March 27, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- THE PLACE OF PATTERNS

By | March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- THE PLACE OF PATTERNS

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MEMORY VERSE: “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set” (PROVERBS 22:28).

Fences are built along the boundary lines of one’s landed property to demarcate it from anyone nearby. This is to prevent others from encroaching upon the land. Even when the fence is broken, a landlord ensures it is erected again..The boundaries recognized by our spiritual forefathers are being removed today by a generation who modernize the biblical standards set by God and handed down to our fathers. Moral decadence is now prevalent even in Churches because God’s patterns have been compromised.

Christians of this generation must rise up and recognize the landmarks and uphold them. The set patterns include: salvation and sanctification or purity of heart and life, as well as Holy Ghost baptism. Others are: obedience to God’s Word, bearing the fruit of the Spirit, prayer and evangelism.
Removal of landmarks or patterns leads to confusion and crises. In the Christian race, it is disrespect for God. God’s purpose for establishing landmarks is to guard against confusion, pain, suffering and self-destruction as happened in the Garden of Eden. You sing, “Give me that old time religion, it is good enough for me”._ Do you mean it?

QUOTE: Give me that old time religion.

CHALLENGE: Determine to uphold God’s patterns.

PRAYER: Give me love for Your Word, dear Lord.

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