NBC Sunday School Manual For July 14, 2024 : Topic – CONTINUAL PROCLAMATION.

NBC Sunday School Manual For July 14, 2024 : Topic – CONTINUAL PROCLAMATION.

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Theme for the Month: “EXPRESSING HOPE.”



Devotional Reading: Ephesians 3:1-13.

Background Scripture: Psalm 71:12-21.

Lesson Scripture: Psalm 71:12-21.

GOLDEN TEXT: “As for me, I shall always have hope; I will praise you more and more.” Psalm 71:14

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Explain the likely reason the psalmist affirmed he will put his hope in God and praise Him more;
● Discuss how a shared testimony can increase one’s faith and confidence to win the battles of life;
● Renew their trust in God to fight their battles and give them victory.

Life is full of challenges which may come in diverse ways and magnitude. One may experience a time of abandonment, delay, bankruptcy, imprisonment, failure, prolonged ailment or imprisonment. These are common phenomena in life that could happen to anyone, whether rich or poor, male or female, old or young.

Psalm 71 is one of the psalms ascribed to King David, during his old age. It was a personal prayer and perhaps a lament, as he was being persecuted. Its central theme is his hope in God when he was beset with troubles and enemies, all around. The whole psalm is an appeal to God for help, with a promise to always proclaim His praise in anticipation of his deliverance (v. 16). Today’s lesson is a reminder of the psalmist’s resolution to continually proclaim the Lord’s goodness, and to trust Him in all circumstances. Therefore, in times of self doubt and challenges, our only source of comfort should be the almighty God He is our Father, a great listener, and comforter in times of trouble.


[Psalm 71:12-16]

Psalm 71 is one of the psalms believed to have been written by David, possibly in the course of his trouble with Absalom, during his old age. The psalmist’s expression in the first few verses suggests that he had confidence in God as his Rock; thus, he asked God to deliver him from the hands of the wicked. He reaffirmed how God had been his hope and confidence since his youth (v. 5). Despite the conspiracy of his enemies to kill him (vv. 10-11), he trusted God and sought His help. He said in verse 12, “Do not be far from me, my God; come quickly, God, to help me.” The psalmist was sensitive to plot to harm him; he needed the help of God for deliverance. Thereafter, he prayed:
● That his enemies will perish in shame and his accusers will be covered with scorn and disgrace.
● That he will always hope in God and praise Him more. This is a pledge to continually give God praise for his expected deliverance and blessings.
● That his mouth will proclaim God’s righteous deeds and saving acts all day long.
● That he will proclaim God’s mighty acts and righteous deeds (most likely his service to God in the temple).

The fact that God had been his Rock and Refuge since his youth would have motivated him to vow to continue to put his hope in Him and praise Him more. Notable in the passage is the psalmist’s desire not to give up in despair. He promised to trust in God, no matter the number, power, and confidence of his enemies. As long as we have God, there is always hope for us, even in the midst of hopelessness and loneliness. The reason is that God is all-powerful and mighty in battle. He has the power to reverse every scheme of our accusers. Therefore, believers should not forget to seek God’s help whenever they are in trouble. Our hope and trust in Him should be renewed like that of the psalmist, as we praise Him continually.

1. How long should believers wait on God in the face of troubles and sufferings?
2. What should we do while we wait on God to deliver us from the hands of our accusers?

[Psalm 71:17-21]

The psalmist’s testimony is the expression of his past experiences and a declaration of God’s wonderful acts since his youth. He said, “Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day! declare your marvellous deeds.” (v. 17) Even though he was old and grey with age, he prayed for the continuous deliverance of God so that he could declare His power to a new generation. He longed for God’s favour and longevity so that he would share his testimony of God’s saving deeds from his youth. He recognised the righteousness of God, the great things He had done and concluded that no one can be compared with Him. Despite the fact that he had experienced many troubles, he was confident that he will be delivered. His honour will be increased and he will receive comfort again (vv. 20-21).

Remembering God’s faithfulness in time past can be a strategy for winning present battle, no matter the enormity. For example, David said to Saul, “The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.’ Saul said to David, ‘Go, and the LORD be with you.”” (1 Samuel 17:37) David’s testimony of the faithfulness of God over the attack of a lion as well as a bear was an assurance of victory in the battle against the Philistines. The testimony is that he killed Goliath (1 Samuel 17:50). According to verse 18 of our text, the psalmist sincerely appealed to God not to forsake him, so that he would testify of His faithful acts to the next generation. When we remember God’s wonderful acts in time past, He will surely manifest His power. Like the psalmist prayed, let us continually be hopeful as we praise God for even what He is yet to do.

1. Why is it important to reflect on God’s wonderful deeds of the past?
2. What lessons should believers learn from verse 17?

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity

Take Home:
Write down three lessons you are taking home from today’s lesson?
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today’s lesson, make a personal commitment to always seek God’s help.

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

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