Tag Archives: UCB Word for today

Ucb Word For Today Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Protect your marriage

Ucb Word For Today Devotional For July 27, 2024 : Topic – Protect your marriage Read previous Devotionals here Protect your marriage 26 July 2024 ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.’ John 10:10 NASB Why do 50 per cent of marriages, including Christian marriages, end in divorce? Jesus answers that question:… Read More »

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – Why church is good for you

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – Why church is good for you Read previous Inspirational Messages here Why church is good for you 1‘A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else!’ Psalm 84:10 NLT Jesus attended church regularly. ‘He went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath’ (Luke… Read More »

Inspirational Message By UCB Word For Today : Topic – Knowing who belongs in your life

Inspirational Message By UCB Word For Today : Topic – Knowing who belongs in your life Read previous Messages here  17 JULY 2024 ‘I will test them to determine who will go with you.’ Judges 7:4 NLT Gideon chose thirty-two thousand soldiers to fight the Midianites. But the truth is, you don’t need lots of people in… Read More »

Inspirational Message By UCB Word Topic – Money matters in marriag

Inspirational Message By UCB Word Topic – Money matters in marriag Read previous Inspirational Message here Topic – Money matters in marriag 03 MAY 2023 ‘He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house.’ Proverbs 15:27 NKJV Today one of the biggest sources of conflict in marriage is money. That is because a husband… Read More »

Inspirational Message By Simple : Topic – Your secret place

Inspirational Message By Simple : Topic – Your secret place Reaf previous Inspirational Messages here Topic – Your secret place ‘When you pray, go into your room.’ Matthew 6:6 NIV Jesus said, ‘When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees… Read More »

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – What it means to ‘love’ someone

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – What it means to ‘love’ someone Read previous UCB Messaegs here Topic – What it means to ‘love’ someone ‘As we live in God, our love grows more perfect.’ 1 John 4:17 NLT In today’s culture, the word ‘love’ means different things to different people. You can love… Read More »

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – Don’t strike back

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – Don’t strike back Read previous Inspirational Messages here Topic – Don’t strike back ‘Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do.’ Romans 12:18 MSG The Bible says, ‘Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you’ (Ephesians 4:32… Read More »

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – How to have peace (1)

Inspirational Message By UCB : Topic – How to have peace (1) Read previous Inspoirational Message here How to have peace (1) ‘We have peace with God.’ Romans 5:1 NIV God will give you three kinds of peace. 1) Spiritual peace. ‘Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For June 4, 2024 : Topic – Storm-proofed for life

UCB Word For Today Devotional For June 4, 2024 : Topic – Storm-proofed for life Read previous UCB Devotionals here Storm-proofed for life 04 JUNE 2024 ‘Why do you call me, “Lord…” and do not do what I say?’ Luke 6:46 NIV Remember the words of the old Sunday school song, ‘The wise man built… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For June 3, 2024 : Topic – When you go through difficulties (3)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For June 3, 2024 : Topic – When you go through difficulties (3) Read previous UCB Devotionals here When you go through difficulties (3) 03 JUNE 2024 ‘Let all bitterness…be put away from you.’ Ephesians 4:31 NKJV Here is something else Joseph knew that you need to know too. You… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 31, 2024 : Topic – To grow we must keep asking questions

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 31, 2024 : Topic – To grow we must keep asking questions Read previous UCB Devotionals here To grow we must keep asking questions 31 MAY 2024 ‘Jesus answered…”I also will ask you one thing.”’ Matthew 21:24 NKJV Jesus often answered a question with a question. When asked… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – The right balance

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 28, 2024 : Topic – The right balance Read previous UCB Devotionals here The right balance 28 MAY 2024 ‘Full of grace and truth.’ John 1:14 NKJV Some of us major in grace but neglect confronting people with the truth lest we offend them. Others of us major… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 27, 2024 : Topic – Are you a true friend?

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 27, 2024 : Topic – Are you a true friend? Read previous UCB Devotionals here Are you a true friend? 27 MAY 2024 ‘A friend loveth at all times.’ Proverbs 17:17 KJV Two men were travelling down the road together when a bear appeared out of nowhere. Before… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Don’t strike back

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Don’t strike back’ Read previous UCB Devotionals here  Don’t strike back 26 MAY 2024 ‘Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do.’ Romans 12:18 MSG The Bible says, ‘Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – Train your brain

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 25, 2024 : Topic – Train your brain Read previous UCB Devotionals here Train your brain 25 MAY 2024 ‘The joy of the LORD is your strength.’ Nehemiah 8:10 NKJV Anytime you substitute positive thinking for faith in God and obedience to His Word, you’re on dangerous ground!… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 24,2024 : Topic – ‘My soul melts from heaviness.’

