Monthly Archives: September 2024

Billy Graham Devotional For September 16, 2024 : Topic – The Madness of the Gospel

By | September 16, 2024

Billy Graham Devotional For September 16, 2024 : Topic – The Madness of the Gospel Click HERE for Previous Devotional Topic: The Madness of the Gospel We preach Christ crucified . . . — 1 Corinthians 1:23 One of the great needs in the church today is for every Christian to become enthusiastic about his faith in Jesus Christ.… Read More »

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 16, 2024 :Topic – Happy Children’s Day

By | September 16, 2024

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 16, 2024 :Topic – Happy Children’s Day Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Dr. D.K. Olukoya TOPIC: Happy Children’s Day (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Devotional 16 September 2024) BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 39, Isaiah 40, Luke 5, Luke 6. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Numbers 27:1-11 (KJV) 1 Then… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 16, 2024 : Topic – Don’t Try To Outrun God

By | September 16, 2024

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 16, 2024 : Topic – Don’t Try To Outrun God Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 16 September 2024 TOPIC: Don’t Try To Outrun God MEMORISE: “A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.” – Proverbs 28:20… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 16, 2024 : Topic – Built on Christ

By | September 15, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 16, 2024 : Topic – Built on Christ Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Proverbs 25-26 2 Corinthians 9 You are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. 1 Peter 2:5 NLT Today’s Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-10 Insight The apostle Peter… Read More »


By | September 15, 2024


NBC Sunday School Manual For September 15, 2024 : Topic – HEZEKIAH’S PRAYER.

By | September 15, 2024

NBC Sunday School Manual For September 15, 2024 : Topic – HEZEKIAH’S PRAYER. Read previous NBC Sunday School Manuals here SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR YOUR PREPARATION NBC SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTLINE Theme for the Month: “LEADERS SET WORSHIP EXAMPLE.” DATE: SUNDAY, 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2024. TOPIC: HEZEKIAH’S PRAYER. Devotional Reading: Romans 8:29-39. Background Scripture: 2 Kings 19:1-34. Lesson… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 15, 2024 : Topic – “Ain’t No Grave”

By | September 15, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 15, 2024 : Topic – “Ain’t No Grave” Read previous Our Daily Braed Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Proverbs 22-24 2 Corinthians 8 If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:14 Today’s Scripture : 1 Corinthians 15:12-22 Insight When… Read More »

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 14, 2024 By Dr. D.K Olukoya :Topic- From Problem To Promotion

By | September 14, 2024

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 14, 2024 By Dr. D.K Olukoya :Topic- From Problem To Promotion Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Dr. D.K. Olukoya TOPIC: From Problem To Promotion BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 35, Isaiah 36, Luke 1, Luke 2. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Genesis 41:37-57 (KJV) 37 And the thing was good in the… Read More »

Billy Graham Devotional For September 14, 2024 : Topic – True Friendship

By | September 14, 2024

Billy Graham Devotional For September 14, 2024 : Topic – True Friendship Click HERE for Previous Devotional Topic: True Friendship By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. — John 13:35 The human soul is a lonely thing. It must have the assurance of companionship. Left entirely to… Read More »

RCCG House Fellowship Leader Manual For September 15, 2024, Lesson 2: Topic – Trying Times And Patience

By | September 14, 2024

RCCG House Fellowship Leader Manual For September 15, 2024, Lesson 2: Topic – Trying Times And Patience Click HERE for the Previous RCCG Manual TOPIC: Trying Times And Patience OPENING PRAYER: Father, please send me needed interventions in this trying period and teach how to be patient and wait for your promises. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The leader should remind the members… Read More »

RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual For September 15, 2024 Lesson 3 : Topic – The Deity Of Jesus (2)

By | September 14, 2024

RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual For September 15, 2024 Lesson 3 : Topic – The Deity Of Jesus (2) Click HERE for Previous RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual 15 September 2024 TOPIC: The Deity Of Jesus (2) OPENING PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to value Your mighty works daily. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 14, 2024 : Topic  – Vessels Unto Dishonour

By | September 14, 2024

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 14, 2024 : Topic  – Vessels Unto Dishonour Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 14 September 2024 TOPIC: Vessels Unto Dishonour MEMORISE: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” – Psalm 51:17 (KJV) READ: 1 Samuel… Read More »

Our Daily Braed Devotional For September 14, 2024 : Topic – Good Congee

By | September 14, 2024

Our Daily Braed Devotional For September 14, 2024 : Topic – Good Congee Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Proverbs 19-21 2 Corinthians 7 He went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him. 2 Kings 5:14 Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings… Read More »

Billy Graham Devotional For September 11, 2024 : Topic – Only Jesus

By | September 11, 2024

Billy Graham Devotional For September 11, 2024 : Topic – Only Jesus Click HERE for the Previous Devotional Topic: Only Jesus God . . . is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord. — 1 Corinthians 1:9 (TLB) The question remains, “How can God be just—that is, true… Read More »

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 11, 2024 : Topic – God Is Able

By | September 11, 2024

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 11, 2024 : Topic – God Is Able Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Dr. D.K. Olukoya TOPIC: God Is Able BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 29, Isaiah 30, Mark 11, Mark 12. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Genesis 18:14 (KJV) 14 Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 11, 2024: Topic  – Receiving Prophecies

By | September 11, 2024

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 11, 2024: Topic  – Receiving Prophecies Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 11 September 2024 TOPIC: Receiving Prophecies MEMORISE: “Despise not prophesyings.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:20 (KJV) READ: 2 Kings 7:1-17 (KJV) 1 Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord, To morrow… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 11, 2024 : Topic – Colors of Hope

By | September 11, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 11, 2024 : Topic – Colors of Hope Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Proverbs 10-12 2 Corinthians 4 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Genesis 9:15 Today’s Scripture: Genesis 9:11-17 Insight In the… Read More »

Billy Graham Devotional For September 10, 2024 : Topic – Dream Great Dreams

By | September 10, 2024

Billy Graham Devotional For September 10, 2024 : Topic – Dream Great Dreams Click HERE for Previous Devotional Topic: Dream Great Dreams Be thou faithful unto death . . . — Revelation 2:10 In our day much of the world believes little or nothing. People are broad but shallow. Agnosticism, anxiety, emptiness, meaninglessness, have gripped much of the world—and… Read More »

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 10, 2024 Topic – How Shall We Escape?

