John 7:1-27 Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept. Genesis 33:4 Today’s Scripture… Read More »

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – WHEN GOD WEEPS…

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – WHEN GOD WEEPS… Read previous CAC Devotionals here CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2024) DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE DATE: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 TOPIC : WHEN GOD WEEPS… MEMORISE Is Israel a servant? Is he a homeborn slave? Why is he plundered?… Read More »