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 24,2024 : Topic – ‘My soul melts from heaviness.’ Read previous Daily Devotionals here STAND ON GOD’S WORD (5) 24 MAY 2024 ‘My soul melts from heaviness.’ Psalm 119:28 NKJV When you’re depressed. When depression is physiologically based, God can heal you through a miracle, the right medical… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (4)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 23, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (4) Read previous UCB Devotionals here Stand on God’s Word (4) 23 MAY 2024 ‘He has invited you into partnership with…Jesus.’ 1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT When you feel inadequate for the job. Have you been given a job you… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (2)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 21, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (2) Read previous Daily Devotionals here Stand on God’s Word (2) 21 MAY 2024 ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.’… Read More »

UCB Wor For Day Devotional For May 20, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (1)

UCB Wor For Day Devotional For May 20, 2024 : Topic – Stand on God’s Word (1) Read previous UCB Devotionals here Stand on God’s Word (1) 20 MAY 2024 ‘I have blotted out…your transgressions, and…your sins.’ Isaiah 44:22 NKJV When you have a hard time forgiving yourself. There is only one unpardonable sin named… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 18, 2024 : Topic – You can rise above worry (2)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 18, 2024 : Topic – You can rise above worry (2) Read previous UCB Devotionals here You can rise above worry (2) 18 MAY 2024 ‘Trust in the LORD.’ Proverbs 3:5 NIV When you honestly evaluate your worries, you will find you are doing these: 1) Forgetting that… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 17, 2024 : Topic – You can rise above worry (1)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 17, 2024 : Topic – You can rise above worry (1) Read previous Ucb Devotionals here You can rise above worry (1) 17 MAY 2024 ‘Don’t worry…all your…concerns will be met.’ Matthew 6:33 MSG Missionary Gladys Aylward said, ‘The eagle that soars in the upper air does not… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 13, 2024 : Topic – Raising great kids in a troubled world (3)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 13, 2024 : Topic – Raising great kids in a troubled world (3) Read previous UCB Devotionals here Raising great kids in a troubled world (3) 13 MAY 2024 ‘Do not withhold discipline from a child.’ Proverbs 23:13 NIV Here are some more areas where parents are often… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 12, 2024 : Topic – Raising great kids in a troubled world (2)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 12, 2024 : Topic – Raising great kids in a troubled world (2) Read previous UCB Devotionals here Raising great kids in a troubled world (2) 12 MAY 2024 ‘Children are a gift from the LORD.’ Psalm 127:3 NLT Over the next few days, let’s look at some… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 11, 2024 : Topic – Raising great kids in a troubled world (1)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 11, 2024 : Topic – Raising great kids in a troubled world (1) Read previous UCB Devotionals here Raising great kids in a troubled world (1) 11 MAY 2024 ‘Teach children in a way that fits their needs.’ Proverbs 22:6 ERV If you’re a parent, do you ever… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 10, 2024 : Topic – It’s not too small for God

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 10, 2024 : Topic – It’s not too small for God Read previous UCB Devotionals here It’s not too small for God 10 MAY 2024 ‘And the iron did swim.’ 2 Kings 6:6 KJV Second Kings 6 tells of a prophet chopping trees near a river when his… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 9, 2024 : Topic – The right attitude (2)

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 9, 2024 : Topic – The right attitude (2) Read previous UCB Devotionals here The right attitude (2) 09 MAY 2024 ‘All things are possible to him who believes.’ Mark 9:23 NKJV Demosthenes, who was reputed to be the greatest orator in ancient Greece, had a serious speech… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 4, 2024 : Topic – Believe God for greater things

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 4, 2024 : Topic – Believe God for greater things Read previous UCB Devotionals here Believe God for greater things 04 MAY 2024 ‘He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.’ Philippians 1:6 NIV Many of us have a God-sized dream within… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 3, 2024 : Topic – Tell the truth

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 3, 2024 : Topic – Tell the truth Read previous UCB Devotionals here Tell the truth 03 MAY 2024 ‘The LORD…delights in those who tell the truth.’ Proverbs 12:22 NLT Are you in a situation where lying seems to be the only viable solution? Unless you want to… Read More »

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 2, 2024 : Topic – Come out of that corner

UCB Word For Today Devotional For May 2, 2024 : Topic – Come out of that corner Read previous UCB Devotionals here Come out of that corner 02 MAY 2024 ‘You shall not wholly reap the corners of your field.’ Leviticus 23:22 NKJV Under Old Testament law, God commanded Jewish farmers: ‘When you reap the… Read More »

UCB Word For TOday Devotional For May 1, 2024 : Topic – Going forwards or going back

UCB Word For TOday Devotional For May 1, 2024 : Topic – Going forwards or going back Read previous UCB Devotionals here Going forwards or going back 01 MAY 2024 ‘Wherever you go, I will go.’ Ruth 1:16 NKJV The book of Ruth illustrates the difference between those who step out in faith and take… Read More »