May 22, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- RESULT OF RESTITUTION

May 22, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- RESULT OF RESTITUTION

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FRIDAY MAY 22, 2020


TEXT: ACTS 24:10-21

MEMORY VERSE: “And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men” (ACTS 24:16).

Restitution is a mark of genuine repentance. After salvation, God expects believers to make amends for wrongs done against fellowmen, restore stolen money or properties to their rightful owners. We pay debts, give back where one has defrauded, and make confessions to the offended. Restitution also involves reconciling with people offended, apologizing for slander, cheating, false testimonies and betrayal of trust, so as to have a conscience void of offence towards God and man. This is done whether the person injured knows or not, for God knows.

Most of the sins we commit are not just against God but are also against our neighbours. However, delicate restitutions that may implicate or injure others need fervent prayers, wisdom and counselling from spirit-filled leaders to carry out. Restitution removes the heavy load of guilt from the heart and keeps it free from all ills. The peace of God floods the believer’s heart. There is confidence towards God in prayer and boldness to appear before the Lord at His coming. It is better to make everything right here and now than face it in eternity.

QUOTE: Make amends for wrongs done.

CHALLENGE: Is there anything wrong in your life? Make it right.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to maintain a clean conscience.

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