C.A.C Sunday School Manual For September 1, 2024 : Lesson 31: Topic – THE GIFT OF VISIONS

By | September 1, 2024
C.A.C Sunday School Manual For September 1, 2024 : Lesson 31: Topic – THE GIFT OF VISIONS
Nigeria And Overseas
LESSON Thirty-Two
1st September, 2024
As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams (Daniel 1:17)
The gift of seeing visions is the divine ability to see what may be called ‘waking dreams’ just like in the case of Apostle Peter in Acts 10. God still gives visions to His people today.
This verse highlights a significant aspect of the story of Daniel and his three friends, who were taken into captivity in Babylon. Despite being in a foreign land and subjected to cultural assimilation efforts, they remained faithful to their God. In response to their faithfulness and commitment, God blessed them with wisdom, knowledge and understanding, enabling them to excel in their studies and service in the Babylonian court. It also highlights Daniel’s special gift of interpretation of dreams, and visions, which becomes a central theme throughout the Book of Daniel. The knowledge and wisdom granted to these four young men by God allowed them to navigate the challenges they faced in Babylon and serve as exemplary figures of faith in a foreign land, setting an example for all believers seeking to make progress and be relevant in life.
Mon. Aug. 26:* The LORD Gives Samuel A Vision (1 Sam. 3:4-10)
Tue. Aug. 27:* The LORD Gives Daniel Visions (Dan. 7:1-3)
Wed. Aug. 28:* The Lord Ministers Vision To Ananias (Acts 9:10-16)
Thur. Aug. 29:* The Lord Visits Cornelius (Acts 10:1-7)
Fri. Aug. 30:* The Lord Directs Paul Via Vision (Act 16:9-10)
Sat. Aug. 31:* The Lord Makes Paul See Heaven (2 Cor. 12:1-3)
1. God still grants visions to believers, allowing them to perceive His plans, purposes and messages.
2. Vision can play significant roles in believers’ spiritual growth and deepening their faith. It can provide a profound sense of God’s presence and reinforce a believer’s relationship with the divine.
*AIM:* The aim of this lesson is to present the gift of visions as a spiritual gift.
*OBJECTIVES:* By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:
i. show and explain that the gift of visions is a spiritual gift; and
ii. discuss the operation of the gift of visions.
*TEXTUAL SOURCE: NUMBERS 12:6-8; 24:4; PSALM 25:14,15; DANIEL 2:19; ACTS 2:17*
Now thank we our God is our song for allowing a week to pass and ushering in another. May His name be praised (Amen). *GIFTS OF DREAMS AND INTERPRETATION* was our topic in the previous week. We have seen that these gifts are still in operation in the Church. May God in heaven help us all to attain unto His best, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
This week, we shall be considering another topic: *THE GIFT OF VISIONS.* This is a spiritual gift not mentioned in the traditional lists of spiritual gifts in the NT. Yet, the concept can be related to several spiritual gifts and aspects of Christian life. Here, we shall be looking at the uniqueness and operation of the gift. May God open the eyes of our understanding as we explore this gift of visions, in Jesus’ name.
I. DEFINITION (Num. 12:6-8; 24:4; Acts 2:17)
And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, …your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams (Acts 2:17).
a) Acts 2:17: This reiterates Joel’s prophecy (2:28). The gift of visions is promised for the Church Age as a sign of the Spirit’s outpouring.
b) Num. 12:6-8: Visions involve supernaturally seeing things that are not present in the physical realm. YAHWEH commended this in Moses-receiving clear mental images or revelations.
c) 24:4: The gift is the Spirit-enabled ability to see ‘waking dreams’ that the Spirit gives with eyes wide open. Visions are divine revelations given in visible form, during waking moments, in prayer, meditation or other spiritual encounters.
d) Visions may be symbolic or literal, but the key aspect is that, they provide insight into God’s intentions (cf. Acts 10:9-16). The gift is the spiritual ability to see what heaven sees (cf. Gen. 15:1-2,5).
e) Visions are different from dreams, in that, the latter typically occur during sleep and involve series of thoughts, images, or experiences that may be connected to real-life events, personal thoughts, or even spiritual insights (cf. Eccl. 5:3; Dan. 4:5).
f) Spiritually, vision can be a supernatural, or divine experience in which an individual believes he has received a message, insight, or revelation from God. It is often considered significant and may influence one’s beliefs, actions and/or spirituality.
