C.A.C Sunday School Manual For May 12, Lesson 17 : Topic – GIFT OF DIVERSE TONGUES MEMORY SCRIPTURE

C.A.C Sunday School Manual For May 12, Lesson 17 : Topic – GIFT OF DIVERSE TONGUES MEMORY SCRIPTURE

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LESSON Seventeen
May 12th, 2024


And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues (Mark 16:17).

The gift of diverse tongues is another way by which the Holy Spirit shows His power, presence and purpose among us.

It is a tremendous blessing that Christ Jesus didn’t abandon His disciples but continuously guided, taught, corrected and prepared them for their future mission. He empowered them with authority and prayer, promising them the ability to speak in new tongues, signifying a fresh way of communicating, not an entirely new language. At His ascension, He assured them that the Holy Spirit would empower them, and this promise came to fruition at Pentecost. These assurances and commands were not empty. He commissioned the disciples to spread the gospel worldwide, making them apostles equipped with spiritual gifts, including the gift of diverse tongues.


Mon. 6: Diverse Tongues Is From The Spirit (Act 2:1-4)

Tue. 7: Diverse Tongues: Speaking In Diverse Languages (Act 2:4-11)

Wed. 8: Diverse Tongues Are For Christians (Act 10:44-48)

Thur. 9: Diverse Tongues Are Prayer Languages (1 Cor. 14:1-5)

Fri. 10: Diverse Tongues Should Be Interpreted (1 Cor. 14:27-28)

Sat. 11: Diverse Tongues Should Build Christ’s Body (Act 19:1-12)


1. God is the God of all nations. He ministers to people of different cultures in their different languages.

2. The gift of tongues is the miraculous ability to speak in a foreign language. The best of spiritual gifts to propel the gospel is for individual Christian to be gifted with diverse tongues.

BACKGROUND SCRIPTURE: John 16:13-15; Acts 19:1-7


AIM: To show demonstration of supernatural utterance to persuade nations in their languages for the gospel.

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:

i. show that the Holy Spirit energises the tongue for different languages for believer’s edification;

ii. show that the foreign languages spoken are not for selfish reasons; and

iii. explain how the gift of diverse tongues facilitates the effective communication of the gospel beyond one’s local boundaries.


TEXTUAL SOURCES: ACTS 2:1-6; 1 CORINTHIANS 12:10; 14:27-29
We will forever be grateful to Christ, our Fountain of Knowledge, who beamed the Light of His Word on us in the previous lesson that closed Unit II of this series. We have thus far come to understand that the foundation of our relationship with God is not only our salvation but also the fact that He has perfected us in order for us to serve Him and His kingdom. May we always be productive servants, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

This week is a new stage with lesson 17 (GIFT OF DIVERSE TONGUES) opening Unit III. The experience from Pentecost shows how the Holy Spirit was given to the early believers, who underwent change for the Master’s purpose of persuading the world that they, too, were a part of the promises made by Christ. The route to the supernatural gift of tongues has been through Holy Spirit baptism. Although, there are diverse tongues, it is good to know that only the Spirit of God can authentically impart this gift. In contrast to human intuition, the advent of the Holy Spirit typically prompted the early disciples to speak in strange tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. May the experience never die in our midst. Amen.





I. TONGUES, AS IN LANGUAGE (Acts 2:1-6; 1 Cor. 12:10)

And when this sound occurred, the multitudes came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language (Acts 2:6).

a) God is known for His unusual acts; He scattered (Gen. 11:8) but now would bring nations back to Himself (Zech. 2:11; Matt 11;28,29; Act 10:13-22).

b) 1 Cor. 12:10:…different kinds of tongues… Here, the word ‘tongues’ is simply the standard Greek word for language. If language is the speech of a group of people, including its vocabulary, syntax, and grammar, then expression in diverse tongues is speaking in various languages.

c) Speaking in diverse tongues is a fulfilment of God’s Word (Isa. 28:11-12; Mk. 16:17). The tongues are a sign to unbelievers, so God’s Word can cannot be meaningless.

d) The Bible mentions 3 types of tongues: an unknown tongue spoken unto God (1 Cor. 14:2; Jude 20; cf. Rom. 8:26-27); a known tongue that is a sign to unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:2; cf. Acts 2:6); and a tongue that is understood through interpretation (1 Cor. 14:15).

e) Divers tongues is supernatural utterance by the Holy Spirit in languages that the speaker has never learnt. Neither the hearer nor the speaker necessarily understands what is being said. It has nothing to do with the human mind, or intellect.

f) Acts 2:6 emphasises the Church’s universal mission. The 120 spoke in foreign languages to the foreigners who had gathered for Pentecost.

g) The gift of tongues consists of real languages, not mere gibberish or fabricated languages.

