Nigeria Baptist Conventional Sunday School Lesson For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Hearing Ansd Believing

Nigeria Baptist Conventional Sunday School Lesson For May 26, 2024 : Topic – Hearing Ansd Believing

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Theme for the Month: “STANDING IN THE FAITH.”



Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-20.

Background Scripture: Romans 10:1-21.

Lesson Scripture: Romans 10:1-17.

GOLDEN TEXT:  “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Explain the importance of hearing and believing God’s Word;
● Justify that the confession of faith in Christ is an indispensable step to salvation;
● Resolve to reach the unreached with the gospel message.

One of the core values of the Christian Education Department is inventiveness/creativity. The reason is that one cannot continue to do the same thing, using the same method and then expecting a different result. Some years ago, a former director of the department decided to introduce a new method of encouraging people to attend the annual Christian Education Conference. Delegates were encouraged to pre-register for the conference online, with a promise of discount within a specified period of time. According to the record for that year, it was observed that the number of registered delegates increased significantly when compared with previous years. The following year, she was inspired to give gifts to those who had pre-registered for the conference. Surprisingly, while the gifts were being distributed, those who had not pre-register also demanded for theirs, not knowing that the gifts were only for those who had pre-registered. The struggle to get the gift was serious as there was rowdiness until it was announced that the gifts were meant for only those who had pre- registered for the conference.

Just like the gifts given to those who had pre-registered for the conference, hearing and believing God’s Word are conditions for receiving God’s gift of salvation, which is for all. The few verses of Romans chapter 10 indicate Paul’s sincere desire for the people to be saved. He rightly observed that their devotion to God was encouraging but it was not based on true knowledge because they had not fully understood the doctrine of justification. They did not know that the old Law was no longer the basis for justification since Christ has come. So, Paul wrote to enlighten them that everyone who hears and believes the Word of God is made right with God through Jesus Christ. Therefore, just like pre-registration was a condition for getting a free gift during the Christian Education Conference, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ enables us to be saved when we hear and believe. The focus of today’s lesson is the importance of hearing and believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died, resurrected, and lives forever.


[Romans 10:1-4]

Paul’s concern for the salvation of His people, Israel (his fellow countrymen) was paramount to him. He made it clear that even though the people of Israel had followed after the Law as a way of righteousness, they have not attained their goal. The reason is that they did not seek it by faith but by works, and this contradicts God’s requirement for His people as a means of salvation (Romans 9:31). Therefore, in verse 1 of chapter 10, he expressed his desire and prayed that the Israelites would be saved. He testified about their zeal and commitment to God, even though it is not based on the knowledge of God’s way of salvation. They were ignorant of the way (faith) through which God puts people right with Him (Romans 1:17) and not the old way of obeying the Law, which they probably held on to. Rather, the people established their own standard based on mere human efforts, which is contrary to God’s way of putting people right with Him. According to verse 4, Jesus Christ has fulfilled the Law and as many that believe in Him will be made right with God. He said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them.” (Matthew 5:17)

Having fulfilled the Law, Christ bridged the gap between the Jews and the Gentiles. In other words, the Law which separates the Jews from the Gentiles is no longer the basis by which people have right relationship with God, Everyone who believes in Christ has access to God’s righteousness. According to the New International Version Bible Commentary, Jesus Christ brought the Law to completion by obeying perfectly its demands and by fulfilling the prophesies. It implies that believers are no longer under the bondage of the Law to receive the gift of salvation since Jesus Christ has freed us from its condemnation.

1. Why was Paul concerned about the salvation of the Jews?
2. Explain the process by which Jesus Christ freed us from total condemnation.

