Methodist Daily Reflection For Today July 29, 2024 : Topic – THE NEW JERUSALEM

Methodist Daily Reflection For Today July 29, 2024 : Topic – THE NEW JERUSALEM

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MONDAY JULY 29, 2024



REVELATION 21:10″ And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.”

HYMN: MHB 655 (CM)
Jerusalem, my happy home.


Our passage for today is a continuation of our study yesterday. Those who have visited the Aso Rock villa in Abuja say there are several checking points in the Aso Rock with tough- looking security guards at each point to ward off any attack. God does not need security guards because no intruder can ever reach the Tabernacle of God – not even Satan the devil.

On the description and beauty of the New Jerusalem, John in Rev. 21:11-25 stated that, the materials for the walls were high-quality ones – jasper, pure gold, precious stones, emerald, Sardius, topaz chrysolte, saronyx, beryl, jacinth, etc! How beautiful!

This New Jerusalem is not the current Jerusalem, the former city of the Jebusites nor the “City of David” that people today do pay visits to as a tourism centre. This new and Holy Jerusalem will come down from heaven where angels guide the city’s gate. (Revelation 3:12; 21:2 10 and 12)

There is no need of sun or moon light because God Himself is the Light of the city. There is no darkness at all; because every time you enjoy the light of God (vs 21-23). Brethren, we cannot describe this city enough; seeing is believing. It will be a great loss to miss out of this city. John 14:2 says that there are many mansions” in the Holy City. The mansions are not for everybody but for the redeemed, the saints who make heaven at last.

Will you be there? With all entanglements of this world, you must play safe by registering yourself to this city of incorruptible people. Also make efforts to see that your wife, husband, children and others are there.

PRAYER: Blessed Father, empower me to strive and enter The New Jerusalem at the end of my life here on earth in Jesus name. Amen.

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