II. GRACE TO SPEAK DIVERSE TONGUES (Acts 2:4,6; 1 Cor. 12:10; 14:27-29)

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: …to another different kinds of tongues… (1 Cor. 12:7,10).

a) Acts 2:4,6: Speaking in diverse tongues doesn’t just happen. It is enabled by the Holy Spirit. It is a spiritual gift that was first released after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (cf. Jn. 1:16; Eph. 4:7).

b) 1 Cor. 12:10: This gift is a supernatural sign (Mk. 16:17; 1 Cor. 12:28). It involves speaking in languages that the speaker doesn’t know; these may already exist in the world, or are “unknown” in the sense that they are a form of communication that has been inspired by the Holy Spirit (Isa. 28:11; Mk. 16:17; Acts 2:4; 10:44- 48, 19:1-7; 1 Cor. 12:10; 13:1-3; 14:2).

c) It also involves the ability to speak in foreign language(s) not previously studied; uttering sounds that those without the gift of interpretation may not understand.

d) God has given this gift to speak mysteries supernaturally to God (1 Cor. 14:2), magnify God (Acts 10:45,46), edify ourselves (1 Cor. 14:4; Jude 20), help us to pray in the Spirit (Rom. 8:26; Eph. 6:18), and for spiritual refreshing (Isa. 28:11,12).

e) 14:27-29: For this gift to be both God-glorifying and church-edifying, it should be interpreted. Use this gift the way God wants it.

f) Ministering in diverse tongues is a a way way of declaring the wonders of God and helping believers to build up deeper faith and trust in God.


1. Evidence of the overflow of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life is the ability to speak in diverse tongues.

2. Speaking in diverse tongues is an enablement by the Holy Spirit to utter supernatural messages in different languages not previously studied.


1. Discuss the fact that speaking in unknown tongues is a fulfilment of the promise of God for believers.

2. Some so-called believers are fond of learning to speak in various tongues under the guise of the Holy Spirit’s impartation. What is the stand of the Bible on this?



* Speaking in unknown tongues is to speak in a language you have not spoken before.

* Jesus declared it beforehand that ability to speak with new language shall be among the signs that will follow those who believe (Memory Scripture).

* Speaking in unknown tongues is a divine language manifested when one is baptised with the Holy Spirit.

* The outward display of speaking in unknown tongues is a tangible sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence and activity in the life of a believer.


* Refer to part II of the lesson exposition.

* The Bible addresses the issue of speaking in tongues, and it offers guidance and principles regarding spiritual gifts.

* In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul provides insights on the use of tongues in the Church. He emphasises that speaking in tongues should be done for the edification of the Church and that there should be interpretation when it is practised in a congregational setting.

* In addition, the practice of speaking in tongues should be orderly and should not be done in a way that disrupts the Church’s worship and understanding (1 Cor. 14:27-33).

* 1 Cor. 14:27-28 also underscores the importance of interpretation when speaking in tongues in a public setting.

* The so-called believers who are fond of ‘learning’ to speak in various tongues under the guise of the Holy Spirit’s impartation are not biblical in any way. They are wrong. Their so-called teachers are trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit who alone freely gives this gift according to His will.

* Ultimately, the Bible encourages the proper use of spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues, for building up of the body of believers and for the glory of God. Learning the gift doesn’t glorify God and won’t build Christ’s body.

* Misusing, or misrepresenting this gift is not in alignment with biblical principles. Desist from such!

Some believers are blessed with the gift of diverse tongues from S God, which allows them to overcome language barriers through supernatural utterances. Throughout history, contemporary fathers of faith have been inspired to speak fluently in tongues they cannot naturally speak. For instance, an indigenous Yoruba-speaker, was able to communicate in English during one of his ministrations.


Christians should desire this Holy Spirit’s precious gift. However, it shouldn’t be used to cause chaos in the Church, or among the public, as God doesn’t approve of confusion. This is the import of the just-concluded lesson 17. Glory be to God!


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