[Romans 10:5-10]

The fact has been established that Paul’s concern for the spiritual state of Israel motivated him to pray earnestly for them. His prayer was necessitated by the fact that the people did not depend on faith for their salvation. Instead, they depended on their works. In verse 5, Paul made reference to Moses’ writing about the righteousness that comes from obeying the Law. In contrast, he affirmed what the Scripture says about righteousness through faith. Such faith does not give room for doubt. To Paul, what matters was the message of faith that brings salvation to all who believe the Gospel (v. 8). He said in verse 9, “… if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” It is with the heart that we believe the Gospel and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.

The import of Paul’s message is that the righteousness of God cannot be attained by human efforts. The Study Bible Dictionary defines the righteousness of God as rightness by God’s standards. It means matching one’s life with God’s commandments, love and purposes. Paul had a deep concern that his people, the Jews were ignorant of the righteousness of God that brings justification to a sinner who believes. He explained that Moses introduced righteousness, which was based on the Law but Christ has brought righteousness by faith and it is for all who believe. Christians should be reminded that salvation is not something that can be attained by human efforts of keeping certain rules; the only key is faith in Christ Jesus, the Son of God. God’s plan for humankind is to save His people from their sins as long as they call on Jesus for salvation. The implication, therefore, is that people must come to the point where they realise that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus.

1. Explain how the Gospel is above the Law.
2. What do you understand by the statement “God does not give up on anyone”?

[Romans 10:11-17]

As Paul continued in his admonition to the Israelites to hear and believe the Gospel, he reminded them in verse 11 that anyone who believes in Jesus will never be put to shame. He emphasised the fact that there is no disparity between Jews and Gentiles, the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses those who call on Him. As the Scripture says, “for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (v. 13) Consequently, Paul asked some pertinent questions about the necessity of preaching the Gospel and the steps to take. He asked:
● How can they call on God for salvation if they have not believed? This is an emphasis on believing in Jesus.
● How will the people believe when they have not heard the message? There must be an avenue through which people must hear the gospel message.
● How will they hear the message if it has not been proclaimed? The message of the Gospel must be proclaimed.
● How will the message be proclaimed if the messengers have not been commissioned for the task? This suggests that people must be commissioned for the task.

His affirmation in verse 16 is a reference to Prophet Isaiah’s declaration when he said, “How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Isaiah 52:7) Unfortunately, not all the Israelites accepted the good news. Thus Isaiah said, “Lord, who has believed our message?” Paul concluded that faith can only come through the constant hearing of the Word of God (v. 17). The steps stated above point to the fact that those who have already believed and accepted Jesus as Saviour and Lord have the responsibility of telling others the message that brought them salvation. God could have chosen any means to spread the message – it could be angelic messengers or directly speaking to whoever he wants to save. Nevertheless, He chose to use those who have heard, believed the message and responded to it in faith. Little wonder he used the phrase “beautiful feet” to describe those who preach the Gospel for the salvation of others, and it shows the blessedness of those who preach the Gospel, Every Christian is expected to respond to the task of preaching the gospel message as stated in verses 14 and 15. The lesson is a reminder that preaching the gospel message is a task that must be fulfilled by believers, especially during these days of corruption, juvenile delinquency, criminality, prostitution, child rape, human trafficking, embezzlement of public funds, kidnapping, insecurity, cultism as well as insurgency.

1. Identify some hindrances to preaching the gospel message in our contemporary time and how to overcome them.
2. It may be easy to make open confession that Jesus is Lord but how can we know those who actually believe in their hearts?

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:
● Let a few class members summarise their salvation experiences and the processes.

Take Home: Write down three lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson?
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today’s lesson, make a commitment to be one of God’s messengers who will proclaim the gospel message to unbelievers.

Since the beginning of the month, we have been studying Paul’s letter to the Romans on the importance of salvation through faith in Christ. There is no doubt that we have been blessed through these lessons. Therefore:
● What new lessons did you learn about justification through faith in Christ Jesus?
● How does Abram’s faith in God motivate you to exercise faith in God?
● Which aspect of the lesson did you struggle to understand and what did you do to help yourself?
● What steps do you intend to take so that you will be among God’s messengers to proclaim the gospel message?

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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