March 7, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- CHRIST CARES AND CURES

March 7, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- CHRIST CARES AND CURES

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TEXT: MATTHEW 14:13-19

MEMORY VERSE: “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick” (MATTHEW 14:14).

Evangelist Billy Graham tells an interesting story in his magazine, Decision. A little child had come down with an aggressive form of cancer and was suffering great pain. The mother, though a Christian, had neither knowledge of divine healing nor faith in its possibility. On a particular stressful day at the hospital, the loving mother wept over her daughter. In deep anguish, she raised her face to heaven and thought, “Oh that God would let me have this cancer and suffer this pain instead!” At that moment, the pain subsided instantly and the little girl calmed down. Tests later revealed no single trace of cancer in the body once ravaged by the evil disease. She had been healed miraculously and was soon on her way home.

Genuine compassion can trigger faith. Jesus has both in good measure. Compassion made Him to heal the leper by a touch rather than a word. His tears before raising a dead Lazarus flowed out of compassion, not despair. If you are sick, Jesus knows your pain. Call upon Him in faith and He will heal you now.

QUOTE: Genuine compassion can trigger faith.

CHALLENGE: Jesus has both love and power to heal.

PRAYER: Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.

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