NBC Sunday School Manual For March 3, 2024 :Topic – SUSTAINING OUR FAITH.

NBC Sunday School Manual For March 3, 2024 :Topic – SUSTAINING OUR FAITH.

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Theme for the Month: : “SUSTAINING OUR FAITH.”



Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.

Background Scripture: Jude.

Lesson Scripture: Jude 17-25.

“But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” Jude 20-21

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Mention some attributes of false prophets;
● Discuss how Christians can sustain their faith, especially in times of persecution;
● Verbalise their commitment to sustain their faith.

Anyone who has ever gone for training in a driving school normally would have started with several hours of classroom lectures on “The Rules and Regulations of the Road.” The instructor usually takes time to teach the right conduct of driving, meaning of road signs, what each traffic light colour stands for, especially warning signs that indicate dangers on highways. The teachings and warnings are essential for beginners specifically because a missed stop sign at a junction could lead to loss of lives and properties. Whenever someone is behind the wheels, probably at the initial stage, rather than calmly correcting such person, the instructor will either shout, “Look out! Someone is crossing the road!” “You are approaching a junction!” “Apply brake gently! Look straight and be focused!” or other useful instructions, so that danger can be averted. This is similar to the voice of Jude in his letter to the brethren who were scattered around the world as a result of the outbreak of persecution.

One of the greatest challenges that confronted the early church was the presence of false teachers. The false teachers taught that the human Jesus was not the same as the divine (1 John 2:22; 4:1-3). The heretic teaching bewildered the believers at that time, and this prompted Jude to write this epistle. His aim was to create an awareness, among the believers, of the presence of false teachers among them and the need to sustain their faith without wavering, Similar erroneous teachings are common nowadays and Christians everywhere need to be equipped so that they would not be carried away by the wind of false doctrines. All the same, Jude believed that the true teachings that the people had received could not be changed. He stated that godless people have slipped into the christian community and are spreading false teachings (v. 4). Today’s lesson is aimed at encouraging believers in Christ to contend for the faith that was entrusted to us (Jude 3, 2023), as we wait for our Lord Jesus Christ, in His mercy, to give us eternal life.


[Jude 17-21]

Jude’s voice in the passage sounds like an instructor who does not want his apprentice/trainee to perish, having spent time teaching and giving necessary instructions at the beginning of the training. He carefully analysed the sin and doom of ungodly people in the first few verses of the book, urging his readers to sustain their faith rather than being carried away by false teachings (vv. 3-4). Thereafter, he called the people’s attention to what had been foretold by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.” (v. 17) According to verse 18, the prediction was about the presence of scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires in the last days. He further described the scoffers as:
● Men who cause division among them.
● They follow their natural instincts.
● They do not have the Spirit of God (vv. 18-19),

So, Jude’s audience was encouraged to build up themselves in their most holy faith and pray in the Spirit. The coming of the godless men (false teachers) should not take the believers by surprise because it has been predicted by the apostles (Acts 20:29; 2 Timothy 3:1-5). They were also admonished to keep themselves in God’s love, as they await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring them to eternal life (v. 21). Jude’s warning to his recipients to sustain their faith and keep themselves in the love of God was the only antidote to being deceived by false teachings and thereafter, miss the gift of eternity. While writing to the church in Corinth, in his second epistle, Apostle Paul warned the brethren not to reckon with anyone who preached any gospel other, than that which was preached to them. Similarly, Jesus warned His disciples saying, “Watch out that no one deceives you.” There are false teachings fast spreading today. Therefore, believers in Christ are encouraged to contend earnestly for the faith, in opposition to those who teach heresies. We must uphold the sound teachings we have received, teach it, live exemplary lifestyles as well as encourage other believers in Christ to do likewise.

1.Discuss some false teachings that are prevalent in our contemporary time.
2.What is the best way to confront false teachings?

[Jude 22-25]

Jude recognised the fact that the deceptive teachings that bewildered the Christians in his days was capable of leading them astray. So, he reasoned that it was not enough for the people to be aware of false teachers in the church, but expedient for them to take adequate precautions in order to sustain their faith. He suggested some practical duties they should perform to help them sustain their faith in verses 22 and 23. He said:
● Be merciful to those who doubt (v. 22); most likely, those whose faith is weak. Such people should not be condemned or rejected because of God’s mercy.
● Save others by snatching them from the fire. This means that they are to rescue unbelievers from the verge of destruction, probably by teaching the right doctrine with commitment consistency.
● Show mercy with fear of hating even the clothing, which is made unclean by the flesh. (1 Corinthians 6:9). As he admonished the people, Jude recognised the believers’ inability to measure up with God’s standard except by His mercy. He committed them to God and said in verse 24, “To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy.” (v. 24) Jude concludes his exhortation in verse 24 with the assurance that God can keep them from stumbling, present them without blemish, and make them presentable before His glory with great joy. He atscribed to God glory, majesty, power, and authority through Jesus Christ, before all ages.

God is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before His glorious presence, if we have received salvation through faith in our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. This was Jude’s concern about the Church; thus he appealed to them to persevere in the faith and not give in to false teachings. God has promised to present us spotless, sinless, and without blemish before the presence of His glory. Christians should acknowledge the fact that human abilities such as knowledge, experience, education, and other material attainments are not sufficient to keep us standing in the faith, particularly these days when false teachings are already widespread. Jude’s admonition to save others by snatching them from the fire should motivate believers to intensify their effort in evangelism so that more people will be won to the kingdom of God.

1. What are some precautions believers can take in order not to fall prey to false teachers?
2. Discuss our responsibility as Christians towards those who have fallen out of the faith.

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:
● Let a class member share an experience of how he/she fell out of the faith and the means through which he/she was restored.

Take Home: Write down three lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson?
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today’s lesson, make a personal commitment to sustain your faith by believing and teaching the right doctrine.

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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