II. OPERATION (Psa. 25:14,15; Dan. 2:19)
Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. So Daniel blessed the God of heaven (Dan. 2:19).
a) We have records of persons who exercised the gift-Abram (Gen. 15); Samuel (1 Sam. 3); Daniel (7-12); Ananias (Acts 9:10-16); Peter (10:1ff); John (Rev. 1ff). Paul has 8 to his credit-Acts 9:3-19; Gal. 2:2; Acts 16:9-10; 18:9-10; 22; 23:11:27:23-24; 2 Cor. 12:1ff.
b) Dan. 2:19: Vision-seeing is a distinct supernatural phenomenon. Those who experience it often describe it as vivid, intense and distinct from normal/natural sensory perception.
c) Individuals, throughout history, have reported receiving visions that guided them in making important life’s decisions, or ministry directions (Acts 11:4-17; 26:19).
d) On February 17, 1930, late Prophet Daniel Orekoya had a theophany of 3 angels from God who delivered to him some of our liturgical practices in CAC, including legacies of divine healing, caring for ministers, and avoiding fetish things, sexual sins, the use of jewellery and artificial hairs, etc.
e) Psa. 25:14,15: Visions are ways in which God reveals mysteries to His people. But people can use them to deceive and rob the susceptible and unsuspecting, hence the need for caution.
f) Isa. 6:1ff: Visions should reveal God’s sglory (vv. 1-4), expose man’s weakness (v. 5), leave man dumbfounded (cf. Ezk. 3:15), and come with interpretation and solution (cf. Dan. 7:28; 8:15-17).
g) They are for warning, encouragement, guidance, communion with God, revealing the future, and evangelism. Yet, they are subjective, hence the need to guard against abuse and misuse.
h) To ascertain the validity, subject the vision to the Scripture (cf. 1 Jn. 4:1ff). Does it reflect God’s character and wisdom? Is it redemptive in nature? Is there any inner conviction that it is from God? Does it align with God, our Source (Rev. 5:11-13)?
i) Every vision must operate in alignment with the infallible Word of God – the Holy Bible (Heb. 1:1-2; 1 Jn. 1:1-3); while man also must run with it, for result (Hab. 2:2-3).
1. God still communicates His mind to His people through visions, for revelation, guidance, direction, correction and instruction.
2. A vision must be consistent with God’s character and Word, for it to be regarded as being from God. Don’t be deceived.
1. Discuss the uniqueness of the gift of visions.
2. How can we curb the excesses of people who claim to be operating the gift of visions in the Church?
Visions are highly subjective experiences; typically, unique to the individual who receives them, and the content and meaning of the visions can be deeply personal.
Visions come in various forms; some people claim to have prophetic visions that provide glimpses into the future, while others have visions that offer insights into past events, or unresolved issues. Some visions are vivid and life-like, while others are more symbolic, or abstract in nature.
A vision received by one person can sometimes lead to significant social, or religious movements, emphasising their unique and far- reaching effects.
Summarily, the uniqueness of the gift of visions lies in its deeply personal and subjective nature, its diverse forms, cultural and spiritual significance, impact on individuals, societies, and the Church at large.
Encourage members of the Church to be discerning and critical thinkers. Provide educational resources, workshops, or sermons that help congregants distinguish between genuine spiritual experiences and potential abuses, or exaggerations.
Develop and communicate clear doctrinal guidelines and standards regarding the use of spiritual gifts, including visions. Make these guidelines part of the church’s teachings and ensure that members understand them.
Ensure that the Church provides thorough teaching on spiritual gifts, their biblical basis, and their purposes. This can help demystify the concept of visions and foster a more informed congregation.
Provide pastoral care and counselling for individuals who claim to have visions. This can help them process their experiences and ensure they are not misusing their gifts.
According to the biography written in 2021 by Timothy Smith Babatunde, a Ph.D student in JABU, Sophia Odunlami’s divine call began during her struggle with influenza in 1918. She was bedridden; she had a divine encounter and heard a voice predicting her healing and the end of World War I. The prophecy came true when the war ended on November 11, 1918. After her recovery, she received another message stating that those afflicted with the virus would die, if they relied on orthodox, or traditional medicine but would be healed through the divine power of rainwater. This message led to healing miracles as rain started falling. Sophia, despite warnings from her father and an Anglican vicar, spoke of her revelations, and her prophecies became public, spreading healing and prompting her to embark on a formal prophetic campaign in 1919. Here we see the manifestation of the gift of seeing visions. God still continues doing this today.
This is the end of the study on the Gift of Visions. We thank God for helping us to understand the lesson. Let us pray that He will guide those with this gift to operate it within the confines of the Spirit’s enablement, in Jesus’ name.

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