By | September 10, 2024

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional For September 10, 2024 Topic – How Shall We Escape? Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Dr. D.K. Olukoya TOPIC: How Shall We Escape? BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 27, Isaiah 28, Mark 9, Mark 10. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:9 (KJV) 9 In this was manifested the love of God toward… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 10, 2024 : Topic  – Rejecting Negative Prophecies (2)

By | September 10, 2024

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 10, 2024 : Topic  – Rejecting Negative Prophecies (2) Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 10 September 2024 TOPIC: Rejecting Negative Prophecies (2) MEMORISE: “Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard… Read More »

Our Dily Bread Devotional For September 10, 2024 : Topic – Spiritual Royalty

By | September 10, 2024

Our Dily Bread Devotional For September 10, 2024 : Topic – Spiritual Royalty Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Proverbs 8-9 2 Corinthians 3 To all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12 Today’s Scripture:… Read More »

Billy Graham Daily Devotional For September 9, 2024 : Topic – Science & Faith

By | September 8, 2024

Billy Graham Daily Devotional For September 9, 2024 : Topic – Science & Faith Read previous Billy Graham Daily Devotionals He . . . has given you a full understanding of the truth. —1 Corinthians 1:5 (TLB) There is never any conflict between true science and our Christian faith. It is my own feeling that… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 9, 2024 : Topic – REJECTING NEGATIVE PROPHECIES 1

By | September 8, 2024

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 9, 2024 : Topic – REJECTING NEGATIVE PROPHECIES 1 Read previous Open Heaven Devotionals here OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9TH 2024 TOPIC: REJECTING NEGATIVE PROPHECIES 1 MEMORISE: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 9, 2024 : Topic – Remaining in Jesus

By | September 8, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 9, 2024 : Topic – Remaining in Jesus Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Proverbs 6-7 2 Corinthians 2 I will build my church: Matthew 16:18 Today’s Scripture : Matthew 16:13-19 Insight How are we to interpret Jesus’ reference to “the gates of Hades” (Matthew… Read More »

MFM Daily Devotional For September 8, 2024 : Topic – Jesus The Way, The Truth, And The Life (3)

By | September 7, 2024

MFM Daily Devotional For September 8, 2024 : Topic – Jesus The Way, The Truth, And The Life (3) Read previous MFM Devotionals here MFM Daily Devotional 8th September 2024 TOPIC: Jesus The Way, The Truth, And The Life (3) BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 23; Isaiah 24; Mark 5; Mark 6 FIRE SCRIPTURE: John… Read More »

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 8, 2024 : Topic – United at Last

By | September 7, 2024

Our Daily Bread Devotional For September 8, 2024 : Topic – United at Last Read previous Our Daily Bread Devotionals here Bible in a Year : Proverbs 3-5 2 Corinthians 1 All my fountains are in you: Psalm 87:7 Today’s Scripture : Psalm 87 Insight The word Zion is mentioned more than 150 times in the Bible. It’s used… Read More »

RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual For September 8, 2024, Lesson 2 : Topic – The Deity Of Jesus (1)

By | September 7, 2024

RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual For September 8, 2024, Lesson 2 : Topic – The Deity Of Jesus (1) Click HERE for Previous RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual RCCG Sunday School Teacher Manual 8 September 2024 TOPIC: The Deity Of Jesus (1) OPENING PRAYER: Father, help me to understand the divine nature of Jesus. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The… Read More »

NBC Sunday School Manual For September 8, 2024 : Topic – SOLOMON DEDICATES THE TEMPLE.

By | September 7, 2024

NBC Sunday School Manual For September 8, 2024 : Topic – SOLOMON DEDICATES THE TEMPLE. Read previous NBC Sunday Schol Manuals here SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR YOUR PREPARATION NBC SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTLINE Theme for the Month: “LEADERS SET WORSHIP EXAMPLE.” DATE: SUNDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2024. TOPIC: SOLOMON DEDICATES THE TEMPLE. Devotional Reading: Psalms 34:11-22. Background… Read More »

Billy Graham Daily Devotional For September 8, 2024 : Topic – Be Honest with God

By | September 7, 2024

Billy Graham Daily Devotional For September 8, 2024 : Topic – Be Honest with God Click HERE for Previous Devotional Topic: Be Honest with God God loveth a cheerful giver. — 2 Corinthians 9:7 The greatest blessing of giving is not on the financial side of the ledger but on the spiritual side. You receive a sense of being honest… Read More »

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 8, 2024 :Topic – Marriage – A Blessing Or A Curse?

By | September 7, 2024

Open Heaven Daily Devotional For September 8, 2024 :Topic – Marriage – A Blessing Or A Curse? Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional Open Heaven 8 September 2024 TOPIC: Marriage – A Blessing Or A Curse? MEMORISE: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an… Read More »