NBC Sunday School Manual For August 13, 2023 :Topic – BUILD UP ONE ANOTHER.

By | August 12, 2023

NBC Sunday School Manual For August 13, 2023 :Topic – BUILD UP ONE ANOTHER.

Read previous NBC Sunday School Manuals here



Theme for the Month: GOD’S ETERNAL REIGN.



Devotional Reading: Proverbs 2:1-11.

Background Scripture: Romans 14:10-23.

Lesson Scripture: Romans 14:10-23.

“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” Romans 14:19.

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Discuss what it means to pass judgment on one another.
● Enumerate the benefits of building up one another.
● Make personal commitments to build up other brethren in the Lord.

It is common among believers of different denominations to criticise one another especially over what they believe and practise. For some believers, they castigate others by the way they dress, talk, pray, eat, fast and the like as long as it does not conform to their style. This of course led to criticism and condemnation among them. It seems they forgot that God owns everyone both the weak and strong in faith, the poor and the rich. Paul therefore encouraged them to accept others as they are and leave all judgment to God. In other words, those who appear to be spiritually mature should not look down on the others because each believer is accountable to God.

Today’s lesson is a reminder that though Christians have different abilities, we all belong to God. So, we should be ready to build up one another instead of becoming a stumbling block to others due to their level of spiritual maturity, cultural and personal differences. In addition, whenever believers disagree on any doctrinal issue, it should not lead to condemnation but such matter should be resolved amicably.


[Romans 14:10-18]

There were problems among the various groups within the church in Rome. The problems were caused by the different ethnic and cultural backgrounds of the people. The issues centred on the eating of certain foods (perhaps meat that had been sacrificed to idols) (1 Corinthians 8) and the observance of special days for religious reasons. Paul had earlier said that those who observe certain days, eat certain food or abstain from one thing or the other, do so to the Lord and gives thanks to God (v. 6). However, he became more specific in verse 10 when he addressed the different groups saying, “You, then, why do you judge your brothers? Or why do you look down on your brothers? For we will all stand before God’s Judgment seat.” He reminded them that each of them is accountable to God. They should, therefore, stop passing judgment on each other. He was confident that no food is unclean in itself except they chose to regard it so (v. 14). Therefore, though some are weak and others strong, all must agree not to live to themselves, but to the Lord. In the same manner, whether they participate or abstain from certain foods, they must do so for the sake of the Lord with thanks. He reminded them that their brothers for whom Christ has died should not be condemned by the food they eat because Christ died for the weak and strong alike. As a result, the strong should be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the weak.

Apostle Paul’s message to the people was simple and straight to the point. If their brothers and sisters are hurt by what they eat, then, they have not acted in love. He stated that, “The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” (v. 17). He affirmed that when people serve Christ with the understanding of the nature of the kingdom of God, they will be approved by others and God will be pleased. If they continue with such trivial matters like what to eat, they will completely miss the essence of Christian living and the liberty we have through Christ Jesus who died for our redemption. Meanwhile, he also warned the “weak” to stop passing judgment on other believers who do not share their convictions about the matter, and that the “strong” must also stop scorning others (v. 10).

Paul encouraged the brethren in Rome not to judge one another about what to eat and special days to keep. His admonition is timely because some Christians judge their fellow believers particularly about their doctrine, mode of dressing, and other areas. To judge someone, as used in the passage, is to condemn or criticise their activity or behaviour unjustly. The power to judge only lies in the hand of God who will judge everyone righteously (v. 10). As we celebrate one another’s strengths, we build up one another in our areas of strength while working on our weaknesses.

1. According to the passage, what should believers do instead of passing judgment on other people for whatever reason?
2. Discuss the different ways Christians act as stumbling blocks to others.

[Romans 14:19-23]

Paul did not relent in his effort to correct the different views the brethren in Rome had concerning what they eat and the reasons they observe certain days for religious reason. In verses 19 and 20, he suggested ways they can truly build up one another in faith:
● They should make every effort to do what will lead to peaceful living and mutual edification instead of being divided over trivial matters of food and observance of special days.
● They were warned not to destroy the work of God for the sake of food. Even though all is clean but they should not eat any food that will make someone else (weak brethren) to stumble.
● They should abstain from eating meat, drinking wine or other things that is capable of causing a brother to backslide.
● Anyone in doubt is condemned if he eats; because his eating is not as a result of faith and that makes it a sin.

The summary of Paul’s exhortation is that believers should work towards building up one another. When believers work together for the good of one another, the body of Christ will be united and there will be peace and progress. In other words, the strong Christians should not go against their convictions or change their standards, but they should conduct themselves in such a way that those who are not so mature spiritually will not stumble (vv. 22-23). Furthermore, the appeal to pursue things that will bring peace and edification to one another is very paramount in the life of believers. Paul said in his letter to the brethren in Ephesus, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).

1. Discuss the benefits of a strong and united body of Christ?
2. What are some sacrifices we are I called to make on behalf of the so called “weak or immature” believers?

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:
● Encourage each class member to write down what they intend to do this week in order to build up other believers. They should pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to help them fulfil their promises.

Take Home: Write down some lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson:
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today’s lesson, make a personal commitment toward your relationship with others for the purpose of building up one another.

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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