NBC Sunday School Manual For June 30, 2024 : Topic – FEARLESS WITNESS

NBC Sunday School Manual For June 30, 2024 : Topic – FEARLESS WITNESS

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Theme for the Month: “EXPERIENCING HOPE.”



Devotional Reading: Philippians 3:1-14.

Background Scripture: Acts 26:1-11.

Lesson Scripture: Acts 26:1-11.

“And now it is because of my hope in what God has promised our ancestors that I am on trial today.” Acts 26:6

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● State some of the charges against Paul, according to the passage;
● Identify Paul’s source of boldness in his defence before Agrippa;
● Resolve to be fearless witnesses, like Paul, in their journey of faith.

Many people have had reasons to recount their suffering for the sake of the Gospel and God’s miraculous deliverance. Recently, a pastor who recounted his ordeals in the ministry had gone on a village evangelism with his team. God’s physical manifestation was real during the crusade, as many people accepted Jesus as their Saviour and Lord, and surrendered their idols to be burnt. Unfortunately, the youths in the village threatened to set the pastor ablaze if he continued to preach in the name of Jesus. The village elders also summoned the pastor and warned him not to preach again. “Death penalty for such offenders”, they said. The pastor was not afraid of the death penalty; he humbly prostrated before the elders and defended his mission. He said boldly, “I have done nothing wrong against the tradition of the land, as you have presumed.” The testimony is that God intervened, and he was allowed to continue to preach.

Paul’s ministry was characterised by suffering and persecution. His last days were characterised by turbulent experiences. A murderous mob brought false charges against him, with the intention to kill him (Acts 23:12). Eventually, he was arrested in Jerusalem and was made to stand trial before the Sanhedrin, Felix, Festus and King Agrippa he was accused of being a troublemaker. Throughout his trial, he stood as a fearless witness for Christ. The Christian faith is sometimes misunderstood by those who have not experienced new life in Christ Jesus. They misinterpret the message of salvation in Christ Jesus for reasons best known to them. Persecution is a reality of life that daily confronts us as disciples of Jesus Christ. However, Christians should always be ready to stand as fearless witnesses when preaching the gospel message, no matter the threat they face. The focal point of today’s lesson is how Christians can boldly bear witness for the Lord, whether the environment is friendly or hostile.


[Acts 26:1-3]

The testimony of Felix during Paul’s defence before King Agrippa is noteworthy- He said it is unwise to send a prisoner to Rome without specific charges against him (Acts 25:27). Meanwhile, Paul had already made an appeal to be heard over the matter (v. 21). Based on this premise, when he was finally brought before Agrippa to stand trial over all the allegations against him, he was granted permission to speak for himself by Agrippa (Acts 26:1). Paul expressed his delight at the opportunity to stand before King Agrippa to defend himself, and he appealed to him to listen with patience. He said in verses 2-3, “King Agrippa, I consider myself fortunate to stand before you today as I make my defence against all the accusations of the Jews, and especially so because you are well acquainted with all the Jewish customs and controversies. Therefore, I beg you to listen to me patiently.”

The religious bigots who brought charges against Paul could not prove them. They only claimed that he was a troublemaker and that he stirred up riots among the Jews all over the world, They concluded that he was a ringleader of the Nazarene sect and tried to desecrate the temple (Acts 24:5-7). Little wonder Festus declared that Paul had done nothing to deserve death (Acts 25:25a). Similarly, Jesus was falsely accused of planning to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. (Mark 14:57-58). Paul was confident of King Agrippa’s verdict since he is well acquainted with the Law and so, he would be impartial in his judgment.

The world we live in is full of wicked people who accuse believers falsely in order to foment trouble, like the case of Paul. However, Christians must learn to give appropriate response in the face of wrong accusations, like Paul who appreciated the opportunity for his self-defence without displaying arrogance before the King. We must also endeavour to give people opportunity to defend themselves before passing judgment.

1. What lessons should leaders learn from Agrippa’s decision to allow Paul speak for himself, according to verse 1?
2. How should Christians respond when there is opportunity to defend our faith, especially in the face of persecution?

[Acts 26:4-11]

Paul’s defence before Agrippa started with the testimony of his early life in order to lay a solid foundation as a witness of his faith in Christ (vv. 4-5). He probably believed that if they disagreed with him over his faith in Christ, they will not disagree over how he once conformed as a strict sect of the Pharisees to unleash terror on believers. He emphasised the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the fulfilment of God’s promise to their ancestors, which was the reason for his trial (vv. 6- 7). He, therefore, wondered why the people should consider it incredible for God to raise the dead. He boldly recounted his previous hostility to Christ’s followers with the approval of the high priest in the following ways:
● He put many in prison and finally to death.
● He cast his vote against them.
● He went from one synagogue to another so as to have them punished.
● He tried to force them to blaspheme.
● He hunted them down in foreign cities.

Paul’s conversion story in verses 9-11 is the foundation for his defence before King Agrippa. He was a bold and fearless witness for Christ because of the genuineness of his salvation experience. After all, he had been told how much he must suffer for the sake of the Gospel (Acts 9:16). Like Apostle Paul, Christians must be ready to boldly declare their faith in the risen Lord without compromise. Paul confidently said to King Agrippa, “… I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.” (v. 19) Therefore, Paul became a model of a fearless witness for the risen Lord.

1. Discuss how the testimonies of our past life can be a tool for witnessing.
2. What lesson(s) can Christians learn from Paul who was bold and fearless, as he recounted his faith before King Agrippa?

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity
List reasons some Christians easily compromise their faith, especially when they are on trial on account of their faith and how to help such people.

Take Home:
Write down three lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson?
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today’s lesson, make a personal commitment to defend your faith, even in the face of persecution.

We are grateful to God for the opportunity to study His Word throughout this month and be more acquainted with the different ways we can experience hope in times of challenges. Therefore:
● What preparations do you intend to make so as to remain resilient in the face of suffering?
● What new lessons did you learn about the greater glory of the new covenant?
● What were your struggles about the reasons some people fail to keep their promises?
● What lessons did you learn from Paul as a fearless witness for the Lord?

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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